World Agriculture Watch

IFAD farmers forum


During the Farmers Forum, organized on the 23rd of February 2012,  WAW Secretariat held a side event to present the WAW International Initiative. This side event was part of the consultative process to develop the World Agriculture Watch.

Its main objective was to engage in a dialogue with the Farmers’ Forum participants, FOs representatives and IFAD staff and partners, on how WAW could better serve farmers, agricultural policy makers and the institutions mandated to support the development of smallholder and family farmers.

This side event was organized as follows:

  • Introductory presentation of WAW Initiative by A. Müller, (FAO, Director)
  • How WAW Initiative could benefit to Farmers’ Organizations? by P. Caron, (CIRAD, Director)
  • Presentation of COPROFAM, Confederación de Organizaciones  de Productores Familiares, Campesinos y Indígenas del MERCOSUR
  • Panel of reactions from Farmers’organizations and IFAD, within which: Ousseini Ouédraogo, Réseau des organisations paysannes et de producteurs de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA), Esther Penunia, Asian farmers' association for sustainable rural development (AFA), secretary general; Alessandra da Costa Lunas, Vice-Presidente e Secretaria, de Relações Internacionais da CONTAG, -Secretaria General da COPROFAM ;  C. Seré, IFAD 
  • Open discussion, conclusions and recommendations

The minutes of this side event are also available.