WBF 12th Steering Committee Meeting - Virtual Meeting

8 - 9 June 2017

The WBF is the only global multi-stakeholder platform of the banana sector with over 250 participants worldwide, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). As a neutral convener with global leverage, the WBF develops projects with strong field-based foundations and facilitates the effective collaboration of global and local actors to reach consensus on best practices for sustainable banana production and trade. 

This Steering Committee meeting will be the opportunity to exchange information on the challenges that the banana industry is currently facing and to share the results of the WBF’s Working Groups on environment, distribution of value, gender & labour rights, and our global events and alliances. It is also a valuable opportunity to prepare the WBF Global Conference that will take place in the second semester of 2017.

 Final report



Day 1: Thursday 8 June 2017


Times are listed in Central European Summer Time (CEST)



Introduction of participants



Welcome by the WBF Secretariat



Presentation of meeting objectives

by the WBF Secretariat



Summary of the WBF’s activities since the 11th SC meeting

by the WBF Secretariat



Preparation of the WBF Global Conference

Dates and venue

Draft programme

Budget and funding

International meeting of women working in the banana industry

Draft programme

Budget and funding






Memberships and partnerships

by the WBF Secretariat


German Action Alliance on Sustainable Bananas (ABNB) - Alexandra Kessler

COLEACP - Morag Webb

Increasing the participation of members (plans and surveys) - Nelson Castro 

Engaging potential new members - Pascal Liu



Funding of the WBF

by the WBF Secretariat


Update on the collection of fees in 2016-2017

Fundraising initiatives

Revision of annual fees



Lunch break



Sustainable Production Systems and Environmental Impact

by WG01 Coordinators


Promoting good practices for sustainable production - Farrah Adam

Reducing carbon and water footprints - Farrah Adam, Miguel Vallejo and Luis Garnier.

The global challenge posed by Fusarium wilt TR4

Fusarium wilt TR4 in Australia and experiences on its prevention and management - Stewart Lindsay (Team Leader - Banana Production System. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, Australia)

WBF Task Force on TR4 - Luud Clercx

FAO Global Programme - Fazil Dusunceli (Plant Production and Protection Officer FAO)


Determination of outputs to be presented at the WBF Global conference (Emissions & water, Biodiversity, Organic production, Pests and diseases), potential panelists






Distribution of Value in the banana supply chain

by WG02 Coordinators


Overview of activities since the 11th SC meeting - Alistair Smith

Living Wages Initiative (LIWIN) Ecuador and Cameroon - Victor Prada

Living wage benchmarks in the banana industry - Michelle Bhattacharyya (GLWC)

Living wage benchmarks and gender pay gap - Alistair Smith & Anna Cooper

WG02 outputs and WBF Global Conference 


Determination of outputs to be presented at the WBF Global conference (Living wages, Sustainable cost of production, Consumers, Impacts of certifications), potential panelists



End of Day 1



Session for SC members only

Acceptance of new members

Sharing of information within working groups

Internal administrative and financial matters


Day 2: Friday 9 June 2017

Times are listed in Central European Summer Time (CEST)


Main decisions of Day 1

Summary by the WBF Secretariat



Labour Rights, Gender and Health and Safety in banana production

            by WG03 Coordinators


Overview of activities since 11th SC meeting

Update on advances in labour relations in Africa - Sue Longely & Christelle Lasme

Advances in Ghana for women workers - Adwoa Sakyi

Advances in Latin America for women workers - Iris Munguía

Proposal and preparations for the global strategy meeting on gender equity - Silvia Campos and Anna Cooper

Occupational Health and Safety - Jeroen Kroezen


Determination of outputs to be presented at the WBF Global conference (Labour rights and decent work, Gender issues, Health and safety), potential panelists






Activity planning

by EB members


Elaboration of work plan for the organization of the Conference

Priority setting and definition of targets



Wrap up and next steps



Meeting closes