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STRATEGIE ET PLAN D’ACTION POUR LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE LA GRANDE MURAILLE VERTE A DJIBOUTI (SGMVD, 2011) - Strategy and Action Plan for the Implementation of the Great Green Wall in Djibouti

Страны реализации
The action plan for implementing this strategy covers agroforestry, improvement of pastures and recovery of degraded land and reforestation, and electrification of rural villages and camps, among others. The energy section of the action plan touched the following points: charcoal production, sale of wood and charcoal to urban centers, use of 3-stone fireplaces with low thermal efficiency, annual exploitation exceeding wood productivity on the Great Green Wall route, the price increase of kerosene pushing populations back on wood and charcoal for energy.
Ключевые слова
Djibouti, Great Green Wall, Strategy, action plan
Тип инициативы
Стратегия или План действий
Уровень реализации инициативы