Справочник по энергии, производимой на базе древесины

Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) – Tanzania (2013)

Страны реализации
United Republic of Tanzania

The objectives of the formulating the strategy were to: 1) identify means of ensuring a more sustainable supply of biomass energy; 2) raise the efficiency with which biomass energy is produced and utilized, 3) promote access to alternative energy sources where appropriate and affordable; and 4) ensure an enabling institutional environment for implementation.

Ключевые слова
Tanzania, biomass energy, assessment, strategy, institutional setup, demand-supply, stakeholder consultation, action plan, policy, regulatory framework, woodfuel, charcoal kiln, cookstove, renewable, energy efficiency, energy access
Тип инициативы
Стратегия или План действий
Уровень реализации инициативы
Ministry of Energy and Minerals (Tanzania)
Финансирующее агентство
European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF)