Día mundial del suelo, 5 de diciembre

WSD 2019 in the media


A cuidarlo y enseñar cómo puede cuidarse mejor (Clarín.com)

Día Mundial del Suelo: detener la erosión y salvar el futuro, el lema de este año (Infocampo.com.ar)

Also in the news: 5 de diciembre: Día Mundial del Suelo (AgroRuralNoticias; AgroCampanaNoticias); Día Mundial del Suelo: detener la erosión y salvar el futuro, el lema de este año (AgroRuralNoticias; AgroCampanaNoticias)


It's World Soil Day. Can you dig it? (Sydney Morning Herald)

FAO Council approves structural changes including new offices to support least developed countries (Mirage News; National Tribune)


Combatting Soil Erosion to Help Achieve Zero Hunger and Clean Water: IAEA Commemorates World Soil Day (International Atomic Energy Agency)


В ФАО призвали остановить дальнейшую деградацию почв (АЗЕРТАДЖ - Азербайджанское государственное информационное агентство)


World Soil Day today (Daily-Bangladesh)

Agri-sector should focus on high-value crops: Speakers (The Financial Express BD)

Call to stop soil erosion for future (News Today)


Ministério celebra Dia Mundial do Solo com debate sobre produção sustentável (FA Notícias; CenarioMT.com.br; Lapada LapadaDiário dos CamposBeefPointGrupo CultivarRevista CafeiculturaPortal MTUrgente NewsJornal Dia DiaAcrissul - Associação dos Criadores de Mato Grosso do SulTécnico de Agronegócio)

Alerta para os perigos da erosão (Agrolink)

Preservação do Parque do Itaim é celebrada no Dia Mundial do Solo (Vale News; Diário de Taubaté); MAPA promove debate sobre produção sustentável (Feed&food)


Convention on Biological Diversity (download the pdf here)

Can Farmers Be Climate Champions? (English | French)


“吃土”的你可知道:地球上每5秒就有一块“足球场”流失 (东方网今日头条环球网新浪看点中国新闻网中国新闻网深圳新闻网东方网-东方新闻搜狐公众平台 - 旅游江西频道 - 人民网湖北网络广播电视生活频道 - 光明网中原经济网1272.cn大众新闻网经济视野网 ; xhxjs诸暨网)

世界土壤日:泰国纪念先王普密蓬 (中国网 - 新闻中心; 搜狐公众平台; 云南频道 -- 人民网; 汉丰网大洋网; 南非 - 52hrtt; 52hrtt)


地球上每5秒就有一个足球场面积大小的土壤会被侵蚀 (东方网中国新闻网中国经济网搜狐公众平台东方网-东方新闻中国国情-中国网河南要闻-大河网xinxunwang丹佛 - 52hrtt延安信息港)

为什么我的眼里常含泪水 (腾讯新闻客户端腾讯网天天快报公益中国网)

南方红壤侵蚀需引起重视 相应保护政策和科技治理手段亟待跟上 (贤集网)

No soil, no problem (China Daily)

Researchers develop new method to improve saline-sodic land (xinhuanet)

土壤与生态系统健康:从性质研究到分区管理 (科学网 (Blog))

保护黑土地的同时别忘了南方红壤 (新浪科技中国经济网中国数字科技馆和讯科技中国发展网智能家居信息网)

Also in the news: 《土地治愈》当代艺术展“世界土壤日”开幕 (中国网 - 艺术中国); 泰国诗琳通公主主持2019年世界土壤日活动 (今日头条); 独家 | 世界粮农组织授予中国热科院徐明岗研究员“格林卡世界土壤奖” (今日头条); 世界土壤日|治理土壤侵蚀,“红与黑”都很重要 (百家号澎湃新闻网; 搜狐公众平台; 中国仪器仪表行业协会; 新农资360); 世界土壤日:泰国纪念先王普密蓬-中新网 (中国新闻网); 世界土壤日:泰国纪念先王普密蓬-中工国际-中工网 (中工网); 2019世界土壤日|让我们一起致力于土壤健康 (品略); 世界粮农组织授予中国热科院徐明岗研究员“格林卡世界土壤奖” (南非 - 52hrtt); 八成以上“症状”轻  暴雨侵蚀是主因\n\n    2019年12月05日 08:12 来源:未知 人气: 手机版 (ddzzd); 南京水土流失面积下降 八成以上“症状”轻 (中国江苏网 - 新闻; 南报网); 地球上每5秒就有一块“足球场”流失 (四川频道--人民网); 首届在“世界土壤日”开幕的《土地治愈》当代艺术展览 (百家号); 12月5日是“世界土壤日”,“吃土”的你可知道:地球上每5秒就有一块“足球场”流失 (新农资360)


World Soil Day 2019 (Development aid)


من منطلق الحفاظ على البيئة والكوكب، العالم يحيي #اليوم_العالمي_للتربة تحت شعار «أوقفوا انجراف التربة، أنقذوا مستقبلنا» .. ولذلك نعرض لكم أضرار تآكل التربة  (nabd)

التربة في خطر (Al-Sharq Times - الشرق تايمز; Medanelakhbar)

اخر الاخبار - التربة في خطر (Elwehda - الوحدة الاخباري)


Recarbonización de los suelos del mundo, una opción eficaz para enfrentar el cambio climático (le Monde diplomatique)

Journée mondiale des sols : Veolia agit sur leur disponibilité et leur qualité (Veolia)


Agir vite contre l’érosion des sols - GABONEWS (Gabonews)


The huge potential of agriculture to slow climate change (UNEP)

UNCCD celebrates WSD with song to inspire action on land (UNCCD)

Das verborgene Universum (Frankfurter Allgemeine)

Was gutes Essen mit gesundem Boden zu tun hat (Frankfurter Allgemeine)


Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Εδάφους (Palo.gr; Γεωπόνος Τ.Ε. ''Τεχνολόγος'')


World Soil Day 2019: Facts On Soil Erosion And How We Can Stop It (NDTV.com)

World Soil Day 2019: Date, Theme, Significance and History (News18.com)

World Soil Day is observed on 5 December (DailyHunt English)

World Soil Day 2019 Date: History, Significance and Theme of This Global Awareness Event You Should Know (LatestLY)

Also in the news: FAO vows to help Nigeria in controlling soil erosion, environmental degradation (Devdiscourse); UN agriculture agency calls for soil protection as they threatened by erosion (Devdiscourse); World Soil Day Gives Cause to Pause at USDA NRCS California (NewKerala.com); World Soil Day: Stop Soil Erosion, Save our Future! (Pragativadi); World Soil Day hman a ni (Vanglaini.org)


Tanah tropis yang memucat (Antara sultra; Antara News - Kaltara)

FAO Council approves structural changes including new offices to support least developed countries (PR Newswire English - Branda News)

Soil erosion must be stopped ‘to save our future', says UN agriculture agency (PR Newswire English - Branda News)


FAO: Soil is the foundation for vegetation (Iran Daily)

Let’s mind the soil as it truly matters  (FAO Op_ed) (Tehran Times)

FAO urges all to help stop soil erosion (Islamic Republic News Agency)


FAO World Soil Day: l’importanza della salute del suolo (Corriere Della Sera); Crescono anche in Italia gli acquisti responsabili (La Repubblica)

Giornata mondiale del suolo, la Fao: è necessario ridurne il consumo  (TG 24)

Consumo suolo: allarme Coldiretti. Conte: "2000 anni per formare 10 centimetri di terreno fertile" (Rai news); Giornata mondiale del suolo, l'appello di Luca Mercalli: "Basta con la cementificazione" (Rai news)

L’Italia ha perso un quarto dei suoli agricoli (La Stampa); 

Conte, Italia c'è sulla sfida del clima, lavoriamo al taglio della CO2 (Ansa);

Conte, Madre Terra è a rischio (Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno)

World Soil Day: ogni anno in Italia cementificati 4.900 ettari. Costa: approvare legge per arrestare il consumo di suolo (VIDEO) (Greenreport)

Uno studio IBM sul grado di conoscenza, le abitudini e la sensibilità dei consumatori in materia ambientale e alimentare (Cilento Notizie)

Also in the news: FAO World Soil Day: IBM per lo studio Italian Food Responsibility (Make Me Feed; Nutesla - The Informant); “Stop cementificazione”: manifestazione di Legambiente in via Mare (Riviera Oggi); Pertosa: FAO consegna alla Fondazione MIdA l’opera “Il mondo di carta” (Info Cilento); Territorio: da alleanza Sos Soil a calcolo carbon footprint, difesa suolo parte da Assisi (Sardinia post) Consumo suolo: Costa (ministro Ambiente), “fondamentale agire ora per arrestare il fenomeno. Non c’è un pianeta B” (SIR Agenzia d'informazione) 5 Dicembre “GIORNATA MONDIALE DEL SUOLO” (Il Punto Quotidiano); FAO World Soil Day: l’importanza della salute del suolo (Make Me Feed); L'allarme di Coldiretti: "Scomparso in 25 anni un quarto delle campagne" (Unione sarda); Giornata Mondiale del Suolo 2019: fermare l’erosione per salvare il futuro (eHabitat); I consumatori italiani e la sostenibilità: a che punto siamo? (Green Planner Magazine); World Soil Day (Georgofili); Coldiretti: urgente approvare la legge per proteggere il territorio piemontese (Targato CN); Agricoltori come primi custodi del suolo, arrivano le Linee guida Fao (Agronotizie) World Soil Day raises awareness of risks to soil (The Italian Insider); World Soil Day (Sannioportale.it); A MILANO UNA NUOVA AREA VERDE AL POSTO DELL’ASFALTO (ITALPRESS); IBM: italiani impegnati a proteggere il suolo e attenti alla sostenibilità alimentare (ImpresaGreen.it); CIRCOLARE N. 84 5 DICEMBRE 2019 – GIORNATA MONDIALE DEL SUOLO (IST. KAROL WOJTYLA); #ThinkRoma: focus sull’innovazione per un business sostenibile (IBM Innovation); Offerta didattica, ambiente e sostenibilità: il 5 dicembre si celebra la Giornata mondiale del suolo (MIUR) Stop Soil Erosion (Exibart); “Stop cemento”: Legambiente, sit-in di protesta a Porto d’Ascoli. “San Benedetto ha un problema di vivibilità” (Riviera oggi); 


槟消协:5秒侵蚀1足球场面积‧2050年 90%土壤降质 (星洲日報)

采取预防措施 培养维持土壤健康 | 北马 (Oriental Daily (Malaysia))

Cap calls for more awareness on soil erosion in Malaysia (The Sun DailyBernamaMalaysia News - World Times News)

Also in the news:FAO Council approves structural changes including new offices to support least developed countries (MyStarJob); Soil erosion a threat to food security, environment – CAP (Nam News Network)


L’ONU appelle à empêcher l’érosion des sols pour protéger l’avenir de la planète (Map Ecology)


Vijftien organisaties die strijden voor een betere bodemgezondheid (Biojournaal)


FG challenges soil experts on strategies to better agricultural sector (Vanguard)

Institute advocates national soil policy to boost food security  (The Guardian Nigeria)

World Soil Day: Soil degradation heightens Nigeria’s food insecurity (Daily Trust)

FAO, NISS advocate for national soil policy (Latest Nigerian News)

Nigerian Institute for Soil Science advocates national policies to boost food security (Ventures Africa)

Erosion prevention: Stakeholders seek national soil policy (News Agency of Nigeria)

Also in the news: FAO to help Nigeria tackle soil erosion, environmental degradation (News Agency of NigeriaInside Business; Gavel International); FAO reiterates commitment to helping Nigeria tackle environmental degradation (Realnews Magazine); We are committed to helping Nigeria tackle soil erosion, environmental degradation – FAO (WorldStage News Online); Erosion prevention: Stakeholders seek national soil policy (Gavel International)


مٹی کا عالمی دن (Daily Jang Urdu News)

UN agriculture agency calls for stopping soil erosion to ensure food secure future (UrduPoint Network; Associate Press Of Pakistan)


DA, DENR, FAO call for support against soil erosion (Department of Agriculture (DA))


Educar para a importância do solo na vida humana (O Jornal Económico - Sapo)

A cada 5 segundos o mundo perde um campo de futebol de terra (Plataforma Media)

Nuno Russo apela a uma agricultura resiliente e promotora da proteção dos solos (Agro Portal)

Puerto Rico

Op-Ed: USDA celebrates World Soil Day in the Caribbean area (News is my Business)


Soil erosion: Lost livelihoods, lost incomes and lost food (Al Jazeera)


Ziua mondială a solului (Agerpres (RO))

Russian Federation

День в истории: Сохранение почвы и статистика (ТЕХНО bigmirnet)

5 декабря - Всемирный день почв (Ecoportal)

The plot on the TV channel "St. Petersburg" 

The plot on the TV channel "St. Petersburg" 

Website of the Eurasian center for food securityVesti Sochi and SOCHI24

Website of the Central Museum of soil science to them. V. V. Dokuchaeva 

News on the page of the Museum of soil science. V. V. Dokuchaev in the social.networks " VK " - 

News on the page of the Creative space "Moika-8" of the St. Petersburg Union of designers

Group in social. Networks " VK " - "Climate and people"

Group in social Networks 

Saudi Arabia

اليوم العالمي للتربة هذا العام: «أوقفوا انجراف التربة، أنقذوا مستقبلنا» (Sayidaty - مجلة سيدتي)


WSD event

South Africa

Nigeria: Govt Challenges Soil Experts On Strategies to Better Agricultural Sector(Vanguard) (AllAfrica.com)

Gabon: Agir vite contre l'érosion des sols (AllAfrica.com)

Also in the news: Soil erosion must be stopped ‘to save our future’, says UN agriculture agency (The European Sting); World Soil Day: Addressing erosion to ensure food security (Social TV)


สมเด็จพระกนิษฐาธิราชเจ้า กรมสมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดาฯ สยามบรมราชกุมารี เสด็จพระราชดำเนินไปทรงเปิดงานวันดินโลกปี 2562 (蕃薯藤新聞; 新浪新聞; Match 生活網)


สมเด็จพระกนิษฐาธิราชเจ้า กรมสมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดาฯ สยามบรมราชกุมารี เสด็จพระราชดำเนินไปทรงเปิดงานวันดินโลกปี 2562 (Kapook.com)

น้อมรำลึกในหลวง ร.9 โชว์ผลงานหมอดินอาสา และความสำเร็จการทำเกษตรทฤษฎีใหม่ (Khaosod Online)

เซ็นทรัล-กรมป่าไม้ จัดงาน วันดินโลกรำลึกวันพ่อ-ในหลวงร.9 (ไทยโพสต์ อิสรภาพแห่งความคิด)

Soil quality action group pursues farm chemical ban (Bangkok Post)

ก.เกษตรฯจัดงาน'วันดินโลก' น้อมรำลึกถึงพระมหากรุณาธิคุณ'ในหลวง ร.9' (Naew Na)

Thursday, December 5, 2019 (OK Nation)

กระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์ จัดยิ่งใหญ่ “งานวันดินโลก” ระหว่างวันที่ 5 - 8 ธันวาคม 2562 เพื่อน้อมรำลึกถึงพระมหากรุณาธิคุณ ในหลวงรัชกาลที่ 9 “นักวิทยาศาสตร์ดินเพื่อมนุษยธรรม” (Humanitarian Soil Scientist Award) (NewswitThai PRอาร์วายทีไนน์)

จัดใหญ่!! “วันดินโลก” น้อมรำลึกในหลวง ร.9 นักวิทยาศาสตร์ดินเพื่อมนุษยธรรม (สยามรัฐออนไลน์)

กรมสมเด็จพระเทพฯ ทรงเปิดงาน “วันดินโลก ปี62” (สยามรัฐออนไลน์)

“วันพ่อ” ของ “ชาวไทย” “วันดิน” ของ “ชาวโลก” (ไลฟ์สไตล์)


Tonga celebrates World Soil Day (Matangi Tonga Online)

World Soil Day marked in Tonga (Tonga Broadcasting Commission)

United Kingdom

It's time we stopped treating soil like dirt – video (The Guardian); 'It's a groundswell': the farmers fighting to save the Earth's soil (The Guardian); The world needs topsoil to grow 95% of its food – but it's rapidly disappearing (The Guardian)

Climate change being fuelled by soil damage - report (BBC)

The Conversation: 'Soil is our best ally in the fight against climate change – but we’re fast running out of it'

Allan Lilly: Soil erosion is a serious global issue affecting our ability to feed the world (The Scotsman)

التربة في خطر العربي الجديد 

5 of the best farmer tweets on World Soil Day (Farmers Weekly Interactive)

Farmers show how much they care on World Soil Day (Farmers Weekly Interactive)

الأيام والأسابيع العالمية في الأمم المتحدة الشرق العربي

United States

To Combat Climate Change, Start From the Ground Up (With Dirt) (New York Times and others)

Uncovering how microbes in the soil influence our health and our food (The Washington Post); ‘We really need to wake up quickly’: Al Gore warns of a looming food crisis caused by climate change (The Washington Post)

Stop soil erosion now or face starvation soon, scientists warn (Reuters)

Tiny AI devices aim to enrich farmers and their soil (Reuters)

Soil erosion must be stopped ‘to save our future’, says UN agriculture agency (UN News Center); L’ONU appelle à empêcher l'érosion des sols pour protéger notre avenir (Nations Unies)

Thailand and UN’s FAO collaborate to stop soil erosion to ensure future food security (ReliefWeb)

世界土壤日:泰纪念先王蒲美蓬 (博讯新闻)

Stop Soil Erosion, Save Our Future – World Soil Day (Before It's News)

Why is everyone talking about soil? (The Farmer)

NRCS celebrates World Soil Day (Idaho Mountain Express)

World Soil Day 2019: Why World Soil Day is celebrated, know how it started (Ukiahpost)

Also in the news: 15 Organizations Creating More healthy Soil to Save the Planet (fooshya); Soil erosion: Misplaced livelihoods, misplaced incomes and misplaced meals (fooshya); Oklahoma Conservation Commission Celebrates World Soil Day on Thursday December 5th (Oklahoma Farm Report); В ФАО призвали остановить дальнейшую деградацию почв (Радио ООН (RU)); FAO Council approves structural changes including new offices to support least developed countries (PR Newswire - Manhattanweek.com)