Commission on Certifications

Following the WBF Meetings on Global Value Chain Sustainability held during Fruit Attraction 2023 in Madrid, an agreement was reached between WBF members to continue discussions on the important topic of certification and audit requirements and costs.

To this end, the WBF Secretariat established the Commission on Certifications, which will aim to discuss and address, inter alia, issues surrounding over-certification, the burden of certification requirements on producers, and the costs related to auditing. The Commission will be an inclusive neutral platform to facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue on the abovementioned issues and will fall under the mandate of the WBF, with the representation of all constituent groups.

At the moment, the Certification Commission counts on the participation of representatives from the following organizations:

  • Association of Ecuador Banana Exporters (AEBE)
  • Association of Banana Growers of Colombia (AUGURA)
  • Dominican Association of Banana Producers (ADOBANANO)
  • Association of Banana Growers of Magdalena and la Guajira (ASBAMA)
  • Latin American and Caribbean Network of Fairtrade Small Producers and Workers (CLAC)
  • Agroamerica
  • Fairtrade International
  • Rainforest Alliance
  • Iseal Alliance
  • Demeter
  • GlobalG.A.P.
  • Flocert
  • LEAF
  • European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG)
  • Sainsbury’s
  • Tesco
  • Coordinating Body of Latin American Banana and Agro-industrial Unions (COLSIBA)
  • Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH)
  • German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)

If you are interested in joining the Commission on certifications, please contact Victor Prada at [email protected] and/or WBF Secretariat at [email protected].