Programme du recensement mondial de l’agriculture

Regional Roundtable on the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020)

19-23 September 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

The FAO, with the assistance of the Agricultural and Food Marketing Association for Asia and the Pacific (AFMA), organized the above meeting for 21 FAO member countries in Asia. The meeting was part of a series of regional meetings planned to present the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 to the FAO member countries in different parts of the world.

The Roundtable focused on new features and innovations included in the new World Programme for Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020). Additionally, the meeting aimed at disseminating among the selected member countries of FAO from Asia the new WCA 2020 which will cover the period 2016-2025. The Roundtable was part of ESS capacity building activities and aimed at strengthening the knowledge and skills of national staff in Asian Countries in charge of planning and conducting agricultural censuses. 

The participants of the meeting were professional statisticians and census leaders who are likely to play a role in the planning and execution of next agricultural census in their respective countries. A total of 23 countries were invited to the meeting namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Rep. of Korea, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand (host), Timor Leste and Viet Nam.

Country presentations

  China - Classical Approach

  Cambodia - Modular Approach

  Nepal - Linking Population and housing censuses with Agriculture Censuses

  Timor-Leste's Intervention on Methodological consideration for the census design

  Bangladesh - Identification and general characteristics

  India: Land

  Nepal: Irrigation

  India's Intervention on Irrigation

  Pakistan: Crops

  VietNam: Crops

  Mongolia - Livestock

  India's Intervention on Livestock

  Pakistan's Intervention on Livestock

  China - Agricultural Practices and Services

  Lao PDR - Agricultural practices and Services

  Myanmar - Demographic and Social Characteristics

  Thailand - Demographic and Social Characteristics

  Lao PDR's Intervention on Demographic and Social Characteristics

  Cambodia - Work on holding

  Sri Lanka - Household food security

  Lao PDR's Intervention on Household food security

  Philippines- Aquaculture and Fisheries

  Indonesia - Aquaculture and Fisheries

  Bhutan - Forestry and Environment/greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

  Indonesia - Forestry and Environment/greenhouse gas (GHG) emission

  Republic of Korea - Community Level Data

  China's Intervention on Community Level Data

  Cambodia- Census Tabulation, archiving and dissemination

  Lao PDR - Census Tabulation, archiving and dissemination

  Myanmar's Intervention on Census Tabulation, archiving and dissemination

  Thailand's Intervention on Census Tabulation, archiving and dissemination

  Islam Republic of Iran - Use of technology for field data capture and compilation

  Thailand - Use of Technologies for field data capture and compilation