Catálogo de Dendroenergía


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TítuloRegiónPaísesTipo de iniciativasNivel de intervenciónAño de inicioAño final
Propellets Africa – an online platform dedicated to advancing sustainable pellet production and usage in AfricaAfrica Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1672531200.0000002023 Wood pellets, clean cooking, Africa, information sharing World Bioenergy Association  
A Vision for Clean Cooking Access for All – A Special Report of the World Energy Outlook (2023)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1672531200.0000002023 Clean cooking, energy access, assessment, outlookInternational Energy Agency (IEA); African Development Bank (AfDB)  
Bioenergy sustainability in the global South - Constraints and opportunities Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1672531200.0000002023 Bioenergy, sustainability, guidanceCIFOR-ICRAF 
Bioenergy for the Transition: Ensuring Sustainability and Overcoming Barriers (IRENA, 2022)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1640995200.0000002022 Bioenergy, energy transition, sustainability, barriers, policy measuresInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 
Clean Cooking Industry Snapshot 2022Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1640995200.0000002022 Clean cooking, private sector, industry trends, investment, CCA Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) 
Guidelines on Sustainable Bamboo Energy Production and Investment in AfricaAfrica Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1640995200.0000002022 Bamboo, bioenergy, guidelines, project development International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR) 
UN-Energy Plan of Action towards 2025Global Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1640995200.00000020221640995200.0000002025Energy, action plan, UN-Energy, inter-agency collaboration, United NationsUN-Energy  
WHO Household Energy Policy RepositoryGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1640995200.0000002022 Household energy, policy, database, repository World Health Organization (WHO) 
IRENA Bioenergy SimulatorGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1640995200.0000002022 Bioenergy, simulation, potential assessment, model, toolkit, agricultural residues, livestock waste, and forest plantations, online tool, IRENAInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 
The Future of Forest Products in a Changing Climate: Bioenergy from Forests Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1640995200.0000002022 Bioenergy, climate change, biomass, carbon accounting, forests, policyThe Yale Forest Forum 
ISO 16559:2022 Solid biofuels — VocabularyGlobal Leyes o regulacionesGlobal1640995200.0000002022 Standards, ISO, solid biofuel, vocabulary, biomass, terminologyInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO) 
Scaling sustainable energy services for displaced people and their hosts - How policy and governance make a difference AfricaEthiopia - Rwanda - Uganda - United Republic of TanzaniaRevisión y estudio del sectorVarios países1640995200.0000002022 Clean energy, energy access, case study, refugee, displacement, policy, governanceChatham House 
Clean cooking and nature-based climate solutionGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1640995200.0000002022 Clean cooking, nature-based solution, climate changeClean Cooking Alliance (CCA) 
Policy Brief: Slow Advancements in Sustainable Energy - Taking stock of SDG 7 progress in Asia and the PacificAsia and the Pacific Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1640995200.0000002022 Policy brief, SDG7, sustainable energy, progress, Asia and the PacificEconomic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)  
Scaling up biomass for the energy transition - Untapped opportunities in Southeast Asia (IRENA, 2022)Asia and the PacificIndonesia - Malaysia - Myanmar - Thailand - Viet NamRevisión y estudio del sectorRegional1640995200.0000002022 Bioenergy, pathway, transformation, transition, energy security, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, MyanmarInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 
The Clean Cooking Planning Tool: A New Resource to Explore the Costs and Benefits of Transitioning to Clean CookingGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1640995200.0000002022 Energy access, planning, tool, clean cooking, costs and benefits, transition, pathwayWorld Bank, Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP),  
Nigeria Energy Transition Plan – The pathways to universal access to energy by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 AfricaNigeriaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1640995200.0000002022 Nigeria, energy transition plan, pathway, SDG7, energy access, carbon neutralityEnergy Transition Commission (of Nigeria); Sustainable Energy for All 
Africa Energy Outlook 2022 Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1640995200.0000002022 requirements, financing options, policy priorities, fuel mix, resilient developmentInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Synthesis Review of Bamboo Bioenergy Production in AfricaAfrica Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1640995200.0000002022 Bamboo, bioenergy, charcoal, Africa International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR) 
Uganda: Sustainable Energy Response Plan (SERP) for refugees and the host communities (2022-2025)AfricaUgandaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1640995200.00000020221640995200.0000002025Uganda, sustainable energy, energy access, refugee, sustainabilityMinistry of Energy and Mineral Development (Uganda) 
Clean and modern energy for cooking - A path to food security and sustainable development Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1640995200.0000002022 Clean cooking, cooking fuels and technologies, stoves, humanitarian assistance World Food Programme (WFP) 
Uganda Energy Access Scale-up Project (World Bank, 2022-2027)AfricaUgandaPrograma o proyectoNacional1640995200.00000020221640995200.0000002027Uganda, energy access, scale-up, refugee, clean cookingWorld Bank; Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD)… 
Clean Cooking ExplorerGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1640995200.0000002022 Clean cooking, planning tool, geospatial platform, datasets, demand and supply, Nepal Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) 
Woodfuel Consumption in Refugee Hosting Areas and Its Impact on the Surrounding Forests—The Case of UgandaAfricaUgandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1640995200.0000002022 refugee settlements; Uganda; woodfuel; forest degradation; energy; livelihoodsFAO 
Modern Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA, 2022-2027)AfricaDemocratic Republic of the Congo - Kenya - Mozambique - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - ZimbabwePrograma o proyectoRegional1640995200.00000020221640995200.0000002027Clean cooking, financial facility, AfricaNefco – the Nordic Green Bank, … 
India Energy Outlook 2021 Asia and the PacificIndiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1609459200.00000020211609459200.0000002021India, energy outlook, opportunities, challenges, SDG7, pathways, trends, scenarios, electricity, biomass, cooking fuel, transformationInternational Energy Agency  
Guide to Green Charcoal Production (in English and French)Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorVarios países1609459200.0000002021 Guide, green charcoal, production, Africa  
ISO 17225:2021 Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classesGlobal Leyes o regulacionesGlobal1609459200.0000002021 ISO standard, solid biofuels, specifications, classification, pellets, briquettes, chips, firewoodInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO) 
Tanzania National Forestry Research Master Plan III 2021-2031AfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1609459200.00000020211609459200.0000002031Forestry Research, Forestry Knowledge Production, Management of Natural Forests, Foresty Policy and Governance, Urban and Farm Forestry, Forest Resources Assessment, Sustainable Harvesting, Sustainable UtilizationsMINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND TOURISM; Tanzania Forestry Research Institute1
Scenarios for the Energy Transition - Experience and Good Practices in Latin America and the CaribbeanLatin America and the CaribbeanArgentina - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Mexico - Panama - Peru - UruguayRevisión y estudio del sectorRegional1609459200.00000020211609459200.0000002022Energy transition, planning, scenario development, good practice, Latin AmericaInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) ... 
Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP)Global Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1609459200.00000020211609459200.0000002030Renewable energy, energy transition, energy access, emission reduction, job creation, investment, funding   
World Energy Transitions Outlook (IRENA)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1609459200.0000002021 Energy transition, outlook, pathway, GHG emissions, Paris Agreement, renewable energy, climate change, global energy landscape, net zero, technology choices, investment needs, modern bioenergyInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 
Primary Household Energy for Cooking and Heating in 52 Developing Economies Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1609459200.0000002021 Household energy, preference, cooking, heating, survey, data, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, MICS, UNICEF, wood, gas, LPG, electricity, biogas, ethanol, solar cookerESMAP/World Bank 
Energy access assessment in displacement settings in Northern MozambiqueAfricaMozambiqueRevisión y estudio del sectorSubpaís1609459200.0000002021 Energy access, clean cooking, assessment, displacement, MozambiqueInternational Organization for Migration - Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM/ IOM) 
Tanzania: The National Charcoal Strategy and Action Plan (2021–2031)AfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1609459200.00000020211609459200.0000002031Tanzania, charcoal, national strategy, action planMinistry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT, Tanzania) 
Forest Management and Sustainable Charcoal Value Chain in Uganda (2021-2025)AfricaUgandaPrograma o proyectoNacional1609459200.00000020211609459200.0000002025Uganda, charcoal, value chain, sustainable forest management FAO; Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE, Uganda); Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD, Uganda) 
Net Zero by 2050 - A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector (IEA, 2021)Global Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1609459200.0000002021 Energy transition, energy transformation, net zero emission, roadmap, pathwayInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Principles for ecosystem restoration to guide the United Nations Decade 2021–2030Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1609459200.00000020211609459200.0000002030Ecosystem restoration, principles, best practice  
Global Energy Review 2021 - Economic impacts of Covid-19Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1609459200.0000002021 Global review, energy demand, impacts, Covid-19, pandemic, GHG emissionsInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Transitioning to Modern Energy Cooking Services in Cameroon - A policy review of the energy sector (2021)AfricaCameroonRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1609459200.0000002021 Cameroon, energy transition, clean cooking, policy review, electric cooking, LPGMECS 
Policy and market review for modern energy cooking in Rwanda (2021)AfricaRwandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1609459200.0000002021 Rwanda, policy review, market assessment, clean cooking, electric cookingEnergy 4 Impact; Loughborough University (UK); Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) programme 
Black Gold -The charcoal grey market in Kenya, Uganda and South SudanAfricaKenya - South Sudan - UgandaRevisión y estudio del sectorVarios países1609459200.0000002021 Charcoal, market, trade, regulation, enforcement, charcoal flows, criminality, cartels, corruption, violence, Kenya, Uganda, South SudanGlobal Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime 
PREFOREST CONGO - Project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from forests in five departments in the Republic of Congo (2021-2028)AfricaCongoPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1609459200.00000020211609459200.0000002028Congo, agroforestry, fuelwood plantationFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAEP)... 
Clean Energy Transitions in the Sahel Africa - Near East and North Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1609459200.0000002021 Energy transition, pathways, clean energy, trends, Sahel, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal International Energy Agency (IEA) 
Options for Securing Feedstock for Charcoal in the Global SouthAfrica - Asia and the PacificKenya - Malaysia - United Republic of TanzaniaPrograma o proyectoVarios países1609459200.0000002021 charcoal, wood energy, sustainable feedstock, agroforestry, mangrove, managed woodlands, wood sourcingRegreening Africa (ICRAF), Tanzania Forest Conservation Group, Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve1
Charcoal Briquette Enterprises - Challenges and Opportunities in East AfricaAfricaKenya - UgandaPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1609459200.0000002021 charcoal, charcoal briquettes, wood energy, sustainable feedstock, clean cooking, biomass fuel, business modelICRAF, Chardust Ltd, GreenBio Energy Ltd., Nyalore Impact Ltd., The Charcoal Project1
COVID-19’s Impact on the Transition to Clean Cooking Fuels: Initial Findings from a Case Study in Rural KenyaAfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorSubpaís1609459200.0000002021 Clean cooking, COVID-19, pandemic, fuel supply, wood, charcoal, LPG, biogas, transition, case study, KenyaESMAP/World Bank; Berkeley Air Monitoring Group (BAMG) 
Sudan REDD+ Programme Strategic Environmental and Social AssessmentNear East and North AfricaSudanPrograma o proyectoNacional1609459200.0000002021 Sustainable energy, energy efficiency, forest landscape, agroforestryForest National Corporation, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources 
Action Plan for the Implementation of Sudan's National Forest Monitoring SystemNear East and North AfricaSudanEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1609459200.0000002021 Woodfuel, forest products, sustainable forests management, forestry policyForests National Corporation of Sudan (FNC) 
Republic of Sudan Forest Reference Level (FRL) submission to UNFCCCNear East and North AfricaSudanRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1609459200.0000002021 Biomass, fuelwood, land use change, forest resourceSudan’s Forests National Corporation (FNC) 
Alternatives to Charcoal Project in Zambia (2021-2026) AfricaZambiaPrograma o proyectoNacional1609459200.00000020211609459200.0000002026Zambia, charcoal, alternative energy, deforestation, cooking fuel, electric stoves, LPG, wood pellets, market-driven, private sectorTetra Tech ARD  
One Trillion Trees InitiativeGlobal Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1609459200.00000020211609459200.0000002030Tree plantation, forest, landscape, restoration, conservation, campaign, trillion trees, multi-stakeholder, partnership, upscale, carbon captureWorld Economic Forum 
Financing options for bioenergy projects and programmes (GBEP, 2021)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1609459200.0000002021 Bioenergy, project development, resource mobilization, financing, investment, funding instrumentsGlobal Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) 
The Renewable Energy Transition in Africa - Powering Access, Resilience and ProsperityAfrica - Near East and North Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1609459200.0000002021 Africa, renewables, energy transition, energy access, energy security, power strategy, low-carbon growthKfW, GIZ, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 
National Renewable Energy Policy of Zimbabwe (2020)AfricaZimbabwePolíticaNacional1577836800.0000002020 Renewable energy, policy, incentives, targets, NDCs, ZimbabweMinistry of Energy and Power Development (of Zimbabwe) 
Charcoal value chains in Kenya: a 20-year synthesisAfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1577836800.0000002020 Wood fuel value chain; Charcoal; Biomass energy; Gender; Kenya; Greenhouse gasesWorld Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) 
A solid wood bioheat guide for rural and remote communities in OntarioNorth AmericaCanadaRevisión y estudio del sectorSubpaís1577836800.0000002020 Guide, woodfuel, cordwood, firewood, wood chips, wood briquettes, wood pellets, stoves, furnaces, boilers, space heating, buildings, Canada FPInnovations 
Integrated Development, Planning and Wood Energy in Madagascar (Développement Intégré, Aménagement et Bois Energie, DIABE)AfricaMadagascarPrograma o proyectoNacional1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002025Wood energy, charcoal, policy, demand, supply, plantation, regional plan, MadagascarCIRAD; Planète Urgence; Association Intercoopération Madagascar 
The State of Access to Modern Energy Cooking Services (2020)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1577836800.0000002020 Clean cooking, energy access, modern energy cooking solution, SDG7, traditional fuels, health impacts, GHG emissions, climate, gender, investment gapsESMAP/World Bank  
Forest and Environment Project in CameroonAfricaCameroonPrograma o proyectoNacional1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002022Cameroon, environment, sustainable forest, charcoal, sawmill, energy-saving cookstoves, ICS, value chainGIZ; Ministère des Forêts et de la Faune (MINFOF); Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et du Développement durable (MINEPDED) 
Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable LandscapesAfrica - Asia and the Pacific - Europe and Central AsiaAngola - Botswana - Burkina Faso - Kazakhstan - Kenya - Malawi - Mongolia - Mozambique - Namibia - United Republic of Tanzania - ZimbabwePrograma o proyectoVarios países1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002025SFM, dryland, landscape, degradation, deforestation, Miombo woodlands, ecosystemsFAO; World Bank; IUCN; WWF-US; Public and Private institutions, research institutes, CSO Organizations 
Code Forestier (Loi n° 33-2020, République du Congo) - The Forest Code of the Republic of Congo (Law No. 33-2020)AfricaCongoLeyes o regulacionesNacional1577836800.0000002020 Congo, forest law, forest products  
Data Standards for Integrated Energy PlanningGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1577836800.0000002020 Integrated energy planning, geospatial modelling, energy access, dataset, data gaps, data quality, toolkit, electrification, clean cookingSustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) 
Rwanda Universal Energy Access Program (RUEAP) AfricaRwandaPrograma o proyectoNacional1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002026Rwanda, energy access, investment, clean cooking, results-based financing (RBF), phasing out charcoal, firewood, electricityMinistry of Infrastructure (Rwanda); Clean Cooking Fund 
ISO 21626:2020 Bamboo charcoalGlobal Leyes o regulacionesGlobal1577836800.0000002020 Bamboo, charcoal, specifications, requirements, test methods, standard, briquette, ISOInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO) 
Policy Briefs in Support of the High-Level Political Forum 2020: Accelerating SDG7 Achievement in the time of COVID-19Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1577836800.0000002020 SDG7, policy briefs, energy access, clean cooking, renewable energy, energy efficiency, electricity, financing, investment, political prioritization, track progress, COVID-19, resilience, economic recovery, energy transition, NDCs, regional perspectivesUnited Nations  
SDG7 Initiative for AfricaAfrica Estrategia o plan de acciónRegional1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002030SDG7, energy access, renewable energy, electricity, energy efficiency, clean cooking, geothermal, hydro, wind, solar, sustainability, governance, finance, private sector engagement, climate action, NDCs, AfricaUnited Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)  
Impacts of COVID-19 on energy access markets and clean cooking sector– Survey findings Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1577836800.0000002020 COVID-19 pandemic, energy access, clean cooking, sector survey, impacts, enterprises, NGOs, research, investment, disruption to operations, supply chain, market assessmentEnergising Development project (EnDev); Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA)  
Plan d'Action National de la Bioénergie de la Côte d'Ivoire (2020-2030)AfricaCôte d'IvoireEstrategia o plan de acciónRegional1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002030Bioénergie, Plan national, Côte d'Ivoire, bioenergyGouvernement de la Côte d'Ivoire, CEDEAO 
Bioenergy Strategy 2020 - 2027 (Kenya)AfricaKenyaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002027Bioenergy, strategy, biomass fuels, fuelwood, charcoal, policy, KenyaMinistry of Energy1
Sudan First State of Environment and Outlook Report 2020Near East and North AfricaSudanRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1577836800.0000002020 Sudan, environment, status, outlook, policy overview, institution, energy, biomass, fuelwood, charcoal, alternative energyUnited Nations Environment Programme; Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources in Sudan 
Sustainable Business Models for Tree-based Value Chains in Sub Saharan AfricaAfricaKenya - NigerRevisión y estudio del sectorVarios países1577836800.0000002020 Business models, charcoal value chains, Sub-Saharan AfricaSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU); African Forest Forum (AFF) 
Global household energy model: a multivariate hierarchical approach to estimating trends in the use of polluting and clean fuels for cooking Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1577836800.0000002020 Household energy, cooking fuel, data, model, estimation, trends, polluting fuel, clean fuel, indoor air pollution, health impactsWorld Health Organization (WHO); University of Exeter (UK) 
ENERGYDATA - Open data and analytics for a sustainable energy futureGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1577836800.0000002020 Energy, data, statistics datasets, data analytics, tool, renewable energy, energy access, clean cookingWorld Bank; International Finance Corporation (IFC) 
Clean Household Energy Solutions Toolkit (CHEST) - WHOGlobal Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1577836800.0000002020  Household energy, clean cooking, toolkit, database, needs assessment, indoor air pollution, health impacts, energy planning, stakeholder mapping; technological options, policy intervention, standards, monitoring and evaluation, communications, awarenessWorld Health Organization (WHO) 
India Energy Policy Review 2020Asia and the PacificIndiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002020India, energy sector, review, energy policy, energy market, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy security, supply-demand trends, energy assessment, electricity, power generation, climate changeInternational Energy Agency (IEA)  
Charcoal Production- The 'Dearth' of Zimbabwe's Forests (video)AfricaZimbabweRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1577836800.0000002020 Zimbabwe, charcoal, video, documentary, deforestation, degradation Forestry Commission of Zimbabwe 
Promotion of climate-friendly cooking: Kenya and SenegalAfricaKenya - SenegalPrograma o proyectoVarios países1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002025GCF, Green Climate Fund, Kenya, Senegal, improved cookstoves, ICS, market development, NDC target, GHG emissionsDeutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ); Ministry of Energy (Kenya); Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV); Senegal: ENDA Energie, Enda ECOPOP, CONCEPT 
SPARK+ Africa Fund: A Clean Cooking Ecosystem FundAfrica Programa o proyectoRegional1577836800.0000002020 Financing, fund, impact investment, debt, equity, clean cooking, Sub-Saharan Africa, business development, private sector, SMEs, stoves, ICS, biomass, LPGClean Cooking Alliance (CCA); Enabling Qapital  
FAO Statistics on Forestry Production and Trade (FOASTAT-Forestry)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1577836800.0000002020 Statistics, forestry, production and trade, online database, roundwood, wood products, fuelwood, charcoal, wood pellets, data, yearbook, FOASTATFAO 
Global Forest Resources AssessmentsGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1577836800.0000002020 forest resources, forest monitoring and assessment, sustainable forest management, management rights, forestry policies, legislation, forestry statistics, data analysis, forest products, biomass stock, woodfuel removalFAO 
Gender equity in charcoal value chains in Sub-Saharan AfricaAfrica Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1585699200.0000002020 Woodfuel, Charcoal, Gender, Women, Value chain, AfricaCenter for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); World Agroforestry (ICRAF) 
Namibia and Charcoal (video)AfricaNamibiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1577836800.0000002020 Namibia, charcoal, video, kiln, production, export, de-bushing, invasive species Gondwana Collection Namibia 
Benin Country Forest Note (World Bank, 2020)AfricaBeninRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1577836800.0000002020 Benin, forestry, assessment, investment needs, opportunitiesWorld Bank 
Forestry Policy and Implementation Strategy of Mozambique (2020)AfricaMozambiquePolíticaNacional1577836800.0000002020 Forestry policy, strategy, Mozambique, woodfuel, charcoal, value chain, efficiency improvement, forest plantations, certified woodfuels, urban demand, wood residues, financial incentives  
Land and natural resource degradation neutrality and community vulnerability reduction in selected Miombo and Mopane Ecoregions of Angola (Okavango and Cunene river basin)AfricaAngolaPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002025Angola, Sustainable Forest Management, dryland, landscape, woodfuel, land degradation, deforestation, Miombo woodlands, value chainsFAO 
Clean Energy Transitions in North AfricaNear East and North AfricaAlgeria - Egypt - Libya - Morocco - TunisiaRevisión y estudio del sectorRegional1577836800.0000002020 Energy transition, pathways, clean energy, trends, North Africa, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, TunisiaInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Uganda: Third National Development Plan (2020/21 - 2024/25)AfricaUgandaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1577836800.00000020201577836800.0000002025National Development Plan, sustainable energy, woodfuel, UgandaNational Planning Authority (of Uganda)  
Benin National Renewable Energy Development Policy (2020, Politique Nationale de Développement des Energies Renouvelables)AfricaBeninPolíticaNacional1577836800.0000002020 Benin, renewable energy, development policy Ministry of Energy (of Benin)  
Biofuels Policy of Zimbabwe (2020)AfricaZimbabwePolíticaNacional1577836800.0000002020 Zimbabwe, policy, biofuel, ethanol, sugarcane, biodiesel, JatrophaMinistry of Energy and Power Development (of Zimbabwe) 
Ghana Renewable Energy Master Plan (2019)AfricaGhanaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002030Ghana, renewable energy, master plan, investmentEnergy Commission (of Ghana)  
Uganda Woodfuels Overview (2019)AfricaUgandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Uganda, woodfuel,charcoal, overview Ministry of Water and Environment (Uganda); Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES, global partnership led by the World Bank) 
Regional Wood Energy Supply Plan for Analamanga Region, Madagascar (Schéma Régional d’Approvisionnement en Bois Energie - Région Analamanga) 2019-2030AfricaMadagascarEstrategia o plan de acciónSubpaís1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002030Woodfuel, charcoal, policy, demand, supply, plantation, regional plan, MadagascarCIRAD; Planète Urgence; Association Intercoopération Madagascar 
Forest (Sustainable Utilization of Logs, Timber, Withies, Poles or Charcoal) Regulations (2019), TanzaniaAfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1546300800.0000002019 Sustainable Forest Utilization, Forest Governance, Trees Cutting, Charcoal Production, Methods for Charcoal Production, Commercial Charcoal Production, Subsistence Charcoal Production  
Participatory Plantation Forestry Programme Phase 2 (2019-2023), Tanzania AfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaPrograma o proyectoNacional1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002023Participatory Plantation Forestry, Private Forestry, Forest Value Chains, Forest-Based Enterprises, Tree Planting, Forest Management, Sustainable Livelihoods 1
Sustainable harvest: Bioenergy potential from agroforestry and nitrogen-fixing wood crops in Africa (IRENA, 2019)Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1546300800.0000002019 Bioenergy, agroforestry, wood, biomass, nitrogen-fixing wood crop, Gliricidia, yield, potential, AfricaInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); Utrecht University 
Uganda National Bamboo Strategy and Action Plan 2019-2029AfricaUgandaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002029Uganda, bamboo, strategy, action plan, FLR, job creation, charcoal, biofuel, fuelwood, plantationMinistry of Water and Environment of Uganda; National Forestry Authority of Uganda; International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR) 
Africa Energy Outlook (2019, 2022)Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002023Energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market and trade, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrificationInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Angola's Sustainable Charcoal SectorAfricaAngolaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1564617600.0000002019 Sustainable Charcoal, Angola, Value Chain, Miombo woodlandsUNDP 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – AngolaAfricaAngolaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market and trade, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrificationInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – Côte d'IvoireAfricaCôte d'IvoireRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Côte d'Ivoire, energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrificationInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – D.R. CongoAfricaDemocratic Republic of the CongoRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrification, D.R. CongoInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – EthiopiaAfricaEthiopiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrification, EthiopiaInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – GhanaAfricaGhanaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrification, GhanaInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – KenyaAfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrification, KenyaInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – MozambiqueAfricaMozambiqueRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrification, MozambiqueInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – NigeriaAfricaNigeriaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrification, NigeriaInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – SenegalAfricaSenegalRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrification, SenegalInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Kenya Cooking Sector Study: Assessment of the Supply and Demand of Cooking Solutions at the Household LevelAfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Kenya, clean cooking, improved cookstove, data collection, household survey, remote monitoring, geo-spatial analysis, demand-supply assessment, supply chain, value chain, market study, cost analysis, investment prospects, policy formulationClean Cooking Association of Kenya (CCAK); Ministry of Energy (Kenya); Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV); Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO); Practical Action; GIZ 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – South AfricaAfricaSouth AfricaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrification, South AfricaInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Sustainability of sugarcane bagasse briquettes and charcoal value chains in Kenya - Results and recommendations from implementation of the Global Bioenergy Partnership indicators - Technical ReportAfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Kenya, bioenergy, sustainability indicators, assessment, bagasse, briquettes, charcoal, woodlandsUnited Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI); Kenya Forest Research Institute (KEFRI); World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)… 
Africa Energy Outlook 2019 – Country Overview – TanzaniaAfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Energy access, energy analysis, energy demand and production, energy policy, energy scenarios, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy market, investment prospects, regulatory and governance, rural electrification, TanzaniaInternational Energy Agency (IEA) 
Mozambique Energy for All Project (Projecto Energia para Todos - ProEnergia)AfricaMozambiquePrograma o proyectoNacional1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002023Mozambique, electrification, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action agendaWorld Bank; Ministério dos Recursos Minerais e Energia (MIREME, Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy) 
Sustainable Energy for All - Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus - Zambia AfricaZambiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1556668800.0000002019 Zambia, energy, charcoal, woodfuel, kiln, production, efficiency, stove Ministry of Energy; AfDB; UNDP 
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) - Increasing Efficiency in Harvesting, Processing, and Use of Charcoal in Zambia AfricaZambiaPrograma o proyectoNacional1546300800.0000002019 Zambia, wood, charcoal, production, kiln, stove, credit, value chainMinistry of Energy  
The potential and optimal strategies for charcoal sub-sector development in Tanzania AfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Tanzania, charcoal, sector analysis, potential, strategyMinistry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT, Tanzania) 
The State of Forestry in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges (2019)Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1546300800.0000002019 Forestry sector overview, Africa, biofuel, biodiesel, bioethanol, production, potential, deforestation, certification, SFM, GHG, climate change African Forest Forum (Nairobi, Kenya) 
Asia-Pacific Forest Sector OutlookAsia and the Pacific Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1546300800.0000002019 Asia-Pacific, forestry sector outlook, woodfuel, value chain, consumption trends, alternative energy, supply, plantations, economic viability, fuel-efficient cookstoves, bioenergyFAO and partners 
UNHCR Global Strategy for Sustainable Energy (2019-2025)Global Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002025Refugee, energy access, sustainable energy, renewable, woodfuel, charcoal, cooking fuel, lighting, electrification, household energy, emergency, resilience, natural resource, environmental degradation, protection, safety, gender, UNHCRUNHCR  
Kenya National Strategy for Achieving and Maintaining over 10% Tree Cover by 2022AfricaKenyaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002022Tree Planting, Forest Management, Landscape Restoration, Environmental Integrity, Alternative Energy Sources, Efficient Wood Conversion Technologies, Sustainability Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Kenya 
Morocco Energy Policy Review 2019Near East and North AfricaMoroccoRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Morocco, energy sector, review, policy and regulations, energy market, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy security, energy assessment, electricity, power generation, climate change, energy transitionInternational Energy Agency (IEA)  
Health and Energy Platform of Action (HEPA)Global Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1546300800.0000002019 Health, energy, platform, SDG3, SDG7, political commitment, technical cooperation, roadmap, advocacy, engagements, alignmentWorld Health Organization (WHO); UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA); UN Development Programme (UNDP); World Bank; International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 
Solid biomass supply for heat and power: Technology briefGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1546300800.0000002019 Biomass, feedstock, standard, heating, power generation, market, wood chips, co-firing, pellets, residuesInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 
Woodfuel policies and practices in selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa – a critical reviewAfricaCameroon - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Kenya - ZambiaRevisión y estudio del sectorRegional1556668800.0000002019 wood energy, charcoal, enforcement, woodfuel, governance, policies, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Zambia, Africa Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) 
Strategic Agenda 2019-2035 and National Forest Program of MozambiqueAfricaMozambiquePrograma o proyectoNacional1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002035Forest; woodfuel; charcoal; non-timber forest products 1
Mobilising Renewable Energy Investments Programme (GET.invest)AfricaBotswana - Cameroon - Côte d'Ivoire - Ghana - Kenya - Lesotho - Madagascar - Mozambique - Nigeria - Rwanda - Senegal - South Africa - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - ZimbabwePrograma o proyectoVarios países1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002021Energy, renewable, decentralized, sustainable, financing, resource mobilization, investment, funding, private sector, project developer, power producer, mini-grids, solar systems, clean cooking, sub-Saharan AfricaGIZ 
Mozambique Energy for All Project (2019-2031) - Projecto Energia para Todos (ProEnergia)AfricaMozambiquePrograma o proyectoNacional1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002031Mozambique, electrification, access to electricityMinistry of Mineral Resources and Energy (Ministério dos Recursos Minerais e Energia - MIREME); Fundo de Energia (FUNAE), Electricidade de Moçambique (EdM)  
Review of Woodfuel Biomass Production and Utilization in Africa: A Desk Study Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1546300800.0000002019 Review, woodfuel, value chain, Africa United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); African Union Commission 
Benin Gazetted Forests Management Project (2019-2026)AfricaBeninPrograma o proyectoNacional1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002026fuelwood plantation, charcoal production efficiency, charcoal kilns, BeninWorld Bank; Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Benin) 
Efficiency of charcoal production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Solutions beyond the kilnAfrica Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1556668800.0000002019 charcoal, fuelwood, kiln, forest, landscape, informal, carbonisation, mass yield, Sub-Saharan AfricaCenter for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD) 
The Energy Act (Kenya, 2019)AfricaKenyaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1546300800.0000002019 Energy Act, energy law, regulation, regulatory, monitoring, assessment, coordination, licensing, certification, inspection, audit, investigation, enforcement, KenyaEnergy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority  
Eswatini Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy 2019AfricaEswatiniPolíticaNacional1546300800.0000002019 Eswatini, energy policy, energy efficiency, energy conservation, energy accessMinistry of Natural Resources and Energy 
Uganda National Energy Policy (2002, and draft version of 2019)AfricaUgandaPolíticaNacional1546300800.0000002019 Uganda, energy policy, strategiesMinistry of Energy and Mineral Development (of Uganda) 
WRI Energy Access ExplorerAfricaKenya - Uganda - United Republic of TanzaniaRevisión y estudio del sectorVarios países1546300800.0000002019 Energy access, electricity access gap, online interactive platform, toolkit, mapping, visualization, energy data, dataset, download, energy demand and supply, energy markets, satellite imageryWorld Resources Institute (WRI) and partners 
Sustainability of Biogas and Solid Biomass Value Chains in Ethiopia (2019)AfricaEthiopiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Sustainability indicators, biogas, bioenergy, solid biomass, value chain, EthiopiaEnvironment, Forest and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC) & Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute (EEFRI) 
From rainforest to charcoal - a video of DW DocumentaryGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorVarios países1546300800.0000002019 Charcoal production, tropical forest, documentary, video, Nigeria, D.R. Congo, Europe, barbecues, certification, deforestation, charcoal tradeDW Documentary 
Forest Landscape Restoration through a Sustainable Wood Energy Value Chain in GhanaAfricaGhanaPrograma o proyectoNacional1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002023Ghana, Forest Landscape Restoration, wood energy, fuelwood, charcoal, efficient kiln, ICS, value chainGIZ; Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources (Ghana) 
National dialogue on sustainable charcoal production and utilisation in Uganda - Workshop proceedings (2019)AfricaUgandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1546300800.0000002019 Policy dialogue, sustainable charcoal, Uganda  
Lao PDR Clean Cook Stove Initiative ProjectAsia and the PacificLao People's Democratic RepublicPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1546300800.00000020191546300800.0000002025Laos, energy access, woodfuel, charcoal, clean cookstove, improved stove, biomass gasifier, biomass pellets, carbon finance, carbon emission reduction, household energy, results-based financingWorld Bank; Ministry of Energy and Mines; Institute for Renewable Energy Promotion 
Malawi REDD+ Program - National Forest Reference Level (2019)AfricaMalawiEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1546300800.0000002019 Deforestation, Forest Degradation, Climate Change, Climate Change Mitigation, Emissions Reduction, Greenhouse Gases, REDD+, Forestry, Forest Carbon, Carbon StocksMinistry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining  
Liberia Forest Sector Project (2016-2023) - Opportunities for Charcoal and Sustainable Forest ManagementAfricaLiberiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002019Liberia, charcoal, potential, policy review, regulations, business model, strategy, SFM World Bank  
Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa - A collection of good practices (IRENA, 2018)Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002019Bioenergy, fuelwood, charcoal, sustainability, solution, Sub-Saharan Africa, good practice, collection, feedstock, deforestation, household energy, agriculture, forestry, environment, financeInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)1
Forestry and Value Chains Development Program in Tanzania (2018-2022; 2022-2024)AfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaPrograma o proyectoNacional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002024Forest products, value chain development, charcoal, TanzaniaMinistry of Natural Resources and Tourism (Tanzania)1
Transitioning low income economies toward the use of Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) Global Programa o proyectoGlobal1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002023Clean cooking solutions, innovative approaches, innovation, transition, wood fuel, charcoal, biomass energy, electric cooking, solar PV, electricity, battery, energy storage, modern energy, alternative energy, business modelsESMAP/ World Bank; Loughborough University (UK) 
Managing Forests in Displacement SettingsGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002018Refugees, forest degradation, deforestation, forest rehabilitation, sustainable forest management, wood production, woodfuel, forest plantations, site preparation, monitoring and evaluationFAO, UNHCR 
Rwanda Energy Sector Strategic Plan (2018/19 - 2023/24)AfricaRwandaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002024Rwanda, strategic plan, energy sector planning, energy access, electricity, biomass, petroleum, cleaning cookingMinistry of Infrastructure (Rwanda) 
Sustainable Woodfuel Brief SeriesAfrica Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002021Woodfuel, charcoal, value chains, finance, trade, forest managementCIFOR-ICRAF 
National Investment Plan to Reduce Deforestation and Forest Degradation (Zambia, 2018-2022)AfricaZambiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002022Zambia, REDD, investment, plan, wood, fuel, charcoal, plantation, production, efficiency, alternative, renewable, Ministry of National Development Planning; Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources (MLNR) 
Wood energy in the ECE Region : data, trends and outlook in Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and North AmericaEurope and Central Asia - North America Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002018Data, statistics, trends, market outlook, greener economy, commercial wood energy, cooking, heating, electricity generation, wood pellets, policy instrument, sustainability, UNECE Region, Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, North AmericaUNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section 
Improved charcoal technologies and briquette production from woody residues in MalawiAfricaMalawiRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002018Biomass, energy, woodfuel, charcoal, briquettes, improve kiln, production technology, resource assessment, techno-economic assessment, MalawiFAO 
Study on use of biomass cookstoves and fuels in institutions in Kenya AfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1514764800.0000002018 Kenya, clean cooking, improved cookstove, institutional stove, fuel mix, survey, data collection, firewood, charcoal, LPG, GHG emissions, market study, adoption, cost analysis, investment prospects, policy formulationClean Cooking Association of Kenya (CCAK); Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV); Climate and Energy (C&E) Advisory Ltd 
Impact of wood-based energy on Forests in IndiaAsia and the PacificIndiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002018Fuelwood consumption, data, disaggregation, India, impact, forest degradation, GHG emissionsJ. V. Sharma, The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI, India) 
Forests and Energy – A background report prepared for the United Nations Forum on Forests (2018)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1514764800.0000002018 Forest, energy, assessment, SDG7, energy access, renewable energy, wood energy, sustainable development, policy instrumentUnited Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF)  
National Expert SDG Tool for Energy Planning (NEXSTEP)Asia and the Pacific Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002022Energy planning, transition, pathways, planning tool, modeling, SDG7, roadmapEconomic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)... 
South Sudan First State of Environment and Outlook Report 2018AfricaSouth SudanRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1514764800.0000002018 South Sudan, environment status, policy overview, outlook, energy, biomass, fuelwood, charcoal, cooking stove, alternative energy, deforestation, displaced peopleUnited Nations Environment Programme; Ministry of Environment and Forestry (of South Sudan) 
Renewable Energy Directive (EU) Europe and Central Asia Leyes o regulacionesVarios países1514764800.0000002018 Renewable Energy Directive, EU, clean energy, biofuel, bioliquids, biomass fuel, bioenergy, sustainability, greenhouse gas emissionsEuropean Parliament; Council of Ministers of the European Union; Governments of EU countries  
Promoting better access to modern energy services through sustainable mini-grids and low-carbon bioenergy technologies among Guinea-Bissau’s forest-dependent communitiesAfricaGuinea-BissauPrograma o proyectoNacional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002023Bioenergy, firewood, efficient stoves, charcoal, improved kiln, financial incentives, business model, value chain, forest-dependent communities, low carbon, Guinea-Bissau UNDP; Secretariat of State of Environment; Ministry of Energy; National Institute for Research and Applied Technology 
Kenya National Climate Change Action Plan 2018-2022AfricaKenyaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002022Kenya, climate change, action plan, clean cooking Ministry of Environment and Forestry 
Sustainable bioenergy potential in Zambia – An integrated bioenergy and food security assessment AfricaZambiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002020Bioenergy, sustainability, assessment, resource potential, biomass feedstock, cooking and heating, biofuel, ZambiaFAO; Ministry of Energy of Zambia 
Programme Framework for Affordable Renewable Energy in Swaziland/Eswatini (2018)AfricaEswatiniPrograma o proyectoNacional1514764800.0000002018 Energy access, renewable energy, EswatiniMinistry of Natural Resources and Energy 
Biofuels Act of Uganda (2018) AfricaUgandaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1514764800.0000002018 Uganda, biofuels, biodiesel, bioethanol, law, regulations  
Eswatini Energy Masterplan 2034AfricaEswatiniEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002034Energy policy, energy planning, masterplan, Eswatini, woody biomassMinistry of Natural Resources and Energy, Eswatini  
Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program for Low-Income Countries (SREP) – Investment Plan for Zambia, 2018-2020AfricaZambiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1519862400.00000020181519862400.0000002020Biomass Energy, Strategy, clean energy, cooking, charcoal, stoves, production, efficiency, Kiln, innovative financing, Renewable energy, Low-Income Countries, Zambia, World Bank, Ministry of Energy  
Eswatini National Energy Policy 2018AfricaEswatiniPolíticaNacional1514764800.0000002018 Eswatini, national energy policyMinistry of Natural Resources and Energy 
National Energy Policy (Kenya, 2018)AfricaKenyaPolíticaNacional1514764800.0000002018 National energy policy, coal, renewable energy, electricity, energy efficiency, environment, safety; energy services, energy financing, pricing, KenyaMinistry of Energy (Kenya) 
Global Plan of Action for Sustainable Energy Solutions in Situations of DisplacementGlobal Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1514764800.00000020181514764800.0000002030Refugee, energy access, clean energy, renewable energy, improved cookstove, adaptation, environmental change, displacement, humanitarian, relocation, resettlement, migrationUnited Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), UNHCR … 
National Energy Policy (Malawi, 2018)AfricaMalawiPolíticaNacional1514764800.0000002018 National energy policy, biomass, renewable energy, electricity, fossil fuel, gas, petroleum, implementation, MalawiMinistry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining (Malawi) 
National Energy Policy of Malawi (2018)AfricaMalawiPolíticaNacional1514764800.0000002018 Biomass Energy, Energy Security, Clean Energy, Efficient Energy Sector, Sustainable Energy Services, Social Equity, Affordable Energy Sources, Sustainability  
“Clean” Cooking Energy in Uganda – technologies, impacts, and key barriers and enablers to market accelerationAfricaUgandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1483228800.0000002017 Clean cooking, Uganda, barriers, market acceleration  
Malawi Renewable Energy Strategy 2017-2030AfricaMalawiEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1483228800.00000020171483228800.0000002030Renewable Energy, Bioenergy, Biomass Energy, Energy Security, Universal Energy Access, Clean Energy Sources, Sustainability  
Benin Energy Service Improvement Project – Woodfuel Component AfricaBeninPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1483228800.00000020171483228800.0000002023Benin, firewood, woodfuel, biomass, energy-efficient charcoal production, improved cookstove, woodlot, tree planting, community-based forest management, participatory forest management, gender equity Ministry of Energy, Water and Mines 
Bioenergy from degraded land in Africa: Sustainable and technical potential under Bonn Challenge pledges (IRENA, 2017)Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1483228800.00000020171483228800.0000002017data, methodology, AFR100, AfricaInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); Utrecht University 
Scalable Business Models for Alternative Biomass Cooking Fuels and Their Potential in Sub-Saharan Africa Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1483228800.0000002017 Biomass energy, cooking fuel, business models, clean cooking, biofuel, market assessment, briquettes, pellets, ethanol, household energy, Sub-Saharan Africa World Bank; ESMAP 
Atlas of Africa Energy Resources (UNEP, 2017)Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1483228800.0000002017 Atlas, Africa, energy resources, production, consumption, trends, potential, maps, charts, images, data sources, opportunities, markets, country profilesAfrican Development Bank (AfDB); Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA); United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)… 
Seventh National Development Plan of Zambia (2017-2021)AfricaZambiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1483228800.00000020171483228800.0000002021Zambia, energy, development plan, renewable, wood, fuelMinistry of National Development Planning 
Malawi National Charcoal Strategy (2017–2027)AfricaMalawiEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1483228800.00000020171483228800.0000002027Malawi, charcoal, national strategy, deforestation, woodfuel, firewood, sustainable production, alternative energy, cookstoves, cooking fuel, laws and regulations, legal license, behavior changeMinistry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining1
Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape ProjectAfricaZambiaPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1483228800.00000020171483228800.0000002022Zambia, forest landscape restoration, fuel wood, charcoal, forest planation, community woodlots, sustainable forest management, improved cookstoves, Miombo woodlands, agroforestry, afforestation, reforestationMinistry of National Development Planning (Zambia); World Bank  
Governing multifunctional landscapes in Sub-Saharan Africa: managing trade-offs between social and ecological impactsAfricaCameroon - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ghana - Kenya - ZambiaPrograma o proyectoVarios países1512086400.00000020171512086400.0000002021Forest, landscape, wood, fuel, charcoal, governance, Cameroon, Congo Basin region, Zambia, and KenyaCIFOR |European Forest Institute|FAO|Forest and Farm Facility|World Agroforestry |GIZ  
Uganda Green Growth Development Strategy 2017/8-2030/1 AfricaUgandaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1483228800.00000020171483228800.0000002030Uganda, wood, charcoal, kiln, efficiency National Planning Authority (NPA); Climate Change Department (CCD) of the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE); Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MFPED); UNDP 
The charcoal transition - Greening the charcoal value chain to mitigate climate change and improve local livelihoodsGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1488326400.0000002017 Sustainable development; charcoal; fuelwood; climate change mitigation; greenhouse gases; emission reduction; energy generation; greening; energy policiesFAO 
Promoting sustainable bush processing value chains in NamibiaAfricaNamibiaPrograma o proyectoNacional1483228800.00000020171483228800.0000002021Namibia, invasive species, bush encroachment, charcoal, woodchips, woodfuel, value chain, business development, viability analysis, land degradationUnited Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and SME Development (MITSMED) of Namibia; … 
Improving Efficiency in Forestry Operations and Forest Product Processing in Kenya (2017)AfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1483228800.0000002017 Forestry operations, forest product processing, REDD, investments, GHG emissions, carbon benefits, charcoal, firewood, household energy, regulatory and legislative, technologies, efficiency improvementMinistry of Forestry and Wildlife; UN-REDD 
Mexico Energy Policy Review 2017Latin America and the CaribbeanMexicoRevisión y estudio del sectorSubpaís1483228800.0000002017 Mexico, energy sector, review, policy and regulations, energy market, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy security, energy assessment, electricity, power generation, climate change, energy transitionInternational Energy Agency (IEA)  
Improving the Efficiency and Sustainability of Charcoal and Woodfuel Value Chains in RwandaAfricaRwandaPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1509494400.00000020171509494400.0000002020Rwanda, woodfuel value chain, charcoal production efficiency, sustainable charcoal, charcoal kiln, woodlot management, forest plantation, biomass energy World Bank; Rwanda Environment Management Authority under the Ministry of Environment 
Rwanda Improved Cookstoves ProjectAfricaRwandaPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1496275200.00000020171496275200.0000002020Rwanda, biomass, woodfuel, clean and efficient stove, improved cookstove, private sector company, firewood collection, carbon credit, indoor air pollution, household energy, gender equity, deforestationWorld Bank; Inyenyeri and DelAgua 
National Mangrove Ecosystem Management Plan 2017-2027 (Kenya)AfricaKenyaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1483228800.00000020171483228800.0000002027Mangrove ecosystems, provisioning services, KenyaMinistry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, and Regional Development Authorities 
Bioenergy for Sustainable Energy Access in Africa (BSEAA) Africa Programa o proyectoVarios países1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002021Sub-Saharan Africa, modern bioenergy, energy access, transformation, productive use, commercial viability, innovative pathways, electricity and heat generation, entrepreneursThe Carbon Trust; LTS International; Aston University; E4tech; Aiguasol 
PRONADEN - Programa Nacional de Dendroenergía 2016-2018 (Mexico National Wood Energy Program 2016-2018)Latin America and the CaribbeanMexicoPrograma o proyectoNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002018Mexico, national program, wood energyMinistry of Energy and Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico 
Promotion of Sustainable Charcoal in Angola through a Value Chain ApproachAfricaAngolaPrograma o proyectoNacional1464739200.00000020161464739200.0000002022Angola, charcoal, wood, sustainability, certification, efficient charcoal kilns, briquetting machines, efficient stoves, value chain, policy, technology transfer, Miombo woodlands, climate change mitigationUNDP; Ministry of Environment (MINAMB); Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) through Institute of Forestry Development (IDF); Ministry of Energy (MINEA) 
Sustainable Fuelwood Management in NigeriaAfricaNigeriaPrograma o proyectoNacional1477958400.00000020161477958400.0000002021Nigeria, fuelwood, sustainable fuelwood, demand management, clean cooking stove, alternative energy, GHG, carbon sequestrationUNDP; Federal Ministry of Environment; Energy Commission of Nigeria; Federal Ministry of Health; Cross River, Delta and Kaduna State Governments; Nigerian Alliance for Clean Cookstoves 
Assessing woodfuel supply and demand in displacement settingsGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1451606400.0000002016 Energy access, woodfuel, firewood, charcoal, cooking, renewable energy, supply and demand, resource assessment, biomass stock, methodology, refugee, displacement settings, data collection, remote sensingFAO; UNHCR 
Charcoal in Haiti - A National Assessment of Charcoal Production and Consumption TrendsLatin America and the CaribbeanHaitiRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002018Charcoal, assessment, national trends, wood fuel, charcoal production and consumption, charcoal transport and flow, supply chain, value chain, data collection, HaitiWorld Bank; Program on Forests (PROFOR) 
Sustainable Energy for All - Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis in ChadAfricaChadRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Chad, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, national energy policyProgramme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD-UNDP) 
Sustainable Energy for All Action Agenda and Plans - Côte d’IvoireAfricaCôte d'IvoireEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002030Côte d’Ivoire, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate change, action agenda, national action plan, investment prospectusSEforALL; Ministère du Pétrole et de l’Energie (MPE) 
Africa Energy Portal Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governanceAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile - Algeria Near East and North AfricaAlgeriaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, AlgeriaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile - AngolaAfricaAngolaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, AngolaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile - BeninAfricaBeninRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, BeninAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Sustainable Energy for All - Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus - KenyaAfricaKenyaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002030Kenya, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action agenda, national action plan, investment prospectus, AfricaSEforALL; Ministry of Energy and Petroleum 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile - BotswanaAfricaBotswanaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, BotswanaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile - Burkina FasoAfricaBurkina FasoRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, Burkina FasoAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile - BurundiAfricaBurundiRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, BurundiAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile - CameroonAfricaCameroonRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, CameroonAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile - Cabo VerdeAfricaCabo VerdeRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, Cabo VerdeAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile - Central African RepublicAfricaCentral African RepublicRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, Central African RepublicAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Rural Energy Strategy and Master Plan for Liberia (RESMP, 2016-2030)AfricaLiberiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002030Liberia, rural energy, renewable energy, energy access, sustainable energy, master plan, action plan, investment strategy, Africa Rural and Renewable Energy Agency (RREA); Ministry of Lands, Mines & Energy 
Increased Access to Electricity and Renewable Energy Production (IAEREP, 2016 -2022) AfricaZambiaPrograma o proyectoNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002022energy, access, renewable, electricity  
Sustainable Energy for All - Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis in BotswanaAfricaBotswanaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Botswana, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate change, Africa SEforALL; Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – Chad AfricaChadRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, ChadAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – ComorosAfricaComorosRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, ComorosAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – D.R. CongoAfricaDemocratic Republic of the CongoRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, D.R. CongoAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – Congo RepublicAfricaCongoRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, Congo RepublicAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – Cote d'IvoireAfricaCôte d'IvoireRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, Cote d'IvoireAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – DjiboutiAfricaDjiboutiRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, DjiboutiAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – EgyptNear East and North AfricaEgyptRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, EgyptAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Specification for principle criteria and indicator for sustainably produced fuelwood - Sri Lanka Standard 1551 (2016)Asia and the PacificSri LankaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1451606400.0000002016 Standard, specifications, fuelwood, plantation, sustainability, criteria, indicator, certification, supply chain, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Standards Institution 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – Equatorial GuineaAfricaEquatorial GuineaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, Equatorial GuineaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – EritreaAfricaEritreaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, EritreaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – EthiopiaAfricaEthiopiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, EthiopiaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – GabonAfricaGabonRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, GabonAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – GambiaAfricaGambiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, GambiaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – GhanaAfricaGhanaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, GhanaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
A Review of Cooking Systems for Humanitarian Settings (2016)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1451606400.0000002016 Energy access, cooking fuel, cooking system, woodfuel, firewood, improved cookstove, alternative fuel, energy security, refugee, humanitarian, displacementMoving Energy Initiative; Chatham House, Energy 4 Impact, Practical Action, UNHCR … 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – GuineaAfricaGuineaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, GuineaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – Guinea-BissauAfricaGuinea-BissauRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, Guinea-BissauAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – KenyaAfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, KenyaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – LesothoAfricaLesothoRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, LesothoAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – LiberiaAfricaLiberiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, LiberiaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – LibyaNear East and North AfricaLibyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, LibyaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – MadagascarAfricaMadagascarRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, MadagascarAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – MalawiAfricaMalawiRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, MalawiAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – MaliAfricaMaliRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, MaliAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – MauritaniaNear East and North AfricaMauritaniaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, MauritaniaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – MauritiusAfricaMauritiusRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, MauritiusAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – MoroccoNear East and North AfricaMoroccoRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, MoroccoAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Kenya: Green Economy Strategy and Implementation Plan (2016 – 2030) - A low carbon, resource efficient, equitable and inclusive socio-economic transformationAfricaKenyaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002030Kenya, green economy, bioeconomy, strategy Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MENR) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – MozambiqueAfricaMozambiqueRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, MozambiqueAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – NamibiaAfricaNamibiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, NamibiaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – NigerAfricaNigerRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, NigerAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – NigeriaAfricaNigeriaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, NigeriaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – RwandaAfricaRwandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, RwandaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – Sao Tome and PrincipeAfricaSao Tome and PrincipeRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, Sao Tome and PrincipeAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – SenegalAfricaSenegalRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, SenegalAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – SeychellesAfricaSeychellesRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, SeychellesAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – Sierra LeoneAfricaSierra LeoneRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, Sierra LeoneAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Programme for Sustainable Charcoal Reduction and Alternative Livelihoods (PROSCAL) in SomaliaAfricaSomaliaPrograma o proyectoNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002023Charcoal, trade ban, Somalia, illegal export, monitoring, alternative energy, livelihoods, reforestation, afforestation Ministry of Livestock, Forestry and Range (Somalia); FAO; UNDP; UN Environment  
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – SomaliaAfricaSomaliaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, SomaliaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – South AfricaAfricaSouth AfricaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, South AfricaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – South SudanAfricaSouth SudanRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, South SudanAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Promoting Biogas as Sustainable Clean Cooking Fuel for Rural Households in KenyaAfricaKenyaPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002025Kenya, biogas, biomass energy, clean cooking, energy access, GHG emission, carbon finance, CDM, alternative energy, household energy, indoor air qualityWorld Bank; SimGas IP BV 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – SudanNear East and North AfricaSudanRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, SudanAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – Eswatini (Swaziland)AfricaEswatiniRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, Eswatini (Swaziland)African Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – TogoAfricaTogoRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, TogoAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – TunisiaNear East and North AfricaTunisiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, TunisiaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – UgandaAfricaUgandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, UgandaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – United Republic of TanzaniaAfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, TanzaniaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – ZambiaAfricaZambiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, ZambiaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Growth Strategy for the Namibian Wood Charcoal Industry and Associated Value ChainsAfricaNamibiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1451606400.0000002016 Namibia, charcoal, value chain, strategy, transformation, technology, distribution, trade, perspectives, business environment, interventionMinistry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development (Namibia) 
Africa Energy Portal – Country Profile – ZimbabweAfricaZimbabweRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1451606400.0000002016 Africa, energy, portal, clean cooking, energy access, energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, electrification, GHG emissions, regulatory and governance, ZimbabweAfrican Development Bank (AfDB) 
Sustainable Energy for All – Rapid Assessment and Action Agenda – Rwanda AfricaRwandaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002030Rwanda, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, alternative energy, charcoal, woodfuel, resource assessmentMinistry of Infrastructure – Rwanda; AfDB; SEforAll 
Sustainable Energy for All – Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus - Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)AfricaEswatiniEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002030Eswatini, Swaziland, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action plan, investment prospectusMinistry of Natural Resources and Energy; SEforALL; UNDP 
World Bank Group Forest Action Plan FY2016–2020 Global Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002020Forest, woodlands, action plan, engagement, biomass energy, fuelwood, charcoal, value chain, regulations, modernization, transformation, household energy, clean cooking, investment, sustainable forest management, sub-Saharan Africa, South AsiaWorld Bank 
Behavior Change Communication Interventions on Clean Cooking in Bangladesh, Kenya, and Nigeria Global Revisión y estudio del sectorVarios países1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002019Behavior change communication, purchase tendency, awareness building, promotion, campaign, advertisement, clean cooking, cookstoves, wood fuel, solid fuels, indoor air pollution, alternative energy, LPG, market analysis, evaluation, survey, partnership, BClean Cooking Alliance; Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves … 
Forest biomass, carbon neutrality and climate change mitigationGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1451606400.0000002016 Forest, biomass, bioenergy, carbon neutrality, GHG emissions, debateEuropean Forest Institute (EFI) 
Swaziland's Second National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan 2016-2022AfricaEswatiniEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002022Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Capacity Building, Climate ChangeMinistry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs 
National Forest Sector Development Program (NFSDP) of Ethiopia (2016-2025) AfricaEthiopiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002025Sector development strategy, master plan, SFM, policy, transformation, EthiopiaMinistry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MEFCC) of Ethiopia 
Africa Renewable Energy InitiativeAfrica Estrategia o plan de acciónRegional1451606400.00000020161451606400.0000002030Africa, renewable energy, power generation, on-grid, off-grid, policy and regulation, project development, incentives, investment, energy access, energy efficiencyAfrican Development Bank (AfDB), African Union; African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC) 
Study on policy solutions for sustainable charcoal in sub-Saharan Africa Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1451606400.0000002016 charcoal, sub-Saharan Africa, value chainWorld Future Council  
The Forest Conservation and Management Act 2016 (Kenya)AfricaKenyaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1451606400.0000002016 Forest, forest conservation, KenyaKenya Forest Services 
Swaziland (Eswatini) National Climate Change Policy 2016AfricaEswatiniPolíticaNacional1451606400.0000002016 Eswatini, climate change, national policy, green growthMinistry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs 
The Forests (Fees and Charges) Regulations, 2016 (Kenya)AfricaKenyaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1451606400.0000002016 Charcoal licence fees, charcoal permit fees, KenyaKenya Forest Services 
Towards sustainable modern wood energy development - Stocktaking paper on successful initiatives in developing countries in the field of wood energy developmentGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1420070400.0000002015 Wood energy, stocktaking, good practice, value chain, case study, sector review, governance, regulatory, challenge, policy, planning, strategy, data, institutional setup, financing, planation, lessonsGIZ; Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP)1
Sustainable Energy for All - Action Agenda and Plans - Burkina FasoAfricaBurkina FasoEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Burkina Faso, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate change, action agenda, national action planSEforALL; Ministere des Mines, des Carrieres et de l'Energie (Ministry of Mines, Quarries and Energy) 
From transition fuel to viable energy source: improving sustainability in the sub-Saharan charcoal sectorAfrica Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1420070400.0000002015 Wood energy, wood fuel, bioenergy, sustainable charcoal, governance, sub-Saharan Africa, forest degradation, governance, policy, interventions, agroforestryWorld Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF 
Zambia - The Forest Act (2015)AfricaZambiaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1422748800.0000002015 Zambia, forest, law, charcoal, wood, permit, licence, Forestry Department, Ministry of Land and Natural Resources 
Sustainable Energy for All - Cabo VerdeAfricaCabo VerdeEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Cabo Verde, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate change, action agenda, national action planSEforALL; General Directorate for Energy 
Renewables Global Status ReportGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1420070400.0000002015 Status report, market overview, renewable energy, investments, policies, global, regionalRenewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) 
Sustainable Energy for All - Action Agenda and Plans - Guinea BissauAfricaGuinea-BissauEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Guinea Bissau, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action agenda, national action plan, investment prospectus, AfricaSEforALL; Directorate-General for Energy; ECOWAS; ECREEE 
Sustainable Energy for All - Action Agenda and Plans - GhanaAfricaGhanaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002020Ghana, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate change, action agenda, national action planSEforALL; Energy Commission of Ghana; ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) 
Rwanda Energy Policy (2015)AfricaRwandaPolíticaNacional1420070400.0000002015 Rwanda, national energy policy, energy access, electricity, biomass, petroleum, energy efficiency, energy security, governance, regulations, institutions, strategic plan, fuel-switching, clean cooking, alternative energy, green charcoal, improved cookstovMinistry of Infrastructure (Rwanda) 
Africa 2030: Roadmap for a Renewable Energy Future (IRENA, 2015)Africa Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1420070400.0000002015 Africa, roadmap, renewable energy, assessment, energy supply and demand, technology choices, households, industry, transport, power sector, woodfuel, biomass residues, transformation, prospectsInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 
Sustainable Energy for All - Action Agenda and Plans - LiberiaAfricaLiberiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Liberia, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action agenda, national action plan, investment prospectus, improved cooking solution, charcoal, AfricaMinistry of Lands, Mines & Energy; SEforALL 
Zambia National Strategy to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+, 2015-2030)AfricaZambiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Zambia, REDD, strategy, energy, wood, fuel, charcoal, production, efficiency, stoveForestry Department, Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection 
Sustainable Energy for All - Rapid Assessment and Action Agenda - AngolaAfricaAngolaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Angola, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, Africa, gap analysis, action agenda, investment prospectusSEforALL; Ministry of Energy and Water 
Sustainable Energy for All Action Agenda and National Action Plans - BeninAfricaBeninEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Benin, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate change, Africa, action agendaSEforALL; Ministry of Energy 
Moving Energy InitiativeGlobal Programa o proyectoVarios países1420070400.0000002015 Energy access, woodfuel, firewood, cooking, improved cookstove, alternative fuel, energy security, refugee, humanitarianChatham House, Energy 4 Impact, Practical Action, UNHCR … 
Sustainable Energy for All - Action Agenda and Plans - MaliAfricaMaliEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Mali, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate change, action agenda, national action plan, investment prospectusMinistère de l’Energie et de l’Eau (Ministry of Energy and Water); SEforALL 
Promoting climate-resilient, community-based regeneration of indigenous forests in Zambia’s Central Province project, 2015-2019AfricaZambiaPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002019Zambia, energy, climate, wood, charcoal, efficiency, kiln, licensing UNDP; Forestry Department, Ministry of Land, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection  
Decentralized Forest and Other Natural Resources Programme (DFNRMP) in ZambiaAfricaZambiaPrograma o proyectoNacional1422748800.00000020151422748800.0000002017Zambia, sustainable forest management, wood, charcoal production, enterprise, community, permitProject Management Coordination Unit based in Lusaka; District Project Support Units facilitate project implementation at district level 
Sustainable Energy for All - Action Plans - NigerAfricaNigerEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Niger, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action plan, investment prospectusMinistère de l'Energie (Ministry of Energy); SEforALL; CEREEC (ECREEE) 
Sustainable Energy for All Action Plans - NigeriaAfricaNigeriaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Inter-Ministerial Committee on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ICREEE); Federal Ministry of Power, Works & HousingInter-Ministerial Committee on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ICREEE); Federal Ministry of Power, Works & Housing 
Certification for sustainable charcoal products - Forest Stewardship Council (SFC)Global Leyes o regulacionesGlobal1420070400.0000002015 Charcoal, certification, sustainability, sustainable charcoal products, chain of custody, SFC, charcoal supply chains, integrity, wood sourcingIndependent certification bodies accredited by Forest Stewardship Council (SFC) 
Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI)AfricaCameroon - Central African Republic - Congo - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Equatorial Guinea - GabonEstrategia o plan de acciónVarios países1420070400.0000002015 Central Africa, Forest Initiative, partnership, strategy, policy, REDD+, Low Emission Development, investment, donor coordination, alternative energy, wood energy, SFM, plantations, improved cookstovePartners and CAFI Secretariat hosted by UNDP 
African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100)Africa Estrategia o plan de acciónRegional1420070400.0000002015 AFR100, Forest Landscape Restoration, FLR, Africa, restoration, food security, climate change resilience, mitigation, rural poverty, partnershipPartners and Secretariat hosted at AUDA-NEPAD 
Promoting Sustainable Rural Energy Technologies (RETs) for Household and Productive Uses in Ethiopia (2015-2021)AfricaEthiopiaPrograma o proyectoNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002021Renewable energy, productive use, regulatory framework, awareness campaign, financial mechanism, business Incubator, solar PV, improved cookstoves, ICS, wood, charcoalMinistry of Water and Energy (of Ethiopia); UNDP 
De-bushing Namibia Project - Videos AfricaNamibiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1420070400.0000002015 Namibia, biomass, energy, video, de-bushing, firewood, pellets, charcoal, briquettes, wood chips, power generation, invasive species, Prosopis, bush encroachment GIZ 
Sustainable Energy for All – National Action Plans on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency – SenegalAfricaSenegalEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Senegal, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, alternative energy, charcoal, woodfuelMinistère de l'Energie et des Mines (Ministry of Energy and Mines); Centre pour les Energies Renouvelables et l’Efficacité Energetiquede la CEDEAO (CEREEC-ECREEE); SEforAll 
Sustainable Energy for All in Sierra LeoneAfricaSierra LeoneEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Sierra Leone, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action agenda, national action plan, investment prospectus, improved cooking solution, fuelwood, charcoal, value chain, sustainable forest managementMinistry of Energy; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security; ECREEE; SEforALL 
Sustainable Energy for All – Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus - TanzaniaAfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Tanzania, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action plan, investment prospectus, woodfuel, charcoal Ministry of Energy and Minerals; SEforALL; AfDB; UNDP 
Sustainable Energy for All – Rapid Assessment and National Action Plans for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency – TogoAfricaTogoEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Togo, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action agenda, national action plan, improved cookstove, fuelwood, charcoalMinistère des Mines et de l’Energie (Ministry of Mines and Energy); Centre pour les Energies Renouvelables et l’Efficacité Energetiquede la CEDEAO (CEREEC-ECREEE); SEforAll 
Sustainable Energy for All Action Agenda of UgandaAfricaUgandaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Uganda, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, alternative energy, charcoal, woodfuelMinistry of Energy and Mineral Development; AfDB; SEforAll 
Sustainability criteria for bioenergy (ISO 13065:2015)Global Leyes o regulacionesGlobal1420070400.0000002015 Bioenergy, sustainability, criteria, indicators, assessment, standardInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO) 
Agenda 2063 (of the African Union)Africa - Near East and North Africa Estrategia o plan de acciónRegional1420070400.0000002015 Africa Union, development agenda, strategic framework, development goals, blueprint, master planAfrican Union 
Chile: Wood Energy Strategy 2015-2030 (ESTRATEGIA DENDROENERGÍA 2015-2030)Latin America and the CaribbeanChileEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002030Firewood, wood energy, strategy, Chile, Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF) 
Reducing GHG Emissions through Community Forests and Sustainable Biomass Energy in AfghanistanAsia and the PacificAfghanistanPrograma o proyectoNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002018Afghanistan, biomass, wood energy, woodfuel, household energy, improved stoves, cookstove, community forests, biogas, GHG emissionsFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO); National Environmental Protection Authority; Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock; Ministry of Energy and Water; Ministry of Rural Reconstruction and Development 
Institutional Strengthening of Forest Sector Development Program in Ethiopia (2015-2021)AfricaEthiopiaPrograma o proyectoNacional1420070400.00000020151420070400.0000002021Institutions, capacity development, sector development, carbon sequestration, sustainability, woodfuel, plantation, EthiopiaUNDP; Ministry of Environment and Forest (MEF)/ Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (of Ethiopia)  
Sustainable Charcoal Production Guideline - A Manual for Charcoal Producers and Extension Officers (KFS, 2015)AfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1420070400.0000002015 Kenya, charcoal, guideline, manual, extension service, rules, regulation, woodlot, charcoal kiln, production technology, briquetting, SFM, plantation, wood harvestKenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI); Kenya Forest Service (KFS)  
The State of the Global Clean and Improved Cooking Sector (2015)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1420070400.0000002015 Clean cooking solutions, improved cookstove, solid fuels, biomass, woodfuel, market demand, market forecast, market penetration, supply chain, regulatory environment, funding, barriers analysis Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP); Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC) 
Conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in MadagascarAfricaMadagascarPrograma o proyectoNacional1388534400.00000020141388534400.0000002020Madagascar, green charcoal, wood energy, fuelwood, charcoal, kiln, ICS, value chain, micro enterprise, woodlands, policy development, legislation, strategyGIZ; Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable (Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development) of Madagascar 
Energy Efficient Production and Utilization of Charcoal through Innovative Technologies and Private Sector Involvement (Sierra Leone)AfricaSierra LeonePrograma o proyectoNacional1409529600.00000020141409529600.0000002018Sierra Leone, charcoal, woodfuel, biomass energy, improved cookstove, energy efficiency, improved charcoal kiln, certification, climate changeUNDP; Ministry of Energy and Water Resources; Environment Protection Agency - Sierra Leone (EPA-SL) 
Drylands Forest Livelihoods – Factsheet on Charcoal in Kenya (2014)AfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1388534400.0000002014 Charcoal production technology, charcoal kilns, wood harvest, charcoal producers association, license for charcoal production, earth kiln, masonry kiln, metal kiln, draylands, KenyaKenya Forestry Research Institute - KEFRI; Kenya Forest Service - KFS 
Production of Sustainable, Renewable Biomass-based Charcoal for the Iron and steel Industry in BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanBrazilPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1396310400.00000020141396310400.0000002018Brazil, charcoal, charcoal kiln, clean charcoal conversion, commercial charcoal production, wood, wood planation, eucalyptus, greenhouse gas emission, iron and steel industry, reducing agentUNDP; Ministerio do Meio Ambiente (Ministry of the Environment) 
Sustainable Energy for All - Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis in CameroonAfricaCameroonRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1388534400.0000002014 Cameroon, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate change, Africa   
Sustainable Energy for All - Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis in Central African RepublicAfricaCentral African RepublicRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1388534400.0000002014 Central African Republic, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate changeCommunauté Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC); Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD-UNDP) 
Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE)Global Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1388534400.0000002014 Energy access, woodfuel, firewood, cooking, improved cookstove, alternative fuel, refugee, humanitarianClean Cooking Alliance; IOM; UNHCR; FAO, WFP… 
A Review of Improved Cookstove Technologies and Programs (2014)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1388534400.0000002014 Review, improved cookstove, ICS, cooking technologies, rural energy, sustainable fuelwood, household energy, success factors, stakeholder participation   
National Charcoal Survey for Uganda (2015) AfricaUgandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1388534400.00000020141388534400.0000002015Uganda, wood, charcoalMinistry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD), UNDP/GEF 
Green Charcoal Project - Addressing Barriers to Adoption of Improved Charcoal Production Technologies and Sustainable Land Management Practices through an Integrated ApproachAfricaUgandaPrograma o proyectoNacional1388534400.00000020141388534400.0000002019Uganda, charcoal, woodfuel, wood, policy, woodlands, kiln, SLM, SFMMinistry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD); UNDP 
Biomass Energy Sector (BEST) Planning Guide Global Estrategia o plan de acciónNacional1388534400.0000002014 Biomass energy, wood fuel, renewable energy, sector planning, governance, methodology, cross-sectoral management, step-by-step guidance, stakeholder coordination, data, action plan, toolkit European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF); GIZ 
Biomass Energy Conservation and Sustainable Use Strategy (2014-2025) AfricaMozambiqueEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1388534400.00000020141388534400.0000002025Mozambique, biomass energy, alternative, value chain, regulations; Sustainable Management of Biomass Resources; Markets and Prices; Institutional Development. 1
UNHCR Global Strategy for Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE, 2014-2018)Global Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1388534400.00000020141388534400.0000002018Refugee, energy access, sustainable energy, renewable, woodfuel, charcoal, firewood, woodlot, clean cooking, improved cookstove, lighting, household energy, institutional energy, emergency, resilience, natural resource, degradation, protectionUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 
Uganda National Environment Management Policy (2014)AfricaUgandaPolíticaNacional1388534400.0000002014 Uganda, Environment, Policy  
FOREST POLICY 2014 – National Forestry Policy of KenyaAfricaKenyaPolíticaNacional1388534400.0000002014 Forest, Policy, KenyaMinistry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 
Renewable Energy and Jobs - Annual ReviewGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1388534400.00000020141388534400.0000002022Renewable energy, jobs, employmentInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); International Labour Organization (ILO) 
Analysis of the Charcoal Value Chain in KenyaAfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 Kenya, charcoal value chain, charcoal, sector reform, charcoal kiln, policy and regulations, improved cookstove, stakeholders, economic analysis, charcoal hotpots, case study Kenya Forest Service (KFS) 
Ghana National Climate Change Policy (2013)AfricaGhanaPolíticaNacional1356998400.0000002013 Ghana, Climate Change, PolicyMinistry of Environment Science, Technology and Innovation 
Sustainable Energy for All - Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis in BurundiAfricaBurundiRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 Burundi, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate change, Africa SEforALL; Ministère de l’Energie et des Mines (Ministry of Energy and Mines) 
Country Energy Assessment Tool (of EUEI PDF)Global Programa o proyectoGlobal1356998400.00000020131356998400.0000002014Energy assessment, toolkit, data, impact evaluation, policy option, gap analysis, national energy profile, policy framework, institutional setup, enabling conditions, energy access, clean energy, renewable energy, readiness, business model, climate changeEuropean Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) 
Available Charcoal Production Technologies in KenyaAfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 Kenya, charcoal production, charcoal kiln, technology assessment, case study Kenya Forest Service (KFS); UNDP 
Tracking SDG 7Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1356998400.00000020131356998400.0000002030Energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean cooking, electricity, international financial flow, tracking progress, SDG7International Energy Agency (IEA); International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD); World Bank; World Health Organization (WHO)1
Handbook on Sustainability Certification of Solid Biomass for Energy Production (2013)Europe and Central AsiaNetherlands (Kingdom of the)Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1356998400.0000002013 Sustainability, certification, sustainability criteria, standard, solid biomass, biomass energy, wood pellets, briquettes, wood chips, assessment tool, chain of custody, wood waste, forestry residuesNL Agency  
Africa Bioenergy Policy Framework and Guidelines - Towards Harmonizing Sustainable Bioenergy Development in Africa (AUC-UNECA, 2013)Africa PolíticaRegional1356998400.0000002013 Africa, bioenergy, policy framework, guidelines, regulationsAfrican Union Commission (AUC); United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) 
Sustainable Energy for All - Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis in D.R. CongoAfricaDemocratic Republic of the CongoRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 D.R. Congo, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energySEforALL; Ministère de l'énergie et des Ressources hydrauliques; Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD-UNDP) 
Sustainable Energy for All – Updated Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis in EthiopiaAfricaEthiopiaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 Ethiopia, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energySEforALL; Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy  
Sustainable Energy for All - Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis in GuineaAfricaGuineaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.00000020131356998400.0000002014Guinea, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energySEforALL; Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD-UNDP) 
Sustainable Energy for All – Africa HubAfrica Estrategia o plan de acciónRegional1356998400.0000002013 Energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate change, Africa, gap analysis, action agenda, investment prospectusAfrican Development Bank (AfDB); African Union Commission (AUC); NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA); UNDP; Regional Economic Communities (RECs of the AU) 
Assessment of the Briquette Market in KenyaAfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 Kenya, biomass briquette, market assessment, alternative energy, renewable energyGVEP International (currently the Energy 4 Impact) 
Strengthening Management Effectiveness and Generating Multiple Environmental Benefits within and around Protected Areas (Greater Kafue National Park) in Zambia, 2013-2018AfricaZambiaPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1356998400.00000020131356998400.0000002018Zambia, biomass energy, SFM, woodfuel, charcoal, low-carbon, kiln, license, UNDP; Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources; Zambia Wildlife Authority; Forestry Department 
Biomass Energy Strategy for Uganda (2013)AfricaUgandaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1359676800.0000002013 Uganda, biomass, energy, wood, charcoal, strategy, financeMinistry of Energy and Mineral Development; Ministry of Water and Environment; UNDP 
Dispelling common misconceptions to improve attitudes and policy outlook on charcoal in developing countriesGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1356998400.0000002013 Biomass energy, charcoal, energy policy, fuelwood, misconceptions, woodfuel  
Sustainable Charcoal Business Development in TanzaniaAfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaPrograma o proyectoSolo sitio de base1356998400.00000020131356998400.0000002017Tanzania, wood energy, wood, charcoal, briquettesGaia Consulting Oy; Appropriate Rural Technology Institute - Tanzania (ARTI Tanzania)1
Efficiency Enhancement and Entrepreneurship Development in Sustainable Biomass Charcoaling in GhanaAfricaGhanaPrograma o proyectoSolo sitio de base1356998400.00000020131356998400.0000002017Ghana, charcoal, efficiency, wood, plantation, kiln, enterprise Pöyry Management Consulting Oy; Nature and Development Foundation; African Plantations for Sustainable Development (APSD, Ghana) 
Promoting Sustainable Biomass Energy Production and Modern Bio-Energy Technologies in Sri LankaAsia and the PacificSri LankaPrograma o proyectoNacional1356998400.00000020131356998400.0000002018Sustainable biomass, modern bioenergy, power generation, alternative energy, plantation, Sri LankaUNDP; FAO; Forest Department (Sri Lanka); Sustainable Energy Authority (Sri Lanka)... 
Analysis of Demand and Supply of Wood Products in Kenya AfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 Charcoal supply, charcoal demand, sustainable charcoal production, charcoal supply potential, KenyaMinistry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources1
Support to the Sierra Leone Ministry of Energy with the Preparatory Phase of a Household Cooking Energy PlanAfricaSierra LeoneEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1356998400.00000020131356998400.0000002014Sierra Leone, household cooking energy, planning, stakeholder consultation, roadmap, biomass energy, woodfuel, wood supply chain, forest resource management, afforestation and reforestation, governance Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Program (RECP); Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP)  
Woody Biomass Certification - Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP)Global Leyes o regulacionesGlobal1356998400.0000002013 Sustainable biomass, certification, woody biomass, wood pellets, woodchips, industrial energy production, wood sourcing, sustainability criteriaIndependent certification bodies accredited by Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) 
Rwanda woodfuels value chain analysis (2013)AfricaRwandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 Rwanda, woodfuel, charcoal, value chain analysis, consumption, demand projection, sustainable production capacityMinistry of Natural Resources; Rwanda Natural Resources Authority (RNRA); Department of Forestry and Nature Conservation (DFNC) 
Bush Control and Biomass Utilization in NamibiaAfricaNamibiaPrograma o proyectoNacional1356998400.00000020131356998400.0000002021Namibia, bush control, biomass utilization, pastureland, innovative technologies, charcoal, wood chips, value chain, de-bushing, invasive species, Prosopis, pastureland, fuelwood, animal feed, biomass power plant, resource assessmentMinistry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (MAWF, Namibia); GIZ  
Sustainable Energy for All - Rapid Situation Assessment and Gap Analysis Report - South Sudan (2013)AfricaSouth SudanRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 South Sudan, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, rapid assessment, gap analysisUNDP; Ministry of Electricity and Dams (of South Sudan) 
Analysis of drivers and underlying causes of forest cover change in the various forest types of Kenya (2013)AfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 Deforestation, forest degradation, drivers, forest cover change, woodfuel, charcoal, geo-spatial analysis, GIS modeling, policy, REDD, mitigation, KenyaMinistry of Forestry and Wildlife  
National Environmental Policy of Kenya (2013)AfricaKenyaPolíticaNacional1356998400.0000002013 Environment, Legislation, KenyaMinistry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 
Directions for the World Bank Group’s Energy Sector - Toward a Sustainable Energy Future for All (2013)Global PolíticaGlobal1356998400.0000002013 Sustainable energy, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, investment, energy sector strategy, policy, SDG7, World BankWorld Bank 
Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy (RISE, of World Bank…)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1356998400.0000002013 Sustainable energy, indicators, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean cooking, electricity, national policy, regulations, regulatory framework, data, enabling environment, toolkit, country profiles, good practices, SDG7World Bank, ESMAP, SEforALL...1
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) Study on Sustainable Charcoal in UgandaAfricaUgandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1356998400.0000002013 Charcoal, value chain, Uganda, improved kiln, NAMA, UNDP 
National Energy Policy of Zimbabwe (2012)AfricaZimbabwePolíticaNacional1325376000.0000002012 Energy, policy, cookstove, ICS, woodlots, alternative, ZimbabweMinistry of Energy and Power Development (of Zimbabwe) 
Ghana Forest and Wildlife Policy (2012)AfricaGhanaPolíticaNacional1325376000.0000002012 Ghana, Forest and Wildlife Policy, woodfuel plantationMinistry of Lands and Natural Resources 
PROBIOMASA – Proyecto para la promoción de la energía derivada de biomasa (Project for the promotion of energy derived from biomass in Argentina)Latin America and the CaribbeanArgentinaPrograma o proyectoNacional1325376000.00000020121325376000.0000002019Bioenergy, biomass, ArgentinaMinistry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries; Ministry of Economy; FAO 
Sustainable Energy for All - Rapid Assessment and Action Agenda - The GambiaAfricaGambiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1325376000.0000002012 The Gambia, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action plan, investment prospectusSEforALL; New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)  
Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solutions Initiative (ACCES) - Scaling-Up Access to Clean Cooking Technologies and Fuels in Sub-Saharan AfricaAfrica Programa o proyectoRegional1325376000.0000002012 Clean cooking solutions, improved cookstove, clean fuel, dissemination, quality assurance, consumer engagement, business development, access to finance, policy engagement, sub-Saharan AfricaWorld Bank’s Africa Energy Group (AFTEG); Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP); Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves… 
Commercial Woodfuel Production - Experience from Three Locally Controlled Wood Production ModelsGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1325376000.0000002012 Woodfuel, commercial production, business models, plantations, woodlots, community-based forest management, forest replacement associations, track record, supply chain, value chainEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) 
Energypedia Portals for Improved Cooking Energy and Countries Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1325376000.0000002012 Energypedia, platform, knowledge exchange, information sharing, renewable energy, energy access, energy efficiency, cooking energy, ICS, stoves, fuels, technology, policy, interventions, monitoring and evaluation, impacts Energypedia  
Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) - EthiopiaAfricaEthiopiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1325376000.00000020121325376000.0000002014Ethiopia, biomass energy, assessment, strategy, institutional setup, demand-supply, balance, stakeholder consultation, action plan, policy, regulatory framework, woodfuel, charcoal kiln, cookstove, briquettes, renewable, efficiencyMinistry of Water and Energy (Ethiopia) 
Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) – Tanzania (2013)AfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1325376000.00000020121325376000.0000002014Tanzania, biomass energy, assessment, strategy, institutional setup, demand-supply, stakeholder consultation, action plan, policy, regulatory framework, woodfuel, charcoal kiln, cookstove, renewable, energy efficiency, energy accessMinistry of Energy and Minerals (Tanzania) 
Forests, Trees, and Woodlands in Africa - An Action Plan for World Bank EngagementAfrica Estrategia o plan de acciónRegional1325376000.00000020121325376000.0000002016Forest, woodlands, action plan, engagement, biomass energy, fuelwood, charcoal, value chain, regulations, incentive, urban household energy, investment, sustainable forest management, sub-Saharan AfricaWorld Bank 
Sustainable Energy for All Rapid Assessment in Zimbabwe AfricaZimbabweRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1325376000.00000020121325376000.0000002015Zimbabwe, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, rapid assessmentMinistry of Energy and Power Development; SEforAll 
Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation: A Synthesis Report for REDD+ PolicymakersGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1325376000.0000002012 Deforestation, forest degradation, drivers, woodfuel, charcoal, assessment, synthesis report, forest monitoring, REDD+Authors: Gabrielle Kissinger, Martin Herold, Veronique De Sy 
National Climate Change Policy of Malawi (2012)AfricaMalawiPolíticaNacional1325376000.0000002012 Climate Change, Ecological Scarcities, Climate Change Adaptation, Environmental Risks, Climate Change Mitigation, Livelihoods, Sustainability, Well-being, Social Equity, Economic Development  
Sustainable Feedstock Management for Charcoal Production in Kenya (2012)AfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1325376000.0000002012 Feedstock, charcoal production, Kenya, case studyPractical Action Consulting 
STRATEGIE ET PLAN D’ACTION POUR LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE LA GRANDE MURAILLE VERTE A DJIBOUTI (SGMVD, 2011) - Strategy and Action Plan for the Implementation of the Great Green Wall in DjiboutiAfricaDjiboutiEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1293840000.0000002011 Djibouti, Great Green Wall, Strategy, action plan  
Energy Access Tool – ENACT (of IIASA)Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1293840000.0000002011 Energy access, assessment, toolkit, model, policy option, decision making support, gap analysis, scenario development, clean energy, renewable energy, cost estimation, GHG emissions, health impacts, household energy, cooking energy demandInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)  
IRENA Renewables Readiness AssessmentGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1293840000.0000002011 Renewables Readiness Assessment, renewable energy, resource assessment, deployment, status and prospects, energy policy, energy strategy, business modelInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) ... 
Wood-Based Biomass Energy Development for Sub-Saharan Africa: Issues and ApproachesAfrica Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1293840000.0000002011 Biomass energy, wood energy, wood fuel, charcoal production, charcoal value chain, improved cookstoves, alternative fuels, GHG emissions, indoor air pollution, gender equity, forest management, policy design, investmentsWorld Bank; ESMAP; Africa Renewable Energy Access Program - AFREA  
Programme pour l'Energie de Cuisson Economique pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest” – ProCEAO (Economic Cooking Energy Program for West Africa)Africa Programa o proyectoVarios países1293840000.00000020111293840000.0000002015Wood energy, efficient cookstoves, ICS, stove market, decentralized supply, stove quality, West Africa, Benin, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, SenegalGIZ 
United Nations Development Assistance Framework for the Republic of Zambia (2011-2015)AfricaZambiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1322697600.00000020111322697600.0000002015development, renewable energy, wood, charcoal, cooking stoves, disasters and environmental degradation, ZambiaMinistry of Energy and Water Development (MEWD) 
Sustainable Energy for All Initiative Global Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1293840000.0000002011 Energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, climate changeSustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) and partner organizations  
Resource Hub for Behavior Change Communication (BCC) - Clean Cooking AllianceGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1293840000.00000020111293840000.0000002018Clean cooking, cookstoves, cooking fuels, behavior change communication, resource hub, database, toolkit, awareness building, marketing, campaign, audio, video, posterClean Cooking Alliance and Partners  
Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) - Mozambique (2012)AfricaMozambiqueEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1293840000.00000020111293840000.0000002013Mozambique, biomass energy, assessment, strategy, institutional setup, demand supply analysis, stakeholder consultation, action plan, policy, regulatory framework, woodfuel, charcoal value chain, cookstove, renewable, energy efficiency, energy accessMinistry of Energy (Mozambique); National Directorate for New and Renewable Energy (Mozambique) 
Document de Politique Forestière en République Démocratique du Congo (2011, Forest Policy Document, D.R. Congo)AfricaDemocratic Republic of the CongoPolíticaNacional1293840000.0000002011 Forest policy, strategy, D.R CongoMinistère de l'Environnement et Développement Durable (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, D.R. Congo) 
Strengthening Sustainable Forest Management and the Development of Bio-energy Markets to Promote Environmental Sustainability and to Reduce Green House Gas Emissions in CambodiaAsia and the PacificCambodiaPrograma o proyectoNacional1293840000.00000020111293840000.0000002015Cambodia, biomass, wood energy, woodfuel, household energy, improved stoves, cookstove, community forests, GHG emissions, biodiversity, land degradation, climate change, sustainable forest managementUNDP; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Environment (Cambodia) 
Uganda National Forest Plan (2011-2022)AfricaUgandaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1293840000.00000020111293840000.0000002022Uganda, national forest plan, sustainable forest management, Ministry of Water and Environment 
Ghana: Renewable Energy Act, 2011 AfricaGhanaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1293840000.0000002011 Ghana, renewable energy, lawEnergy Commission (of Ghana)  
Tracking Progress with SDG7 in South SudanAfricaSouth SudanRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1293840000.00000020111293840000.0000002030energy access, renewable energy, energy effieicnt, electrification, SDG7, tracking progress  
Draft Bioenergy Policy for Ghana (2010)AfricaGhanaPolíticaNacional1262304000.0000002010 Ghana, bioenergy, policy, woodfuel, biomassEnergy Commission (of Ghana) 
Clean Cooking AllianceGlobal Estrategia o plan de acciónGlobal1262304000.00000020101262304000.0000002030Clean cooking, network, alliance, partnership, testing standard, fuels, woodfuel, charcoal, biomass, energy access, energy efficiency, indoor air pollution, alternative energy, fuel properties, improved stove, clean stove, humanitarian, genderClean Cooking Alliance and partners  
Making charcoal production in sub-Sahara Africa sustainableAfrica Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1262304000.0000002010 Charcoal, value chain, sustainability, sustainability criteria, biomass production, charcoal supply chain, socio-economic assessment, case study, community forest management, sub-Sahara AfricaNL Agency; Netherlands Programmes Sustainable Biomass; BTG Biomass Technology Group 
Mozambique Energy Development and Access Project – Woodfuel sub-component AfricaMozambiquePrograma o proyectoSubpaís1262304000.00000020101262304000.0000002017Mozambique, firewood, woodfuel, biomass, efficient charcoal production, improved cookstove, charcoal kiln, alternative energy, institutional stoveWorld Bank; Ministry of Energy of Mozambique 
Second Phase of Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management Project in Senegal (2010-2018)AfricaSenegalPrograma o proyectoNacional1262304000.00000020101262304000.0000002018Senegal, wood energy, woodfuel, charcoal value chain, supply chain, household energy, improved stoves, massive production, cookstove, alternative energy, community forests, deforestation, forest degradationWorld Bank; Direction des Eaux et Forêts (National Water and Forest Directorate)1
Establishing a Green Charcoal Value Chain in Rwanda - A Feasibility StudyAfricaRwandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1262304000.00000020101262304000.0000002012Rwanda, charcoal value chain, feasibility study, green charcoal, sector reform, certification, charcoal kiln, policy tool, GHG emissions, carbon finance, Improved cookstove, roadmap, investment World Bank; Ministry of Infrastructure (Rwanda)  
Biomass Energy Initiative for Africa (BEIA)AfricaBenin - Ethiopia - Gambia - Kenya - Rwanda - South Africa - Uganda - United Republic of TanzaniaPrograma o proyectoVarios países1262304000.0000002010 Biomass energy, wood fuel, charcoal, kilns, wood plantations, briquettes, improved cookstoves, bioelectricity, innovative delivery models, private sector engagement, social enterprises, public–private partnershipsWorld Bank; ESMAP 
Ghana - Clean Cooking Alliance Focus Country – Projects and Reports AfricaGhanaPrograma o proyectoNacional1262304000.00000020101262304000.0000002030Ghana, clean cooking, cookstoves, sector study, biomass energy, wood fuel, charcoal, alternative energy, market assessments, action planning, policy advocacy, partnershipClean Cooking Alliance; Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves ... 
Uganda - Clean Cooking Alliance Focus Country – Projects and Reports AfricaUgandaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1262304000.00000020101262304000.0000002030Uganda, clean cooking, cookstoves, sector study, biomass energy, wood fuel, charcoal, alternative energy, market assessments, action planning, policy advocacy, partnershipClean Cooking Alliance; Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves ... 
Kenya - Clean Cooking Alliance Focus Country – Projects and Reports AfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1262304000.00000020101262304000.0000002030Kenya, clean cooking, cookstoves, sector study, biomass energy, wood fuel, charcoal, sustainability, alternative energy, market assessments, behavior change, action planning, policy advocacy, partnershipClean Cooking Alliance; Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves … 
Nigeria - Clean Cooking Alliance Focus Country – Projects and Reports AfricaNigeriaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1262304000.00000020101262304000.0000002030Nigeria, clean cooking, cookstoves, sector study, biomass energy, wood fuel, charcoal, alternative energy, market assessments, policy advocacy, partnershipClean Cooking Alliance; Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves … 
Bangladesh - Clean Cooking Alliance Focus Country – Projects and Reports Asia and the PacificBangladeshRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1262304000.00000020101262304000.0000002030Bangladesh, clean cooking, cookstoves, sector study, biomass energy, wood fuel, indoor air pollution, charcoal, alternative energy, market assessments, market analysis, behavior change, policy advocacy, partnershipClean Cooking Alliance; Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves … 
Agricultural Sector Development Strategy 2010-2020 (Kenya)AfricaKenyaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1262304000.00000020101262304000.0000002020Agriculture, Agricultural Services, KenyaMinistry of Agriculture, Ministry of Livestock Development, Ministry of Fisheries Development, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, Ministry of Lands,Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources 
The Charcoal Project - a network of volunteers working on biomass energy and alternative cooking fuelsGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1230768000.0000002009 Biomass energy, charcoal, woodfuel, clean cooking, improved stove, alternative fuel, energy poverty, network, volunteerThe Charcoal Project 
Enabling Reforms: A stakeholder-based analysis of the political economy of Tanzania’s charcoal sector and the poverty and social impacts of proposed reformsAfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1230768000.00000020091230768000.0000002010Tanzania, charcoal, wood fuel, sector analysis, policy options, economic incentives, reform, charcoal production, trade, consumption patterns, forest plantation, woodlots, deforestation, governance, stakeholder consultation, political economyWorld Bank 
Liberia: National Energy Policy (2009)AfricaLiberiaPolíticaNacional1230768000.0000002009 Liberia, national energy policy, sector reform, regulatory frameworkMinistry of Lands, Mines and Energy 
Arrêté interministériel portant conditions d'agréments et de modalités d'organisation et de fonctionnement des marchés ruraux des bois (2009, regulatory framework on Rural Wood Markets in Benin)AfricaBeninLeyes o regulacionesNacional1230768000.0000002009 Benin, regulations, rural wood markets, charcoal production, trade Ministère de l'Environnement de la protection de la nature (Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection, Benin) … 
Forest (Charcoal) Rules 2009 (Kenya), Rev 2012AfricaKenyaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1230768000.0000002009 Forest, Charcoal Rule, KenyaKenya Forest Services 
Swaziland (Eswatini) National Biofuels Development Strategy and Action Plan 2009AfricaEswatiniEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1230768000.0000002009 Eswatini, biofuel, ethanol, biodiesel, strategy, action planMinistry of Natural Resources and Energy, Swaziland (Eswatini) 
Rwanda Sustainable Energy Development ProjectAfricaRwandaPrograma o proyectoNacional1230768000.00000020091230768000.0000002014Rwanda, sustainable energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency, biomass, firewood, woodfuel, charcoal value chain, efficient stove, improved cookstove, private sector participation, market developmentWorld Bank; Ministry of Infrastructure of Rwanda 
Bioenergy and Food Security Criteria and Indicators (BEFSCI) projectGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1230768000.00000020091230768000.0000002012Bioenergy, biofuels, food security, sustainability, tools, methodologies, assessmentFAO 
United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (UN-REDD)Global Programa o proyectoGlobal1199145600.0000002008 Deforestation, forest degradation, GHG emissions, climate change, driving factors, forest products, biomass, assessment, good practices, unsustainability, wood fuel, charcoal, household energy, efficiency improvement, REDD, policy options, toolkitUN-REDD; FAO; UNDP; UNEP 
National Energy Policy (Zambia, 2008) - National Energy Policy (Zambia, 2019)AfricaZambiaPolíticaNacional1199145600.00000020081199145600.0000002019energy, ploicy, wood, fuel, charcoal, production, alternative, ZambiaMinistry of Energy (Zambia) 
Developing Energy Enterprises Project in East Africa AfricaKenya - Uganda - United Republic of TanzaniaPrograma o proyectoVarios países1199145600.00000020081199145600.0000002013Energy access, enterprise development, improved cookstove, biomass briquetting, biogas, value chain, solar PV, East Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, UgandaGVEP International (currently the Energy 4 Impact) 
Development of an Energy Access Strategy for the East African CommunityAfrica Estrategia o plan de acciónVarios países1199145600.0000002008 Energy access, regional strategy, electricity, clean cooking, traditional biomass, modern energy service, East African Community, investment requirements, funding European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF); UNDP; EAC (East African Community) 
Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) - Rwanda AfricaRwandaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1199145600.00000020081199145600.0000002009Rwanda, biomass energy, assessment, strategy, institutional setup, demand supply analysis, policy, regulatory framework, woodfuel, charcoal value chain, plantation, cookstove, renewable, energy efficiency, energy accessMinistry of Infrastructure (Rwanda) 
Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) - MalawiAfricaMalawiEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1199145600.00000020081199145600.0000002009Malawi, biomass energy, assessment, strategy, institutional setup, demand supply analysis, policy, regulatory framework, woodfuel, charcoal value chain, plantation, cookstove, renewable, energy efficiency, energy accessMinistry of Energy, Mines and Natural Resources (Malawi) 
WISDOM for cities - Analysis of wood energy and urbanization using WISDOM methodologyGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1199145600.0000002008 Woodfuel, charcoal, wood energy, consumption, demand and supply, trend analysis, mapping, methodology, planning tools, guidelines, urbanization, puri-urbanFAO  
Charcoal: the reality - A study of charcoal consumption, trade and production in MalawiAfricaMalawiRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1167609600.0000002007 Charcoal value chain, survey, data collection, supply chain, cost structure, charcoal production and consumption, urban household energy, market demand, cooking fuel, MalawiInternational Institute for Environment and Development – IIED; Department of Forestry of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Malawi) 
Policies and Incentives for Managing the Miombo Woodlands of Southern AfricaAfrica Revisión y estudio del sectorVarios países1167609600.00000020071167609600.0000002008Miombo woodlands, drylands forest, sustainable forestry management, charcoal, wood, sustainability, value chain, policy reform, incentives, regulations, deforestation and degradation, Southern AfricaWorld Bank; Program on Forests (PROFOR) 
Uganda Standard (US765:2007): Wood charcoal and charcoal briquettes for household use — SpecificationAfricaUgandaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1167609600.0000002007 Uganda, standard, wood charcoal, charcoal briquettes, specificationUganda National Bureau of Standards 
Great Green Wall Initiative (GGWI)Africa - Near East and North Africa Estrategia o plan de acciónRegional1167609600.0000002007 Great Green Wall, Sahel, Sahara, restoration, degraded land, carbon sequestration, green jobs, trees plantation, grasslands, vegetation  
Environmental Crisis or Sustainable Development Opportunity? Transforming the charcoal sector in Tanzania - A Policy NoteAfricaUnited Republic of TanzaniaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1167609600.00000020071167609600.0000002009Tanzania, charcoal, wood fuel, sector analysis, policy options, economic incentives, reform, charcoal production, trade, consumption patterns, forest plantation, woodlots, deforestation, governance. World Bank 
Uganda Renewable Energy Policy (2007-2017)AfricaUgandaPolíticaNacional1167609600.00000020071167609600.0000002017Uganda, renewable energy, national policyMinistry of Energy and Mineral Development (of Uganda) 
Improved carbonisation and decentralised forestry control in Madagascar (2007-2009)AfricaMadagascarPrograma o proyectoSolo sitio de base1167609600.00000020071167609600.0000002009Charcoal, Improved Kiln, MadagascarDépartement Environnements et Sociétés Unité de Recherche en Partenariat Forêts et Biodiversité, Madagascar  
Africa-EU Energy PartnershipAfrica Estrategia o plan de acciónRegional1167609600.00000020071167609600.0000002020Africa, EU, energy, partnership, energy access, sustainable energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy security, electricity, solar, wind, hydro, monitoring European Commission; GIZ; African Union Commission - Department of Infrastructure and Energy... 
Burkina Faso Energy Access ProjectAfricaBurkina FasoPrograma o proyectoNacional1167609600.00000020071167609600.0000002014Burkina Faso, energy access, woodfuel, alternative energy, household energy, improved stoves, indoor air pollutionWorld Bank; Unité d’Exécution de la Réforme du Secteur de l'Energie (Energy Sector Reform Implementation Unit) 
Joint Wood Energy Enquiry in UNECE Region Europe and Central Asia Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1136073600.0000002006 Biomass, wood energy, wood fuel, wood pellets, wood chips, power generation, CHP, data collection, consumption and production, developed countries, JWEE, UNECE region, FAO, IEA. UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section; International Energy Agency (IEA); European Commission (EC) 
Charcoal Production using Improved Earth, Portable Metal, Drum and Casamance Kilns in KenyaAfricaKenyaRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1136073600.0000002006 Charcoal production, charcoal kiln, KenyaKenya Forestry Research Institute 
Sudan National Forestry Policy Statement Near East and North AfricaSudanPolíticaNacional1136073600.0000002006 Forestry policy, forestry governance, wood industriesN/A 
Fifth National Development Plan of Zambia (2006-2010)AfricaZambiaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1138752000.00000020061138752000.0000002010Zambia, development plan, charcoal, wood fuel, energy, alternative, management, Government of Zambia 
Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) Initiative Africa Estrategia o plan de acciónNacional1136073600.00000020061136073600.0000002011Biomass energy, sector planning, governance, methodology, cross-sectoral management, national strategy, guidance, stakeholder coordination, data, scenario development, action planning, toolkitEuropean Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF); GIZ 
Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP)Global Programa o proyectoGlobal1136073600.0000002006 Bioenergy, partnership, biomass, biofuels, forum, policy frameworks, sustainabilityGlobal Bioenergy Partnership 
Liberia: National Forestry Policy and Implementation Strategy (2006)AfricaLiberiaPolíticaNacional1136073600.0000002006 Liberia, forestry policy, implementation strategy, fuelwood, charcoalForestry Development Authority of Liberia 
Ghana: Strategic National Energy Plan (2006–2020)AfricaGhanaEstrategia o plan de acciónNacional1136073600.00000020061136073600.0000002020Ghana, national energy plan, energy demand and supplyEnergy Commission (of Ghana)  
Studies on Wood Energy in the UNECE Region Europe and Central Asia Revisión y estudio del sectorRegional1104537600.0000002005 Biomass, bioenergy, wood energy, wood pellets, power generation, cogeneration, CHP, GHG emissions, market review, data, policy debate, Joint Wood Energy Enquiry, Europe, North America, Central AsiaUNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section 
Barbecue charcoal and barbecue charcoal briquettes - Requirements and test methods (EN 1860-2:2005)Europe and Central Asia Leyes o regulacionesRegional1104537600.0000002005 Barbecue, BBQ, charcoal, charcoal briquettes, requirements, test methods  
Energising Development (EnDev) Africa - Asia and the Pacific - Latin America and the Caribbean Programa o proyectoVarios países1104537600.00000020051104537600.0000002021Energy access, partnership, modern energy services, developing countriesGIZ; RVO; Responsible ministries in the project countries 
ENQUETE ENERGIE AUPRES DES MENAGES (EDAM-Energie, 2004) - Djibouti Household Energy Survey 2004AfricaDjiboutiRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional1072915200.0000002004 Household energy, survey, Djibouti  
Madagascar Third Environmental Program Support Project – household energy componentAfricaMadagascarPrograma o proyectoSubpaís1072915200.00000020041072915200.0000002016Madagascar, household energy, biomass energy, charcoal, clean cooking, efficient stove, alternative energyWorld Bank; Ministry of Environment and Forests  
Woodfuel Integrated Supply/Demand Overview Mapping (WISDOM) - A methodological approach for assessing woodfuel sustainability and supporting wood energy planningGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1041379200.0000002003 Woodfuel, wood energy, consumption, supply and demand, trend analysis, mapping, methodology, planning tools, criticality ranking, spatial analysis, assessment, strategic planningFAO  
Uganda National Forestry and Tree Planting Act (2003)AfricaUgandaLeyes o regulacionesNacional1041379200.0000002003 Uganda, Forestry, Tree Planting, Act  
Household Energy and Universal Access Project in Mali AfricaMaliPrograma o proyectoNacional1041379200.00000020031041379200.0000002012Mali, household energy, energy access, biomass energy, clean cooking, efficient stove, alternative energy, forest, woodland, community-based management, energy sector reform, decentralized energy servicesWorld Bank; AMADER - Agence Malienne pour le Développement de l'Energie Domestique et d’Electrification Rurale (Malian Agency for the Development of Domestic Energy and Rural Electrification) 
Cooking Options in Refugee Situations - Experiences in Energy Conservation and Alternative FuelsGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal1009843200.0000002002 demand, refugeeUNHCR 
Benin Firewood Project Phase II (2002-2011) AfricaBeninPrograma o proyectoNacional1009843200.00000020021009843200.0000002011Sustainable forest management, fuelwood, demand and supply, alternative energy, reforestation, improved stoves, BeninMinistry of the Environment and Nature Protection (Benin) 
Code Forestier (2002, Forest Code of D.R. Congo)AfricaDemocratic Republic of the CongoLeyes o regulacionesNacional1009843200.0000002002 Forest Code, law, D.R. CongoMinistère de l'Environnement et Développement Durable  
European Union Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development (EUEI) and its Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF)Global Programa o proyectoGlobal1009843200.00000020021009843200.0000002018Sustainable energy, initiative, partnership, dialogue facility, renewable energy, biomass energy, wood fuel, energy efficiency; energy access; energy security, migration, climate change, SDG, project development, investment, fundEuropean Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) 
Uganda Forestry Policy (2001)AfricaUgandaPolíticaNacional978307200.0000002001 Uganda, Forestry, PolicyMinistry of Water, Lands and Environment  
IRENA Data & Statistics on Renewable EnergyGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal946684800.0000002000 Energy statistics, renewable energy, power general generation capacity, energy access, sustainable energy, country profile, energy Indicators, energy balance, solar PV, wind power, hydro, bioenergy, biomass, Nationally Determined Contribution, GHGInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)  
Forestry Outlook Study for Africa (FOSA) - Sudan (2000)Near East and North AfricaSudanRevisión y estudio del sectorNacional946684800.0000002000 Forest Policy, Energy Use, Forest Trade Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Forests National Corporation 
Charcoal (Prohibition of Exportation) Order of Zambia, 1999AfricaZambiaLeyes o regulacionesNacional917827200.0000001999 charcoal, Zambia, prohibition, regulation, exportation, tradeMinistry of Environment and Natural Resources (MENR) 
Environmental Management and Coordination Act 1999 (Kenya, Amended in 2015)AfricaKenyaLeyes o regulacionesNacional915148800.0000001999 Environmental management, woodlots, conservation of energy, Kenya  
World Energy OutlookGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal883612800.0000001998 World Energy Outlook, energy scenarios, energy policy, energy analysis, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, GHG emissions, energy demand, energy production, energy market, energy trade, assessment, investment prospects International Energy Agency (IEA) 
Household Energy Project (Chad)AfricaChadPrograma o proyectoSubpaís883612800.0000001998883612800.0000002004Chad, woodfuel, charcoal, firewood, household energy, wood product flow, cookstoves, land-use plan, cooking fuel, alternative energy World Bank 
Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management Project in Senegal (1997-2004)AfricaSenegalPrograma o proyectoNacional852076800.0000001997852076800.0000002004Senegal, wood energy, woodfuel, charcoal value chain, supply chain, household energy, urban household, improved stoves, massive production, cookstove, alternative energy, community forestsWorld Bank; Direction des Eaux et Forêts (National Water and Forest Directorate) 
FAOLEX Country Profiles Global Leyes o regulacionesGlobal788918400.0000001995 Database, national laws, legislation, regulations, policies, food, agriculture, natural resources management, forestry, environment, energy, international agreements  
Understanding the Zambian Charcoal Industry, 1993-2003AfricaZambiaPrograma o proyectoNacional725846400.0000001993725846400.0000002003Zambia, charcoal, industry, production, technology, kiln Department of Energy (DOE), Ministry of Energy and Water Development (MEWD); the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) of Sweden 
FAO GEF project database Global Programa o proyectoGlobal694224000.0000001992 FAO, GEF, project databseFAO and partners 
Improving Charcoaling Efficiency in the Traditional Rural Sector Global Revisión y estudio del sectorVarios países631152000.0000001990631152000.0000001991Charcoal production, improved kiln, technical intervention, case studyWorld Bank 
Mozambique Urban Household Energy Project – Biomass energy componentAfricaMozambiquePrograma o proyectoSubpaís599616000.0000001989599616000.0000001998Mozambique, woodfuel, efficient charcoal production, improved cookstove, urban market, charcoal kiln, alternative energy, wood plantation, eucalyptus charcoal, biomass resource inventory, remote sensing, biomass energy policy World Bank; Ministry of Agriculture (Mozambique)…  
Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in AsiaAsia and the PacificBangladesh - Bhutan - Cambodia - China - India - Indonesia - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Malaysia - Maldives - Myanmar - Nepal - Pakistan - Philippines - Sri Lanka - Thailand - Viet NamPrograma o proyectoRegional583718400.0000001988583718400.0000002001Wood, energ, charcoal, firewood, fuelwood, woodfuel, Asia , assessment, planning, utilization, strategyFAO 
The Casamance Kiln – an improved kiln for wood charcoal production (1987) Africa Programa o proyectoVarios países536457600.0000001987 Charcoal production, improved kilns, operations, fieldwork  
Minas Gerais Forestry Project in BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanBrazilPrograma o proyectoSubpaís565315200.0000001987565315200.0000001996Brazil, forest degradation, forest plantation, charcoal production, charcoal kilns, woodlots, environmental protection, institutional development World Bank; Minas Gerais Dev Bank; State Forestry Institute 
Malawi Charcoal Project - Experience and lessons of using softwood wastes from large plantations as feedstock AfricaMalawiPrograma o proyectoSolo sitio de base504921600.0000001986504921600.0000001989Malawi, charcoal, woodfuel, softwood, plantations, charcoal kiln, feedstock supply, charcoal quality, carbonization technology, economic viability, technical feasibilityWorld Bank 
Ethiopia Forestry Project (World Bank, 1986-1994)AfricaEthiopiaPrograma o proyectoNacional504921600.0000001986504921600.0000001994Ethiopia, forest plantation, rehabilitation, eucalyptus, woodfuel, biomass, construction pole household energy, community forestsWorld Bank; Project Management Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture (Ethiopia), and later the Ministry of Natural Resources Development and Environmental Protection 
Ethiopia Energy Project (World Bank, 1986-1995) – household energy componentAfricaEthiopiaPrograma o proyectoNacional504921600.0000001986504921600.0000001995Ethiopia, biomass briquettes, agricultural residues, charcoal production, woodfuel, cookstove, household energy World Bank; Ministry of Agriculture (Ethiopia) 
World Bank’s Second Wood Energy Project in Malawi (1986-1993)AfricaMalawiPrograma o proyectoNacional504921600.0000001986504921600.0000001993Malawi, wood energy, sustainable woodfuel, supply and demand, incentives, forest plantation, woodlots, charcoal, efficient charcoal kilns, cookstove, alternative energy, renewable energyWorld Bank; Ministry of Forestry & Natural Resources 
Industrial charcoal makingGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal478483200.0000001985 charcoal, industrial, technology, carbonization, kiln, utilization, quality FAO 
Simple technologies for charcoal makingGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal410227200.0000001983 charcoal, technology, kilns, carbonization FAO1
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)Global Programa o proyectoGlobal410227200.0000001983 Energy access, energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy subsidy reform, governance, markets, planning, technical assistance, energy sector management, tracking SDG7, country reports, World Bank, ESMAP, SE4ALL, SEforALLWorld Bank 
Unasylva special edition on wood energy Global Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal362793600.0000001981 Fuelwood; wood energy; charcoal; FAO 
IEA Bioenergy - Technology Collaboration Programme on BioenergyGlobal Revisión y estudio del sectorGlobal315532800.0000001980315532800.0000002021Bioenergy, biomass, bioeconomy, biofuels, biorefinery, circular economy, climate change, combustion, gasification, GHG, liquefaction, sustainable energy, technology collaborationContracting Parties to the IEA Bioenergy Agreement 
World Bank’s Second National Rural Development Program in Malawi - Wood Energy ProjectAfricaMalawiPrograma o proyectoNacional315532800.0000001980315532800.0000001987Malawi, wood energy, forest plantation, woodlots, charcoal, woodfuel, alternative energy, land-use planning, renewable energy, biomass, rural developmentWorld Bank ... 
Rwanda Integrated Forestry and Livestock Development ProjectAfricaRwandaPrograma o proyectoSubpaís315532800.0000001980315532800.0000001987Rwanda, firewood, woodfuel, woodlot plantation, charcoal, charcoal kiln, biomass, improved cookstoveWorld Bank; Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Rwanda