Программа Всемирной сельскохозяйственной переписи
©FAO/Christena Dowsett

Regional Roundtable on the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020)

18-22 September 2017, Nairobi, Kenya

FAO, with the assistance of the FAO Representative in Kenya, organized the above meeting for FAO member countries in Anglophone African region. The meeting was part of a series of regional meetings to present the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 to the FAO member countries in different parts of the world.


The Roundtable focused on the new features and innovations included in the new World Programme for Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020). Additionally, the meeting aimed to disseminate among the selected member countries of FAO the new WCA 2020 which will cover the period 2016-2025. The Roundtable was part of FAO statistics division capacity development activities to strengthen the knowledge and skills of national staff in member countries in charge of planning and conducting agricultural censuses.


The participants of the meeting were professional statisticians and census leaders who are likely to play a role in the planning and execution of next agricultural census in their respective countries. A total of 24 countries have been invited to the meeting, including Botswana, Eritrea, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra-Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Country presentations

  TS2 - Canada statistics-key highlights from the 2016 census and vision for 2021

  TS4a1 - Canada census of agriculture 2016-key methodological consideration

  TS4a2 - Mozambique agricultural and livestock census 2009-2011

  TS4b - Seychelles agricultural census 2011-seychelles experience

  TS5a - Theme 1: identification and general characteristics-Canada's experience

  TS5b - Botswana agricultural census 2015-identification and general characteristics

  TS6a - Theme 2: land-Canada's experience

  TS6B - South Africa census of commercial agriculture 2007-land characteristics

  TS6c - Botswana agricultural census 2015-land characteristics

  TS7 - Census theme 3-irrigation

  TS8a - South Africa census of commercial agriculture 2007-crops

  TS8b - Tanzania national census of agriculture 2007/2008-crops

  TS9a - Census theme 5-livestock

  TS9b - Namibia census of agriculture 2013/2014-methodology and theme 3: livestock

  TS10 - Tanzania census of agriculture 2007/2008-Agricultural services and practices

  TS11a - Gambia agricultural census 2011/2012-demographic and social characteristics and intra-household distribution of managerial decisions and ownership on the holding

  TS11b - Seychelles agricultural census 2011-census theme 8 and 10

  TS12 - Gambia agricultural census 2011/2012-work on the holding

  TS13 - Malawi national census of agriculture 2006/2007-household food security

  TS14 - Namibia census of agriculture 2013/2014-aquaculture and fisheries

  TS15 - Rwanda national agricultural survey 2008

  TS16 - Lesotho community level data 2009/2010

  TS17a - Tabulation, archiving and dissemination

  TS17b1 - Ethiopia agricultural sample 2001/2002-short notes on enumeration, tabulation, dissemination and archiving

 TS17b2 - Ethiopia annual agricultural sample survey-tabulation, dissemination and archiving: Ethiopia's experience

 TS17c - Tabulation, archiving and dissemination-Kenyan experience

 TS18a1 - Lesotho agricultural census 2009/2010-legal and institutional framework

 TS18a2 - Nigeria national agriculture sample census

 TS18b1 - census of agriculture 2016-communication outreach

 TS18b2 - Ghana experience in census of agriculture-communication and publicity

 TS18c - Mozambique agricultural and livestock census 2009/2010-agricultural module of population census, use of GPS and CAPI

 TS19a - Liberal national practices on data collection methods for statistics on structural aspects of agriculture

 TS19b - South Sudan data collection methods for statistics on structural aspects of agriculture

 TS19c - Swaziland census of agriculture 2012/2013- agriculture census preparation and methodology

 TS19d - Zambia data collection methods  for structural aspects of agriculture

 TS19e - National practices on data collection methods for statistics on structural aspect of agriculture