На данной странице размещаются новости и информация о событиях, связанных с работой ВФБ и банановой отраслью.

Новости и события

Official launch of the Ecuadorian National Manual on Occupational Health and Safety for the Banana Industry (2017) by Minister of Labour, Raul Clemente Ledesma Huerta, took place at the Third Global Conference of the World Banana Forum on 8th of November 2017.
"The World Banana Forum (WBF) has announced that its Third Global Conference and it will take place from 7th to 10th November 2017 in Geneva at CICG (Geneva International Conference Centre)."
The World Banana Forum (WBF) is very pleased to announce the election of Renwick Ellsworth Adrian Rose as the Chairperson of its Executive Board.
"After years of postponement due to concerns over the potential spread of pests and diseases into production countries, the Third Conference of the World Banana Forum (WBF) is due to take place later this year in a country famed for its neutrality – Switzerland."
The Banana Market Review, issued once a year, contains information and analysis on global banana trade, including imports, exports, prices and policy changes. Information and data comes from various sources, including FAO member nations, traders and the world press.