Справочник по энергии, производимой на базе древесины

Republic of Sudan Forest Reference Level (FRL) submission to UNFCCC

Near East and North Africa
Страны реализации
This document presents Sudan’s first sub-national Forest Reference Level (FRL) that addresses the findings and observations made during the UNFCCC technical assessment. The stated objectives in the national REDD+ strategy include: 1) Adopt environmentally-friendly energy policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency in production and use including improved firewood & charcoal stoves and conversion of wood into charcoal; 2) Increase production of firewood and charcoal from sustainably managed forest plantations; 3) Promote sustainable production, consumption and usage of woodfuel; and 4) Support of private sector investment in production and dissemination of solar cook stoves, investment in ethanol, biogas digesters and biogas cookers.
Ключевые слова
Biomass, fuelwood, land use change, forest resource
Тип инициативы
Обзор и исследование сектора
Уровень реализации инициативы
Sudan’s Forests National Corporation (FNC)