World Soil Day, 5 December

Main highlights in the press

Driven by major news agencies such as Bloomberg, Reuters, AFP, the WSD campaign was widely picked up by media around the world. Here are some samples: Bangkok Post, Thailand’s The Nation, the Vatican’s Osservatore Romano, Paraguay’s ABC, Peru’s El Comercio, EFE, Costa Rica’s El Mundo and Italy’s SkyTV (Sky Tg24) “Giornata mondiale del suolo, Fao: "Inquinati cibo, aria e acqua”. Turkey’s Milliyet and Yenisafak focused on the SoilSTAT data base and cited FAO’s Voirel Gutu, together with AA state news agency with the WSD photo campaign and the Turkey Ministry of Agriculture; India’s Down to Earth focused on excessive tillage and cited FAO’s Konda Reddy. This story from Italy, citing ISPRA, EU and FAO studies assessed the invisible costs of soil degradation and strong arguments against soil pollution from Beppe Grillo’s blog “Stop all’inquinamento del suolo”. Eduardo Mansur gave an interview to BBC Radio 4, Farming Today for WSD.

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