Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

16 October 2024

World Food Day

Every year, a large number of events – from marathons and hunger marches, to exhibitions, cultural performances, contests and concerts – are organised in around 150 countries across the world to celebrate World Food Day. 

Whether you’re a business, NGO, journalist, government, city, civil society organization or individual, take advantage of this opportunity to call for action! 

Plan a World Food Day event or spread the word on your channels and let us know if you need our help. We can provide you with a range of promotional materials in several languages – from posters to brochures, event banners and youth content. 

Register now for the World Food Day ceremony 

Get ready for the World Food Day global ceremony happening on 16 October at 10:00 CET at FAO headquarters. A special WFD exhibit experience will also celebrate FAO's 79th anniversary and kick off the 80-1 Countdown to our 80th anniversary next year. 

Events will also be live streamed on

Register now

Register for the Junior World Food Day School Assembly at the World Food Forum!

This year, the Junior World Food Day will join forces with the World Food Forum’s School Assembly as one large event for students at FAO Headquarters at 10.00 on 17 October 2024.

Register your class now and have your students join a conversation on food with international leaders, youth activists, sports food heroes and celebrities. This fun event will be packed with stories, music, interactive quizzes and games, guaranteed to inspire action for a sustainable food-secure future. The event will also be live streamed on

Register your class

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