World Soil Day, 5 December

Quito, Ecuador. Photo courtesy of Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería

FAO Subregional Office for Central Africa, Gabon. ©FAO/Bouassa Levy

Tajikistan ©FAO/Bunafsha Azimova

About World Soil Day

World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on 5 December as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management of soil resources.

An international day to celebrate Soil was recommended by the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) in 2002. Under the leadership of the Kingdom of Thailand and within the framework of the Global Soil Partnership, FAO has supported the formal establishment of WSD as a global awareness raising platform. The FAO Conference unanimously endorsed World Soil Day  in June 2013 and requested its official adoption at the 68th UN General Assembly. In December 2013 the UN General Assembly responded by designating 5 December 2014 as the first official World Soil Day. 

FAO, within the framework of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP), has received the official mandate to facilitate the implementation of the World Soil Day.

The date of 5 December for WSD was chosen because it corresponds with the official birthday of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the King of Thailand, who officially sanctioned the event.

In 2016 this day was officially recognized in memory and with respect for this beloved monarch who passed away in October 2016 after seven decades as head of state.

2012 to 2016 with links to the related communication toolkits.

Theme of the year

World Soil Day 2023: Soil and water, a source of life

Our planet’s survival depends on the precious link between soil and water. Over 95 percent of our food originates from these two fundamental resources. Soil water, vital for nutrient absorption by plants, binds our ecosystems together. This symbiotic relationship is the foundation of our agricultural systems.

However, in the face of climate change and human activity, our soils are being degraded, putting excessive pressure on our water resources. Erosion disrupts the natural balance, reducing water infiltration and availability for all forms of life. Sustainable soil management practices, such as minimum tillage, crop rotation, organic matter addition, and cover cropping, improve soil health, reduce erosion and pollution, and enhance water infiltration and storage. These practices also preserve soil biodiversity, improve fertility, and contribute to carbon sequestration, playing a crucial role in the fight against climate change.

The World Soil Day 2023 (WSD) and its campaign aim to raise awareness on the importance and relationship between soil and water in achieving sustainable and resilient agrifood systems. WSD is a unique global platform that not only celebrates soils but also empowers and engages citizens around the world to improve soil health.

Check out the KEY MESSAGES 2023 

Past Campaign

World Soil Day 2023

The Global Soil Partnership dedicated WSD 2023 to the theme "Soil and water, a source of life". It was celebrated in 180 countries through 10 000 events (see WSD 2023 map and official celebrations). A massive amount of articles in major newspapers reached 1 billion users worldwide. The involvement of high-profile people and household names brought 405 million interactions on social media on 5 December. Read the 'World Soil Day 2023 Campaign report'

WSD 2023 communication material | Poster drawing contest | Booklet contest and  results | Newsroom | Flickr photogallery | Map

World Soil Day 2022

The Global Soil Partnership dedicated WSD 2022 to the theme "Soil, where food begins". It was celebrated in 154 countries through 2 300 events (see WSD 2022 map and official celebrations). A massive amount of articles in major newspapers reached 3.5 billion users worldwide. The involvement of high-profile people and household names brought 130 million interactions on social media on 5 December. Read the 'World Soil Day 2022 Campaign report'

WSD 2022 communication material | Poster drawing contest | Booklet contest and  results | Newsroom | Flickr photogallery | Map

World Soil Day 2021

The Global Soil Partnership dedicated WSD 2021 to the theme "Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity". It was celebrated in 125 countries through 781 events (see WSD 2021 map and official celebrations). A massive amount of articles in major newspapers reached 1.15 billion users worldwide. The involvement of high-profile people and household names brought 130 million interactions on social media on 5 December. Read the 'World Soil Day 2021 Campaign report'

WSD 2021 communication material | Poster drawing contest | Booklet contest and  resultsNewsroom | Flickr photogallery | Map

World Soil Day 2020

The Global Soil Partnership dedicated WSD 2020 to the theme "Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity". It was celebrated in 105 countries through 780 events (see WSD 2020 map and official celebrations). A massive amount of articles in major newspapers reached 820 million people. The involvement of high-profile people and household names brought 350 million interactions on social media on 5 December. Read the 'World Soil Day 2020 Campaign report'

WSD 2020 communication material | Booklet contest and resultsNewsroom | Flickr photogallery | WSD2020 outreach video | Map

World Soil Day 2019

The Global Soil Partnership dedicated WSD 2019 to the theme "Stop soil erosion, Save our future". It was celebrated in more than 100 countries through 560 events (see WSD 2019 map and official celebrations). A massive amount of articles in major newspapers reached 650 million people. The involvement of high-profile people and household names brought 400 million interactions on social media. Check the post-campaign report: 'WSD 2019: Overview and key results', the NEW video, and the Flickr photogallery.

WSD 2019 communication material | My actions | Challenge | Newsroom | Map

World Soil Day 2018

The Global Soil Partnership dedicated WSD 2018 to the theme "Be the Solution to Soil Pollution". More people than ever took part in the celebrations, conveying the FAO message on the importance of soil quality for food security, healthy ecosystems and human well-being. Four official celebrations and over 300 events in 90 countries marked WSD 2018 (check it out on the WSD 2018 worldwide map). See the Photo Gallery and read the Report.

WSD 2018 communication material | My actions | Theme and key messages | FAO press release and Newsroom | Map

World Soil Day 2017

The Global Soil Partnership dedicated WSD 2017 to the theme "Caring for the soils starts from the ground". The Global Soil Organic Carbon map - GSOCmap was launched, and the UNEA3 Resolution on Managing Soil Pollution was adopted by 177 countries. The sixth World Soil Day 2017 photogallery  features fun photos of more than 200 events from almost 100 countries. Official celebrations were held in RomeNew YorkNairobi. FAO co-organized events in Santiago and Moscow.

WSD 2017 communication material | Activities | Key messages | Press release

World Soil Day 2016

FAO/GSP dedicated World Soil Day 2016 to the theme "Soils & Pulses: Symbiosis for life", in celebration of the synergy between the International Year of Soils (IYS) 2015 and the International Year of Pulses (IYP) 2016. The book “Soils & Pulses: Symbiosis for life”, presents decision-makers and practitioners with scientific facts and technical recommendations for managing the symbiosis between soils and pulses.  

The fifth World Soil Day 2016 Flickr photogallery features fun photos of worldwide events. 

Link to WSD 2016 communication material 

World Soil Day 2015

FAO was nominated to implement the International Year of Soil (IYS) 2015, within the framework of the Global Soil Partnership and in collaboration with FAO member countries. The theme for World Soil Day 2015 was "Healthy soils for a healthy life".

Special focus was placed on increasing awareness and understanding of the importance of soil for food security and essential ecosystem functions. Soils are a critical component of the natural system and a vital contributor to human wellbeing through its contribution to food, water and energy security and mitigation of biodiversity loss. It was celebrated by the global community of 60 000 soil scientists charged with the responsibility of generating and communicating soil knowledge for the common good of all.

Link to the IYS 2015 website | Link to WSD 2015 communication material

World Soil Day 2014

"The soils community could really contribute to the efforts of food security, hunger eradication, climate change adaptation, poverty reduction and sustainable development"

This is how FAO and the GSP secretariat started their words of welcome during the first official celebration of World Soil Day... Soil specialists, politicians, leading experts, and top officials from all across the globe convened at FAO headquarters to emphasize the importance of soils beyond the soil science community.

Link to WSD 2014 communication material

World Soil Day 2013 & 2012

Recognizing the importance of soils, under the framework of the Global Soil Partnership and with the unanimous support of FAO members, the 37th FAO Conference endorsed 5th December as WSD and requested the UN General Assembly to provide its final endorsement. Since then the soils community has an important opportunity as soils are placed high in global discussions.

Link to WSD 2013 communication material | Link to WSD 2012 communication material