Commission on Living Wages and Income

The World Banana Forum's Multi-Stakeholder Commission on Living Wages and Incomes emerged from industry stakeholders' calls for a neutral platform to address these critical issues within the banana sector. Acting as a central hub, the Commission facilitates collaboration among stakeholders to uphold fair wages and dignified living standards across industries. Through this platform, stakeholders work together to promote responsible purchasing practices, ensuring transparency and fair distribution of value within supply chains. The Commission also serves as a platform for tracking and improving wages, with the aim of aligning them with living wage standards. Practical tools and resources developed by the Commission support stakeholders in effectively implementing living wage initiatives through activities such as awareness campaigns and capacity building, while also addressing implementation challenges. 


  1. Serve as a neutral platform for all stakeholders in the banana industry to engage in meaningful discussions and decision-making on topics related to living wages, incomes, and associated elements. 
  2. Foster collaboration and strengthen relationships among stakeholders, while also promoting transparency and information sharing within the banana industry. This has been achieved by setting up two subgroups - the Living Wage Methodologies and Tools Subgroup, and the Markets Subgroup - to address specific aspects of the living wage issue, under its guidance. 
  3. Develop pricing mechanisms that ensure economic sustainability for employers while enabling the provision of living wages to workers.


  • Creation of two Subgroups which operate under the commission's guidance, collectively working towards achieving fair wages and incomes throughout the banana industry. The Living Wage Methodologies and Tools Subgroup, which focuses on methodologies, data collection processes, and feedback mechanisms; and the Markets Subgroup, dedicated to addressing market accessibility and production costs.  
  • World Banana Forum 4th Global Conference (WBF4C), Rome 11-14 March 2024, focused on shaping discourse and collaboration surrounding fair wages within the banana industry. Discussions ranged from the role of public sector and intergovernmental organizations to lessons learned, specific topics, and a joint agenda for the future. Panellists from various sectors participated to generate concrete proposals for discussion to advance dialogue on living wages. 
  • Subgroup Activities: Establishing a structured format for future meetings to sustain ongoing discussions and actions, while constantly reviewing governance, stakeholder participation, and forward-looking strategies, and generating comprehensive plans and initiatives to advance living wage objectives.