Programme du recensement mondial de l’agriculture

World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 1990

The Programme for the World Census of Agriculture 1990 assisted countries by providing definitions, concepts, standards and guidelines for censuses in the decade 1986 - 1995. This data was used to generate a database of internationally comparable figures, such as number of farms by size, number of livestock by type and age/sex classification and land use by crops and agricultural inputs. 

Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture
FAO Statistical Development Series 2

This publications provides information about the 1990 World Census of Agriculture. It is aimed to assist countries in planning, developing and operating the statistical component of a national information system for food and agriculture.

Microcomputer-based data processing: 1990 World Census of Agriculture
FAO Statistical Development Series 2a

This book provides guidance on processing the census of agriculture data in an efficient and cost-efficient way. The purpose of this book is to provide guidance on processing of micro-computer agricultural census data to those countries that will participate in FAO's 1990 World Census of Agriculture.

Supplement for Asia and the Pacific: Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture
FAO Statistical Development Series 2d
This supplement provides specific recommendations for countries in Asia and the Pacific for carrying out agricultural censuses. It is part of the Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture.

Report on the 1990 World Census of Agriculture 
International comparison and primary results by country (1986-1995)
FAO Statistical Development Series 9

This publication on the 1990 WCA presents the census results collected from the reports issued by the countries that conducted censuses during the 1986-1995 decade. 

Supplement to the report on the 1990 World Census of Agriculture 
International comparison and primary results by country (1986-1995)
FAO Statistical Development Series 9a 

This supplement to the report on the 1990 WCA presents the census results collected from the reports issued by the countries that conducted censuses during the 1986-1995 decade and made them available to FAO after mid-1997.