Día mundial del suelo, 5 de diciembre

Material de campaña 2018

En esta página ofrecemos materiales de comunicación para ayudar a crear expectación sobre el Día Mundial del Suelo. Compruebe este espacio a menudo porque seguiremos produciendo materiales de campaña divertidos hasta diciembre de 2018.

Postér | Sea la solución a la contaminación del suelo

El póster oficial del Día Mundial del Suelo 2018 puede descargarse aquí!


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Other languages:  Japanese | Korean | PortugueseThai | Italian | Indonesian | Ukraine



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Other languages: Italian | Thai

Banner y Botón Web

¿Por qué no añadir el banner o el botón del Día Mundial del Suelo a su blog o a su sitio web? Hemos proporcionado una variedad de tamaños para que usted los descargue. Para descargar un banner/ botón, simplemente haga clic con el botón derecho en el que desea utilizar y seleccione 'Guardar imagen como' (PC) o 'Guardar enlace como' (Mac) en el menú que aparece. A continuación, guarde el archivo en su escritorio o disco duro.

Cuando agregue el banner o botón a su página web, recuerde enlazarlo a www.fao.org/world-soil-day/


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Square format: 600*600 | 300*300                                                   600*600 | 300*300                                                            600*600 | 300*300 



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Other languages: Thai 600*300 | 600*150 

Templates for presentations

Are you planning a conference or a workshop for WSD 2018? Do you fancy an official pptx presentation template? You can use ours! We have prepared for you downloadable templates in 6 languages and 2 different formats: 16:9 and 4:3!

Format 4:3

Format 16:9

                               EN | ES | FR | AR | ZH | RU

                                   EN | ES | FR | AR | ZH | RU


Entregando camisetas en los eventos del WSD se puede crear un verdadero espíritu de equipo y dar a todos los involucrados un bonito recuerdo del día. Con estos archivos, usted puede imprimir sus propias camisetas WSD. No es difícil. Hemos dado las instrucctiones.    


                                   EN Download                                                            AR Download                                                                 ES Download

                                RU Download                                                             FR Download                                                                  ZH Download     

Other languages: Italian - Preview | Print file;  | Thai - Preview | Print file; | Indonesian Print file;

Everyone has a role to play

Everyone can do something great in their own small way!

Be the Solution to Soil Pollution invites you to rethink to our consumption patterns, reusing and recycling for a world free of pollution… Yes, small changes in our habits will have very positive effects on pollution prevention and minimization.


                                        EN                                                                                       EN                                                                                     EN 


                                        EN                                                                                       EN                                                                                     EN


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Descargue, imprima y comparta nuestras postales con mensajes clave sobre la contaminación del suelo!


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ES: XS | Small | Medium | Large                                   ES: XS | Small | Medium | Large                               ES: XS | Small | Medium | Large 

FR: XS | Small | Medium | Large                                   FR: XS | Small | Medium | Large                               FR: XS | Small | Medium | Large


EN: XS | Small | Medium | Large                                 EN: XSSmall | Medium | Large                                EN: XS | Small | Medium | Large

ES: XS | Small | Medium | Large                                  ES: XS | Small | Medium | Large                                 ES: XS | Small | Medium | Large 

FR: XS | Small | Medium | Large                                  FR: XS | Small | Medium | Large                                 FR: XS | Small | Medium | Large


EN: XSSmall | Medium | Large                                 EN: XSSmall | Medium | Large

ES: XS | Small | Medium | Large                                  ES: XS | Small | Medium | Large

FR: XS | Small | Medium | Large                                  FR: XS | Small | Medium | Large

Other languages

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XS | S | M | L            XS | S | M | L             XS | S | M | L            XS | S | M | L 

Soil Pollution Infographic

Discover the reality behind soil pollution and how you can be the solution!

Take a closer look here!

Format : JPG (910*6437 px) in EN -  ES - FR - IT | PDF available in different languages EN - ESFR - IT (and printable as 5 separate A4). 

Soil pollution cards | Be the solution

Would you like to be part of the solution? Read and share our soil pollution cards that explain you how to 'Be the solution' and contribute to #StopSoilPollution!


                             EN | FR | ES                                                                         EN | FR | ES                                                                    EN | FR | ES


                             EN | FR | ES                                                                         EN | FR | ES                                                                    EN | FR | ES


                             EN | FR | ES                                                                         EN | FR | ES                                                                    EN | FR | ES

Datos sobre la contaminación del suelo

¿Lo sabías? 9 hechos breves sobre la realidad amenazante de la contaminación del suelo


Small | Medium | Large                                               Small | Medium | Large                                                Small | Medium | Large


Small | Medium | Large                                               Small | Medium | Large                                                Small | Medium | Large


Small | Medium | Large                                              Small | Medium | Large                                                Small | Medium | Large

Amenazas a las funciones del suelo

Se ha elaborado una serie de 9 postales centradas en las principales amenazas al suelo, junto con un mapa mundial que muestra las condiciones y tendencias de cada amenaza específica en todo el mundo.

Soil acidification
English | French | Spanish

Soil biodiversity loss
English | French | Spanish

Soil compaction
English | French | Spanish


Soil contamination
English | French | Spanish

Soil salinization and sodification
English | French | Spanish

Soil nutrient imbalance
English | French | Spanish


Soil sealing
English | French | Spanish

Soil organic carbon loss
English | French | Spanish

Soil erosion
English | French | Spanish



Soil Pollution: a Hidden Reality

Soil Pollution, a hidden reality

Soil is a complex growing habitat that remains productive only when it is cared for and nurtured. Combating and addressing soil pollution means assessing and minimizing the risks for food security, human health and the environment.


The Global Soil Organic Carbon Map V1.0

The Global Soil Organic Carbon Map V1.0

The Global Soil Organic Carbon map V1.0 is an important stepping stone to better know the current Soil Organic Carbon stock stored beneath our feet and soils’ potential for further sequestration.


Soil Organic Carbon

Soil organic carbon, the treasure beneath our feet

An animated illustration of soil organic carbon and its importance for climate action, food production and sustainable development.


Suelos y legumbres

Suelos y legumbres, Simbiosis para la vida

Esta breve animación introduce el nuevo libro "Suelos y pulsos: simbiosis para la vida". Las legumbres contribuyen a la salud del suelo, la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, y la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático.


Suelo y ODS

Gestión sostenible del suelo y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

Recientemente se crearon los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible con miras a lograr el desarrollo sostenible para 2030. De los 17 objetivos, cuatro contienen objetivos específicamente relacionados con los suelos. Esta animación examina algunos de los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos en cada uno de estos objetivos y presenta algunos de los métodos que podemos utilizar para abordarlos.


Suelo y Nutrición

El suelo: Un ingrediente esencial para una alimentación y nutrición saludables

Los suelos están ligados por naturaleza al contenido de micronutrientes de nuestra producción de alimentos y pueden ayudar a revertir la creciente tendencia de suelos con nutrientes agotados mediante la adopción de prácticas sostenibles de gestión del suelo.


Suelo y Cambio climático

Suelo: Nuestro aliado contra el cambio climático

Un vistazo a cómo nuestros Suelos ayudan a combatir el cambio climático en su papel de secuestrar CO2, y cómo nuestros hábitos colectivos pueden dañar este beneficio con consecuencias potencialmente devastadoras.

English | عربية   | 中文 | Français Pусский | Español

Suelo 101

Soil 101

Suelo 101 es una introducción animada sobre suelos preparada en el marco del Año Internacional de los Suelos 2015. Este video de 2 minutos detalla las principales funciones del suelo y las amenazas que enfrenta actualmente.

English | العربية中文 | Français | Pусский | Español | čeština |

Soil: Limited natural resource

Soils: a hidden resource

Soils are a limited natural resource, but their role in food security is crucial. In light of climate change, soil degradation and erosion, farmers struggle to protect soil health.

English | Français | Español


¿Necesita uno de esos vídeos en alta definición para mostrarlo en su evento del Día Mundial del Suelo? Simplemente envíenos un correo electrónico y lo compartiremos con usted. 




 Soil Pollution, a Hidden Reality

This poster presents in a nutshell the sources, degradation processes and effects of soil pollution on the environment, human health and food safety and security. 

English | Thai


Soils and Pulses: Symbiosis for Life

The symbiotic and strategic alliance between soils and pulses contributes to improve soil health, adapt to  and mitigate climate change, and ultimately to enhance food security and nutrition.



Soil and Climate change

Soils are key to unlocking the potential of mitigating and adapting to a changing climate.

English  |  Français  | Русский | العربية  |  中文 | Español | Deutsch | Georgian



Soil functions

Soils deliver 11 key ecosystem services that enable life on Earth.

العربية  | 中文 | English  | Français | Русский | Español | Turkish Deutsch Hungarian | Dutch | Thai | Georgian



Soil An essential ingredient to healthy food and nutrition

Soils are by nature linked to the micronutrient content of our food production. Sustainable soil management can help to reverse the increasing trend of nutrient depleted soil.

English  |  Turkish Deutsch | Georgian | Spanish


Soils under threat

Soils are under increasing pressure of intensification and competing uses for cropping, forestry, pasture, urbanization. These, combined with unsustainable land uses/management, as well as climate extremes, cause degradation.

العربية  |  中文English  | Français | Русский | Español  Turkish Deutsch Thai | Georgian       


Soil Formation

Formation of soil is a complex and long process which depends on 5 key formation factors. Soils around the world are very diverse and constitute a key element of our landscapes

العربية  |  中文  | English  |  Français  | РусскийEspañol  | Czech | Finnish | Swedish Deutsch Thai  | Georgian


Where food begins

Healthy soils not only are the foundation for food, fuel, fibre and medical products, but they are also playing a key role in the carbon cycle, storing and filtering water, and improving resilience to floods and droughts.

 العربية中文  |  English  |  Français  | ItalianoРусский | PortougueseEspañol 



Donde nace el alimiento

¡Los pósteres oficiales para celebrar el Día Mundial del Suelo están disponibles para descargar e imprimir para ayudar a la campaña!

Poster A3 format | Poster A4 format

Poster A4 format |  Poster A3 format

Poster A4 format  |  Poster A3 format

Poster A3 format | Poster A4 format

Poster A3 format  | Poster A4 format

Poster A3 format | Poster A4 format

Thematic infographics


Soils store and filter water - Improving food security and our resilience to floods and droughts

Functional soils play a key role in the supply of clean water and resilience to floods and droughts.

French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Soils help to combat and adapt to climate change

Soils help to combat and adapt to climate change by playing a key role in the carbon cycle.

French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic



Soils are the foundation for vegetation

Healthy soils are crucial for ensuring the continued growth of natural and managed vegetation, providing feed, fibre, fuel, medicinal products and other ecosystem services such as climate regulation and oxygen production. Soils and vegetation have a reciprocal relationship. 

French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic



Soils and Biodiversity

Soils host a quarter of our planet's biodiversity.Soil is one of nature's most complex ecosystems: it contains a myriad of organisms which interact and contribute to the global cycles that make all life possible.

French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic Other languages: Hungarian




Healthy Soils are the Basis for Healthy Food Production

Healthy soils produce healthy crops that in turn nourish people and animals. Indeed, soil quality is directly linked to food quality and quantity. 

French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic Other languages: Turkish | Italian

Soil is a non-renewable resource. Its preservation is essential for food security and our sustainable future

Soil is a finite resource, meaning its loss and degradation is not recoverable within a human lifespan. 

French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic Other languages: Hungarian | Turkish | Italian

International Year of Soils 2015: Healthy soils for a healthy life

Our soils are in danger because of expanding cities, deforestation, unsustainable land use and management practices, pollution, overgrazing and climate change. 

French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic Other languages: Czech Turkish


Thematic factsheets

Soils store and filter water
Improving food security and our resilience to floods and droughts

Functional soils play a key role in the supply of clean water and resilience to floods and droughts. Water infiltration through soil traps pollutants and prevents them from leaching into the groundwater. Moreover, the soil captures and stores water, making it available for absorption by crops, and thus minimizing surface evaporation and maximizing water use efficiency and productivity

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Official languages: French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages

Italian: High res | Low res

Soils help to combat and adapt to climate change by playing a key role in the carbon cycle

Healthy soils provide the largest store of terrestrial carbon. When managed sustainably, soils can play an important role in climate change mitigation by storing carbon (carbon sequestration) and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.

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Official languages: French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages

Italian -  High res | Low res

Soils are the foundation for vegetation
which is cultivated or managed for feed, fibre, fuel and medicinal products

Healthy soils are crucial for ensuring the continued growth of natural and managed vegetation, providing feed, fibre, fuel, medicinal products and other ecosystem services such as climate regulation and oxygen production.

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Official languages: French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages

Italian -  High res | Low res

A healthy soil is a living soil
Soils Host a Quarter of our Planet’s Biodiversity

Biological diversity or ‘biodiversity’ is described as “the variability among living organisms from all sources, whether terrestrial, aquatic or marine”. It includes the diversity within species (genetic diversity), between species (organism diversity) and of ecosystems (ecological diversity)...

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Official languages: French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages

Italian -  High res | Low res

Healthy soils are the basis for healthy food production
The most widely recognized function of soil is its support for food production

It is the foundation for agriculture and the medium in which nearly all food-producing plants grow. In fact, it is estimated that 95% of our food is directly or indirectly produced on our soils. Healthy soils supply the essential nutrients, water, oxygen and root support that our food-producing plants need to grow and flourish. Soils also serve as a buffer to protect delicate plant roots...

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Official languages: French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages

Italian -  High res | Low res

Bahasa Indonesia High res | Low res

Soil is a non-renewable resource
Its preservation is essential for food security and our sustainable future

Soil is a finite resource, meaning its loss and degradation is not recoverable within a human lifespan. As a core component of land resources, agricultural development and ecological sustainability, it is the basis for food,feed, fuel and fibre production and for many critical ecosystem services. It is therefore a highly valuable natural resource, yet it is often overlooked...

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Official languages: French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages

Italian - High res | Low res

*Al agregar cualquier material del WSD a su página web, recuerde vincularlo a www.fao.org/world-soil-day/es/