World Programme for the Census of Agriculture




The publication is the second and last publication of the WCA 2010 round. It is a unique reference for understanding the evolution of strategies and methods seen in national agricultural censuses in that round.


The real value of this publication lies in the availability of detailed metadata on agricultural censuses conducted by different countries.


This publication focuses on the operational aspects for conducting a census of agriculture. It deals with the practical details on the steps involved in actually conducting an agricultural census. Volume 2 is a revised and updated edition of “Conducting Agricultural Censuses and Surveys”, published by FAO in 1996.


This publication provides guidance on agricultural censuses carried out by countries in the period between 2016 and 2025. The WCA 2020 will ensure that data collected are comparable at the international level while also addressing emerging information needs of the 21st century.


This publication is a methodological review of the agricultural censuses conducted within the framework of the Programme for the World Census of Agriculture 2000. It covers methodological aspects like enumeration methods and techniques, census frames, geographical and holding type coverage, census scope, etc.