World Soil Day, 5 December

World Soil Day 2021 in the press

UN News
Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk: FAO

3 Dec 2021 - Improper water management, including insufficient supply and poor quality drainage systems, are contributing to excessive soil salinization – a problem that threatens global food security, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Photo: Trees are being planted in Tanzania to help combat soil erosion. ©CIAT/Georgina Smith;

Read the full article: here

UN News
Plastics in soil threaten food security, health, and environment: FAO

7 Dec 2021 - Plastic pollution has become pervasive in agricultural soils, according to a new report released on Tuesday by the UN agriculture agency, posing a threat to food security, people’s health, and the environment.

Photo: In agriculture, plastic products greatly help productivity. ©FAO/Cristina Aldehuela; 

Read the full article: here

FAO News
World Soil Day: FAO highlights the threat of soil salinization to global food security

3 Dec 2021 - New report on soil shows 55 percent of countries surveyed lack adequate capacities for soil analysis. “Soil is the foundation of agriculture and the world’s farmers depend on soil to produce about 95% of the food we eat”, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said.

Photo: The effects of soil salinization in Nigeria. ©Israel Smart/FAO; 

Read the full article: here

FAO Webstory
Digging deeper into the arid terrain of the world’s largest landlocked country

3 Dec 2021 - How Uzbekistan’s farmers are overcoming soil salinity and water shortages. “I’ve been farming this land all of my life and seen so many people from this area leave because of the heat, dry weather and water shortages,” says Adyl Khujanov.

Photo: Smallholder farmers have turned to climate-smart techniques. ©Temur Khujanazarov; 

Read the full article: here

FAO Webstory
Four actions to improve the state of our land, soil and water

9 Dec 2021 - Protecting our land, soil and water resources for the future of our food. Soil, land, water. These are the basics, the building blocks of our agrifood systems. Though there is much more to it than that, a new FAO report is reminding us of these foundations. And the foundations, it seems, are cracking.

Photo: Innovative solutions for the long-term future of land, soil and water. ©FAO/Believe Nyakudjara; 

Read the full article: here

FAO News
Plastics in agrifood systems: The good, the bad and the ugly

7 Dec 2021 - Ocean litter has been making the headlines, but a new report by FAO suggests that plastic pollution is also pervasive in our agricultural soils.The report - “Assessment of agricultural plastics and their sustainability: a call for action” - is the first global report of its kind by FAO and contains some startling numbers.

Photo: In agriculture, plastic products greatly help productivity. ©FAO/Cristina Aldehuela; 

Read the full article: here

FAO News
World map of salt-affected soils launched at virtual conference

20 Oct 2021 - FAO Director-General opens Oct. 20-22 Global Symposium on Salt-Affected Soils. The FAO today launched the Global Map of Salt-Affected Soils, a key tool for halting salinization and boosting productivity.

Photo: There are more than 833 million hectares of salt-affected soils around the globe. ©FAO; 

Read the full article: here

How plastic is infiltrating the world’s soils

3 Dec 2021 - In many parts of the world, this type of plastic pollution has grabbed headlines.Yet there’s a similar environmental blight that gets far less attention but is potentially as harmful, say experts: agricultural plastic pollution. Recent research by UNEP and FAO indicates that agricultural soils may receive greater quantities of microplastics than oceans.

Photo: ©UNEP/Florian Fussstetter; 

Read the full article: here

Combatting Soil Salinisation Using Nuclear Techniques

3 Dec 2021 - “Salt is born of the purest parents: the sun and the sea,” said once Pythagoras. Pure it may be, but too much of it in the soil can affect plant growth, a major problem for farmers, making the soil barren, threating agricultural production and food security.

Photo: Due to poor farming practices in Iraq, saline lands are widespread. ©Abdulrazzaq, Ministry of Science and Technology, Iraq; 

Read the full article: here

Why soil is one of the most amazing things on Earth

Jun 2021 - Soil is underappreciated. But it's vital in so many ways. Here's a look at the magic of soil.

Photo: ©Flock London in partnership with the Royal Society 

Read the full article: here

世界土壤日 | 防止土壤盐渍化,提高土壤生产力

5 Dec 2021 - 世界土壤日为每年的 12月5日,旨在宣传健康土壤的重要性,倡导土壤资源的可持续管理。

Photo: ©搜狐新闻-搜狐; 

Read the full article: here

Yahoo news
PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

9 Dec 2021 - PhosAgro and the FAO announced the expansion of their cooperation in global soil protection. This agreement was reached following a meeting between PhosAgro CEO Andrey Guryev and Director General of the UN FAO Qu Dongyu at the organisation's HQ in Rome.

Read the full article: here
World Soil Day 2021: Know The Date, Significance And History

5 Dec 2021 - To outline the importance of World Soil Day, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization stated 5 reasons "why we need to cherish the ground beneath our feet".。

Photo: World Soil Day is aimed at spreading awareness about the importance of soil. 

Read the full article: here

La FAO alerta de que la erosión del suelo provocará una reducción del 10% de la producción de alimentos en 2050

3 Dec 2021 - La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) alerta de que la erosión del suelo provocará en 2050 una reducción del 10 por ciento del potencial de la producción agrícola total anual, que supondrá una subida del precio de los alimentos.

Photo: Campo de cultivo.©Politica asociación espaÑola agricultura de conservación;

Read the full article: here

The Guardian
‘Disastrous’ plastic use in farming threatens food safety – UN

3 Dec 2021 - The “disastrous” way in which plastic is used in farming across the world is threatening food safety and potentially human health, according to a report from the UN FAO.

Photo: Farmers cover a field with plastic films in Yuli county, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northern China. ©Xinhua/Rex/Shutterstock;

Read the full article: here

EFE: Verde
La ONU alerta de la alta contaminación con plásticos de los suelos de cultivo

7 Dec 2021 - Las tierras usadas para el cultivo están contaminadas con “mayores cantidades de microplásticos” que el océano, lo que pone en riesgo la seguridad alimentaria y el medio ambiente, según avisó la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO).

Photo: ©EFE/Marta Martínez;

Read the full article: here

La ONU alerta de la alta contaminación por plásticos de los suelos de cultivo, mayor que la de los océanos

7 Dec 2021 - La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) ha alertado este martes de las grandes cantidades de plásticos que contaminan las tierras usadas para el cultivo. Esto pone en riesgo la seguridad alimentaria y el medio ambiente.

Photo: Una vista aérea cerca de Ajaccio ©Pascale Pochard-Casabianca/AFE;

Read the full article: here

Le Monde
Pollution, érosion, raréfaction : la FAO s’alarme de la dégradation des terres et des eaux

9 Dec 2021 - Un rapport de l’agence de l’ONU pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture dresse un constat accablant de l’état des sols et des eaux, soumis à un niveau de pression inédit pour nourrir la population.

Photo: Récolte de maïs fourrager près d’Arzal (Morbihan). ©Damien Meyer/AFP;

Read the full article: here

FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

09 Dec 2021 - El mapa de salinidad global está orientado a identificar zonas con altas concentraciones de sales, las cuales limitan el intercambio de nutrientes e impactan la productividad agrícola si están presente en exceso, explicó la FAO.

Photo: La Cada 5 de diciembre se celebra el Día Mundial de Suelo. ©Freepik;

Read the full article: here

La Repubblica
Il degrado del suolo ci costa 50 miliardi all'anno

3 Dec 2021 - La giornata mondiale, il 5 dicembre, per fare il punto sull'emergenza. Fertilizzanti dai rifiuti compostabili e piani per l'agricoltura sostenibile: le politiche europee cercano di arginare il degrado del suolo, ma i consumatori devono fare la loro parte.

Read the full article: here

Crea, il 33% del suolo è affetto da limitazioni per la produzione di cibo

5 Dec 2021 - Il suolo sostiene il 90% di tutta la produzione di alimenti, mangimi, fibre e combustibili. È un bacino di carbonio globale, che svolge un ruolo fondamentale nel potenziale rallentamento del cambiamento climatico.

Photo:  ©ANSA/EPA;

Read the full article: here

der Spiegel
768 Millionen Menschen waren 2020 unterernährt

10 Dec 2021 - »Die Situation hat sich deutlich verschlechtert«: Die Produktion von Lebensmitteln zerstört weltweit immer mehr Lebensräume – und trotzdem werden nicht alle Menschen satt. Die Uno ist alarmiert.

Photo: Kartoffelanbau in der ägyptischen Wüste für deutsche Verbraucher: Verschwendung von Wasserressourcen? ©Joerg Boethling/IMAGO;

Read the full article: here

UN report warns pressure on some water, soil ecosystems at critical point

09 Dec 2021 -The pressure on water and land ecosystems at global level was intense and, in some cases, at a critical point, which might put the goal of feeding the world's population by 2050 at risk, a UN report warned on Thursday.

Read the full article: here

Le Figaro
La FAO alerte sur la dégradation des ressources en terres et en eau

09 Dec 2021 - Les ressources en terres et en eau de la planète se détériorent fortement sous l'effet des activités humaines, au point que certains systèmes sont «au bord de la rupture», avertit jeudi l'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture.

Photo: La La FAO estime qu'à l'horizon 2050, l'agriculture va devoir accroître de près de 50% le niveau de production d'aliments. ©Yaroslav Astakhov/;

Read the full article: here

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

03 Dec 2021 - La FAO presentó una mapa de salinidad...

Read the full article: here

La sal coloniza un 10% de las tierras de cultivo y amenaza la 'despensa' mundial, según la ONU

09 Dec 2021 - La salinización del suelo afecta a más de un 10% de las tierras de cultivo del planeta, lo que supone un riesgo importante para la seguridad alimentaria global, según la FAO (Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación).

Photo: ©Archivio;

Read the full article: here

El Watan
بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للتربة غدا.. التملّح خطر على الأمن الغذائي

04 Dec 2021 أصدرت منظمة الأغذية والزراعة الفاو تقريرًا بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للتربة، الموافق غدًا الأحد 5 ديسمبر، سلّطت فيه الضوء على التهديد الذي يشكله تملّح التربة على الأمن الغذائي العالمي، وحذرت من أن العديد من البلدان لا تزال تفتقر إلى القدرة الكافية لتحليل التربة.

Photo: ©Archivio;

Read the full article: here

The Economist Impact
Data point: World Soil Day

05 Dec 2021 - Dig into the numbers and discover why the ground beneath our feet is under threat.

Read the full article: here

India today
World Soil Day 2021: Aim, importance, history, theme, significance, quotes and messages

05 Dec 2021 - Here is all you need to know about the history, theme, importance, and significance of World Soil Day 2021.

Read the full article: here

The Herald (Zimbabwe)
FAO highlights the threat that soil salinization poses to global food security

05 Dec 2021 - Soil is the foundation of agriculture...

Read the full article: here

Check out the full list of articles

Organized by country, reach, article name, source and date


DDHH.- La FAO alerta de que la erosión del suelo provocará una reducción del 10% de la producción de alimentos en 2050

Infobae | Argentina | 03-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

Infobae | Argentina | 03-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo: un recurso sano para nutrir la vida

La Nación | Argentina | 05-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo: detener la salinización, aumentar su productividad | Argentina | 05-Dec-2021

Alerta sobre la salinización de los suelos

La Gaceta | Argentina | 11-Dec-2021

ONU alerta que la erosión del suelo reducirá el 10% de la producción de alimentos en 2050

elDiarioAR | Argentina | 03-Dec-2021

Los plásticos no solo inundan los mares, también recubren los suelos agrícolas

Nuevo Diario | Argentina | 08-Dec-2021

Aumentar la productividad, el desafío en el Día Mundial del Suelo - Primera Edición

Primera Edición | Argentina | 05-Dec-2021

Así trabajan los productores y la ciencia para producir cuidando el suelo

Clarin | Argentina | 04-Dec-2021

Hoy se festeja el “Día Mundial del Suelo” con una campaña orientada a detener los procesos de salinización

Bichos de Campo | Argentina | 05-Dec-2021

FAO advirtió de la amenaza de la salinización del suelo para la seguridad alimentaria mundial

agrositio | Argentina | 09-Dec-2021

Suelos saludables para asegurar una vida saludable

El Tribuno Jujuy | Argentina | 05-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo: Suelos saludables para una vida saludable

El Debate | Argentina | 06-Dec-2021

Suelos saludables para una vida saludable

Norte En Línea | Argentina | 03-Dec-2021

Suelos saludables para una vida saludable

El Regional Digital | Argentina | 05-Dec-2021

5 de Diciembre

Diario de Autos | Argentina | 05-Dec-2021

Content from this publisher is not available in your country

SBS (Licensed by Copyright Agency) | Australia | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO highlights threat of soil salinization to global food security

Mirage News | Australia | 03-Dec-2021

Plastics in agrifood systems: good, bad and ugly

Mirage News | Australia | 07-Dec-2021

Combatting Soil Salinisation Using Nuclear Techniques: IAEA Commemorates 2021 World Soil Day

Mirage News | Australia | 03-Dec-2021

Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk: FAO

Mirage News | Australia | 03-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO highlights threat of soil salinization to global food security

The National Tribune | Australia | 03-Dec-2021

Plastics in agrifood systems: good, bad and ugly

The National Tribune | Australia | 07-Dec-2021

Regenerative agriculture research receives Government boost

The National Tribune | Australia | 05-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

TerraDaily | Australia | 09-Dec-2021

Plastics in agrifood systems: The good, the bad and the ugly

What's On Australia | Australia | 07-Dec-2021

Combatting Soil Salinisation Using Nuclear Techniques: The IAEA Commemorates 2021 World Soil Day

International Atomic Energy Agency | Austria | 03-Dec-2021

Salinity hits cultivation on 1.0m hectares in coastal dists

The Financial Express | Bangladesh | 05-Dec-2021

Govt working to produce crop in adverse environment: Razzaque

Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha | Bangladesh | 05-Dec-2021

‘Govt currently prioritises crop cultivation in saline, hilly lands’

Bangladesh Post | Bangladesh | 05-Dec-2021 Federaciji BiH se obilježava Svjetski dan tla | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 03-Dec-2021

U Federaciji BiH se obilježava Svjetski dan tla

Start Online | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 03-Dec-2021

U Federaciji BiH se obilježava Svjetski dan tla

RTVTK | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 03-Dec-2021

Pesquisa revela que 55% dos países não conseguem analisar qualidade do solo

BOL Notícias - Uol | Brazil | 05-Dec-2021

Dia Mundial do Solo: uma reflexão sobre a importância do solo

Radar Político Blogs - Estadão | Brazil | 05-Dec-2021

‘Reduzir salinização do solo garante produtividade e favorece o meio ambiente’

Canal Rural | Brazil | 05-Dec-2021

Excesso de sal nos solos coloca segurança alimentar em risco

eCycle | Brazil | 08-Dec-2021

Pesquisador é eleito para Rede Internacional sobre a Biodiversidade do Solo, da FAO

Embrapa | Brazil | 03-Dec-2021

Livro infantil premiado tem lançamento no Dia Mundial do Solo

Embrapa | Brazil | 06-Dec-2021

Dia Mundial do Solo: os benefícios da agricultura orgânica | Brazil | 13-Dec-2021

Dia do solo é marcado por visita a sítio arqueológico em Delmiro Gouveia

Aqui Acontece | Brazil | 08-Dec-2021

Dia do solo é marcado por visita a sítio arqueológico em Delmiro Gouveia

Repórter Maceió | Brazil | 07-Dec-2021

Pesquisador é eleito para Rede Internacional sobre a Biodiversidade do Solo, da FAO

Defesa | Brazil | 03-Dec-2021

Livro infantil premiado tem lançamento no Dia Mundial do Solo

Defesa | Brazil | 07-Dec-2021

Biodiversidade e manejo conservacionista: pré-requisitos para frear a degradação do solo

O Presente Rural | Brazil | 06-Dec-2021

Dia do solo é marcado por visita a sítio arqueológico em Delmiro Gouveia

Correio dos Municípios | Brazil | 07-Dec-2021

Dia Mundial do Solo: os benefícios da agricultura orgânica

Portal RBN | Brazil | 03-Dec-2021

Dia Mundial do Solo: os benefícios da agricultura orgânica

Empresas e Negocios [PDF] | Brazil | 03-Dec-2021

Dia Mundial do Solo: uma reflexão sobre a importância do solo

TV Estadão | Brazil | 05-Dec-2021

Dia do solo é marcado por visita a sítio arqueológico em Delmiro Gouveia A atividade foi cadastrada como atividade da Organização das Nações Unidas para Agricultura e Alimentação (FAO).

Alagoas na net | Brazil | 08-Dec-2021

São muitos os benefícios da agricultura orgânica

Revista Rural | Brazil | 06-Dec-2021

Pesquisa revela que 55% dos países não conseguem analisar qualidade do solo

ContextoExato | Brazil | 05-Dec-2021

Pesquisa mostra que 55% dos países não conseguem analisar qualidade do solo

GRNEWS | Brazil | 06-Dec-2021

Dia Mundial do Solo será comemorado em 5 de dezembro

Gazeta da Semana | Brazil | 03-Dec-2021

Dia Mundial do Solo: os benefícios da agricultura orgânica

Gazeta da Semana | Brazil | 03-Dec-2021

Dia Mundial do Solo será comemorado em 5 de dezembro

Ab Noticias News | Brazil | 05-Dec-2021

Pesquisador é eleito para Rede Internacional sobre a Biodiversidade do Solo, da FAO

Portal Mato Grosso | Brazil | 03-Dec-2021

Livro infantil premiado tem lançamento no Dia Mundial do Solo

Portal Mato Grosso | Brazil | 07-Dec-2021

Dia Mundial do Solo será comemorado em 5 de dezembro

Obidense | Brazil | 03-Dec-2021

Dia do solo é marcado por visita a sítio arqueológico em Delmiro Gouveia

AL1 | Brazil | 07-Dec-2021

Revista Ecotour News & Negócios

PR Newswire - Revista Ecotour News | Brazil | 03-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

regionweek | Burundi | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Stockwatch | Canada | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Canadian Insider | Canada | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Le Lezard (EN) | Canada | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Canadian Journalism Forum on Violence and Trauma | Canada | 09-Dec-2021

Dia Mundial do Solo celebrado com jornada de campo

Expresso das Ilhas | Cape Verde | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

ITBusinessDirect | Central African Republic | 04-Dec-2021

FAO advirtió de la amenaza de la salinización del suelo para la seguridad alimentaria mundial

Radio Agricultura | Chile | 09-Dec-2021

FAO advirtió de la amenaza de la salinización del suelo para la seguridad alimentaria mundial

Portal Fruticola | Chile | 08-Dec-2021

Suelos de Chile: El patrimonio natural escondido de nuestro país

Pais Circular | Chile | 06-Dec-2021

Suelos de Chile: El patrimonio natural escondido de nuestro país

Diario Sustentable | Chile | 06-Dec-2021

Suelos de Chile: El patrimonio natural escondido de nuestro país

Mujer | Chile | 06-Dec-2021

La salinización, una amenaza subestimada en el suelo

El Espectador | Colombia | 09-Dec-2021

FAO celebra el día mundial de los suelos impulsando soluciones para su gestión sostenible | Costa Rica | 06-Dec-2021

Los plásticos no solo inundan los mares, también recubren los suelos agrícolas | Costa Rica | 07-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: restoring soil through regeneration of agricultural systems

Development aid | Cyprus | 05-Dec-2021

World Soils Day 2021 December 5th 2021

Dominica News Online | Dominica | 05-Dec-2021

¿Por qué el 5 de diciembre se conmemora el Día Mundial del Suelo?

Hoy Digital | Dominican Republic | 05-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

elDinero - Periodismo Económico Y Financiero Responsable | Dominican Republic | 04-Dec-2021

Ecuador ha perdido USD 424 millones en el sector agrícola por las sequías

El Comercio | Ecuador | 05-Dec-2021

ONU: Cada cinco segundos se erosiona una superficie de la tierra

Primicias | Ecuador | 05-Dec-2021

Nutrición, la clave para detener la degradación de los suelos

El Diario | Ecuador | 08-Dec-2021

Nutrición, la clave para detener la degradación de los suelos

El Diario | Ecuador | 08-Dec-2021

Nutrición, la clave para detener la degradación de los suelos

El Diario | Ecuador | 08-Dec-2021

Ecuador ha perdido USD 424 millones en el sector agrícola por las sequías

24ECUADOR | Ecuador | 05-Dec-2021

Ecuador ha perdido USD 424 millones en el sector agrícola por las sequías

Radio Huancavilca 830 AM | Ecuador | 05-Dec-2021

اخبار المرأة : في اليوم العالمي للتربة، دعوة عالمية لوقف تملح التربة، ومسابقة أسترالية لخَبز حلوى تمثل التربة

لوما نيوز | Egypt | 05-Dec-2021

Burkina Faso : Une journée des sols pour promouvoir la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle

Le | France | 08-Dec-2021

Les plastiques dans les systèmes agroalimentaires : le bon, le mauvais et les Principales recommandations de la FAO

lactuacho | France | 09-Dec-2021

Journée mondiale des sols – La FAO souligne la menace que fait peser la salinisation des sols sur la sécurité alimentaire mondiale

lactuacho | France | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Vitinforme - Prnewswire | France | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Lapagefinanciere - Prnewswire | France | 09-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Business-in-Gambia | Gambia | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil | Germany | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Wallstreet Online | Germany | 09-Dec-2021

Sin suelos fértiles la vida en la Tierra no sería posible [ES] | Germany | 05-Dec-2021

Excesso de sal nos solos coloca segurança alimentar em risco

PressFrom - Germany | Germany | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

PR Newswire - | Germany | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet’s Soil | Germany | 09-Dec-2021

We must conserve our soil fertility

Graphic Online | Ghana | 06-Dec-2021

We must conserve our soil fertility

Graphic Online | Ghana | 06-Dec-2021

We must conserve our soil fertility

Graphic Online | Ghana | 06-Dec-2021

We must conserve our soil fertility

Graphic Online | Ghana | 06-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Cocoa Post | Ghana | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

thepressradio | Ghana | 04-Dec-2021

\nAfrica News\n

GHANAPOLITICS | Ghana | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Qx Digitall | Ghana | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Fashion ManiaGh | Ghana | 04-Dec-2021


Guyana Times | Guyana | 05-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

El Pais | Honduras | 04-Dec-2021

Joint Statement of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the Ombudsman for Future Generations on the Occasion of World Soil Day

AJBH | Hungary | 07-Dec-2021

Joint Statement of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the Ombudsman for Future Generations on the Occasion of World Soil Day

AJBH | Hungary | 07-Dec-2021

Joint Statement of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the Ombudsman for Future Generations on the Occasion of World Soil Day

AJBH | Hungary | 07-Dec-2021

Joint Statement of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the Ombudsman for Future Generations on the Occasion of World Soil Day

AJBH | Hungary | 07-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021: Know The Date, Significance And History | India | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021: Theme, History and Significance | India | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021: Aim, importance, history, theme, significance, quotes and messages

India Today | India | 05-Dec-2021

Sadhguru Urges Nations To Prioritise Addressing 'soil Extinction' On World Soil Day

Republic World | India | 05-Dec-2021

FAO recognises tribal farmers’ drive to revitalise soil health

The Hindu | India | 12-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021 Its History, Significance, themes, and quotes. Al

Dailyhunt | India | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021: Theme, history and significance

Dailyhunt | India | 05-Dec-2021

Sadhguru Urges Nations To Prioritise Addressing 'soil Extinction' On W

Dailyhunt | India | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021: History, significance and theme; all you need to

Dailyhunt | India | 03-Dec-2021

For the soil that sustains us

Dailyhunt | India | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021: Aim, importance, history, theme, significance, qu

Dailyhunt | India | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021: Theme, History and Significance

Dailyhunt | India | 05-Dec-2021

Soil moving towards extinction, urgent steps needed: Sadhguru on World

Dailyhunt | India | 05-Dec-2021

\n World Soil Day 2021: All you need to know about the history and campaign this year\n

Firstpost | India | 05-Dec-2021

ഭൂമിയിൽ ജീവന്റെ തുടക്കവും ഒടുക്കവും മണ്ണിൽ : ലോക മണ്ണുദിനം

Manorama Online | India | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021: History, Theme; And Importance Of Soil Preservation

Outlook Magazine | India | 05-Dec-2021

Soil moving towards extinction, urgent steps needed: Sadhguru on World Soil Day

WION | India | 05-Dec-2021

What National Day Is December 5? List Of National Days Celebrated On December 5

Fresherslive | India | 04-Dec-2021

Find out why World Soil Day is celebrated

News Track | India | 05-Dec-2021

Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk: FAO

Devdiscourse | India | 03-Dec-2021

Soil fertility management: Need some fruitful intervention

The Sentinel | India | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Sambad English | India | 09-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021 Theme, History and Why it is Celebrated

Sambad English | India | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 20215 दिसबंर को फिर मनाया जाएगा ‘विश्व मृदा दिवस’, जानें आखिर क्यों मनाया जाता है ये दिन और क्या है इसका इतिहास

Enavabharat | India | 05-Dec-2021

Current Affairs 7 December 2021

AffairsCloud | India | 07-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021 – December 5

AffairsCloud | India | 06-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and the UN FAO extend their cooperation on the protection of the planet’s soil

The Bharat Express News | India | 09-Dec-2021

Plastic pollution is also widespread in our agricultural soils

Fuentitech | India | 08-Dec-2021

Tanah sehat untuk cegah bencana

Antara News - Jateng | India | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021: Theme, Significance, History and why it is celebrated

Newsd | India | 04-Dec-2021

Careers in Soil Conservation

Nagaland Post | India | 04-Dec-2021

Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk: FAO

India Blooms | India | 04-Dec-2021

Careers in soil conservation

Manipur - E-Pao! | India | 11-Dec-2021

Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk: FAO

The India Nation | India | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day 2021: Theme, History and Significance

The India Nation | India | 05-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

PR Newswire - The Tech Portal | India | 09-Dec-2021

Plastic pollution is also pervasive in our agricultural soils

Gamers Grade | India | 08-Dec-2021

विश्व मिट्टी दिवस पर सद्गुरु: मिट्टी विनाश रोकने को जल्द कदम उठाने होंगे

Legend News | India | 05-Dec-2021

Technology | India | 09-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: Preserving biodiversity of soil is single most significant concern on the planet

Navjeevan Express | India | 06-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

BizWire Express | India | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Sangri Times - PRNewswire | India | 09-Dec-2021

Tanah sehat untuk cegah bencana

Antara sultra | Indonesia | 05-Dec-2021

Tanah sehat untuk cegah bencana

Antara News - Kaltara | Indonesia | 05-Dec-2021

FAO commemorates World Soil Day 2021

Iranian Students' News Agency | Iran | 07-Dec-2021

Il degrado del suolo ci costa 50 miliardi all'anno

La | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Crea, il 33% del suolo è affetto da limitazioni per la produzione di cibo | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

++ Allarme salinizzazione suolo, 31 mld di perdite l'anno ++ | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Desertificazione e consumo, l’allarme per il suolo. L’Italia perde quasi 2 metri quadri ogni secondo. “Danni per 90 miliardi, come metà del Recovery plan”

Il Fatto Quotidiano | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Allarme suolo, perdiamo 500 ettari ogni mezz’ora. All’Italia potrebbe costare come metà Recovery plan

Il Fatto Quotidiano | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Il degrado del suolo ci costa 50 miliardi all'anno

La Stampa | Italy | 03-Dec-2021


QuotidianoNet | Italy | 13-Dec-2021

Crea, il 33% del suolo è affetto da limitazioni per la produzione di cibo

Giornale Di Sicilia | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Il degrado del suolo ci costa 50 miliardi all'anno

Il Secolo XIX | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

«Cementati 1,3 milioni di metri quadrati». Legambiente dice stop

L'Eco Di Bergamo | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Lombardia - Giornata mondiale del suolo, il flashmob di Legambiente - - Varese News

Varese News | Italy | 04-Dec-2021

Allarme salinizzazione: in Italia spariscono due metri quadrati al secondo | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Allarme suolo | perdiamo 500 ettari ogni mezz’ora All’Italia potrebbe costare come metà Recovery plan

Zazoom | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Flashmob di Legambiente contro il proliferare delle logistiche

Prima Bergamo | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Crea, 33% suoli è affetto da limitazioni per produzione cibo

Alto Adige | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Crea, il 33% del suolo è affetto da limitazioni per la produzione di cibo

Alto Adige | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Giornata mondiale del suolo, Legambiente: “Ogni minuto in Italia perdiamo 100 mq di terreno”

Agenzia Dire | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Giornata del suolo: incontro a Pertosa | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Il degrado del suolo ci costa 50 miliardi all’anno

GeosNews | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Salinizzazione, Sicilia a rischio desertificazione

GeosNews | Italy | 04-Dec-2021

Crea, 33% suoli è affetto da limitazioni per produzione cibo

MSN Italia | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Futuro e speranza, l'agricoltura intelligente celebra il suolo

AgroNotizie | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Fao: “Perdiamo 500 ettari suolo ogni 30 minuti, minaccia a sicurezza alimentare”

LaPresse | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Salinizzazione del suolo e sicurezza alimentare | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Desertificazione e consumo, l'allarme per il suolo. L'Italia perde quasi 2 metri quadri ogni secondo. Danni per 90 miliardi, come metà del ...

Libero 24/7 | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Fao, allarme salinizzazione suolo: 31 miliardi di perdite l'anno

Libero 24/7 | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Crea, il 33% del suolo è affetto da limitazioni per la produzione di cibo

Trentino | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Crea, 33% suoli è affetto da limitazioni per produzione cibo

Trentino | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Giornata mondiale del suolo

TermoliOnLine | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Fao: “Perdiamo 500 ettari suolo ogni 30 minuti, minaccia a sicurezza alimentare”

B-Lab Live | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Il degrado del suolo ci costa 50 miliardi all'anno


Consumo di suolo È ormai allarme e non si sono ancora trovate soluzioni

Il Piccolo | Italy | 04-Dec-2021

Il degrado del suolo ci costa 50 miliardi all'anno

Corriere Delle Apli | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Le iniziative di Parco Nord Milano per rigenerare il suolo e ampliare le aree verdi urbane

La Rivista della Natura | Italy | 04-Dec-2021

Giornata mondiale del suolo: sussidi agli agricoltori che coltiveranno anche in inverno

inNaturale - Conoscere per assaporare. | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Giornata mondiale del suolo: i pesticidi minacciano gli organismi vitali nel terreno

inNaturale - Conoscere per assaporare. | Italy | 04-Dec-2021

Stop alla deforestazione, Cia-Agricoltori Italiani: “il 70% dei terreni europei è da salvare”

Wine News | Italy | 04-Dec-2021

اليوم العالمي للتربة: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة تسلط الضوء على التهديد الذي يشكله تملّح التربة على الأمن الغذائي العالمي

Food and Agriculture Organization - منظمة الأغذية والزراعة | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Il Fatto Quotidiano: Allarme suolo, perdiamo 500 ettari ogni mezz’ora. All’Italia potrebbe costare come metà Recovery plan

Rassegna Stampa | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Il Fatto Quotidiano: Desertificazione e consumo, l’allarme per il suolo. L’Italia perde quasi 2 metri quadri ogni secondo. “Danni per 90 miliardi, come metà del Recovery plan”

Rassegna Stampa | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

‘Troppi centri logistici’: flash mob di Legambiente Lombardia

Vigevano 24 | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Salinizzazione, Sicilia a rischio desertificazione

L'Eco del Sud | Italy | 04-Dec-2021

Salinizzazione del suolo, Sicilia a rischio desertificazione

L'Eco del Sud | Italy | 04-Dec-2021


MyBlog | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Consumo di suolo, flash mob di Legambiente contro la logistica.

Gazzetta di Milano | Italy | 04-Dec-2021

Crea, ogni mezz’ora perdiamo 500 ettari di suolo per produrre alimenti | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Crea, ogni mezz’ora perdiamo 500 ha di suolo per produrre alimenti | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Cementificazione, Roma maglia nera: persi 123 ettari di suolo in città, 271 nella città metropolitana

TeleAmbiente TV | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Suolo: Cia, puntare sui traguardi del 2021. Da salvare già 70% terreni Ue

24 Ore News | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Desertificazione e consumo, l’allarme per il suolo. L’Italia perde quasi 2 metri quadri ogni secondo. “Danni per 90 miliardi, come metà del Recovery plan” | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Giornata mondiale del suolo. Piccoli studenti scoprono cosa c’è sotto i nostri piedi

Ambiente & Ambienti | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Il Suolo, l’Ambiente, la Storia. La Fondazione MIdA festeggia la giornata del Suolo.

Radio Laser | Italy | 04-Dec-2021

Suolo: Cia, puntare sui traguardi del 2021. Da salvare già 70% terreni Ue

L'online di Tribuna Economica | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Il degrado del suolo ci costa 50 miliardi all'anno | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Cemento e consumo di suolo. Puglia maglia nera al Sud

MOTORI - Quotidiano di | Italy | 05-Dec-2021

Giornata mondiale del suolo, Legambiente: “Ogni minuto in Italia perdiamo 100 mq di terreno”.

Frosinone Magazine | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Il degrado del suolo ci costa 50 miliardi all'anno | Italy | 03-Dec-2021

Giornata Mondiale del suolo, in Italia persi 100mq di terreno al minuto

Itanews24' | Italy | 06-Dec-2021


ItalyUSA | Italy | 09-Dec-2021

“Danni per 90 miliardi, come metà del Recovery plan”.

Notizie Globali | Italy | 06-Dec-2021

Qatar - Soil conservation is key to environmental sustainability

The Middle East North Africa Financial Network | Jordan | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Kenyan Times - PRNewswire | Kenya | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Afritech Media | Kenya | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

PRSK - PRNewswire | Kenya | 04-Dec-2021


Africa 24 Media | Kenya | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Kenyacurrent | Kenya | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Mediasetafrica | Kenya | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

African Comb Books | Kenya | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Thenewdawnliberia | Liberia | 04-Dec-2021

世界土壤日 | 防止土壤盐渍化,提高土壤生产力

搜狐新闻-搜狐 | Mainland China | 05-Dec-2021


腾讯新闻客户端 | Mainland China | 05-Dec-2021

世界土壤日|宋陈《生态纪》|“环境科学与生态艺术论坛” 开幕

腾讯新闻客户端 | Mainland China | 07-Dec-2021


腾讯网 | Mainland China | 05-Dec-2021

世界土壤日|宋陈《生态纪》|“环境科学与生态艺术论坛” 开幕

腾讯网 | Mainland China | 07-Dec-2021


凤凰网 | Mainland China | 03-Dec-2021


澎湃新闻网 | Mainland China | 06-Dec-2021

世界土壤日|什么是土壤盐渍化 你知道吗?

新浪新闻_手机新浪网 | Mainland China | 04-Dec-2021


今日头条 | Mainland China | 05-Dec-2021


天天快报 | Mainland China | 05-Dec-2021

世界土壤日|宋陈《生态纪》|“环境科学与生态艺术论坛” 开幕

天天快报 | Mainland China | 07-Dec-2021


中国网 - 新闻中心 | Mainland China | 06-Dec-2021


中国网 - 新闻中心 | Mainland China | 07-Dec-2021


科学网 | Mainland China | 05-Dec-2021

\n 宋陈《生态纪》“世界土壤日”系列艺术公教项目即将开幕\n

Sunnews | Mainland China | 05-Dec-2021

\n 编号530721小行星被命名“南土所星”,江苏这个研究所名字闪耀星空\n

Sunnews | Mainland China | 06-Dec-2021

世界土壤日|什么是土壤盐渍化 你知道吗?

燕赵名城网(石家庄网络广播电视台) | Mainland China | 05-Dec-2021


中国网 - 艺术中国 | Mainland China | 05-Dec-2021


新农资360 | Mainland China | 06-Dec-2021


新农资360 | Mainland China | 06-Dec-2021


新农资360 | Mainland China | 06-Dec-2021


泛储新闻网 | Mainland China | 06-Dec-2021

Plastics in agrifood systems: The good, the bad and the ugly | Malaysia | 08-Dec-2021

Un futuro con menos comida: mitad de suelo en Latinoamérica está ‘hecho pedazos’

El Financiero | Mexico | 04-Dec-2021

Día mundial del suelo: 5 puntos para entender la importancia de cuidarlo

Business Insider - Mx | Mexico | 05-Dec-2021


El Siglo de Torreón | Mexico | 05-Dec-2021

Presenta México Estrategia Nacional de Suelo para la Agricultura Sostenible

La Razón | Mexico | 04-Dec-2021

Mitad de suelo en Latinoamérica está ‘hecho pedazos’; habrá menos comida, pero no es todo

Vanguardia | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

Presenta México Estrategia Nacional de Suelo para la Agricultura Sostenible (ENASAS)

24 Horas | Mexico | 04-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo 2021

El Diario de Chihuahua | Mexico | 05-Dec-2021

Asegura Yara México que el suelo es clave para garantizar seguridad alimentaria

El Heraldo de Chihuahua | Mexico | 07-Dec-2021

Alerta FAO de consecuencia de erosión del suelo

NTR | Mexico | 04-Dec-2021

7 acciones que pueden cambiar el rumbo del planeta

ExpokNews | Mexico | 08-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

Diario Rotativo | Mexico | 03-Dec-2021

Detener la salinización de suelos, aumentar su productividad

Imagen del Golfo | Mexico | 04-Dec-2021

Detener la salinización de suelos, aumentar su productividad

Diario del Istmo | Mexico | 04-Dec-2021

Lanzan la Red Mexicana de Laboratorios del Suelo

Almomento.Mx | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

800Noticias | Mexico | 03-Dec-2021

Detener la salinización de suelos, aumentar su productividad

Imagen De Vera Cruz | Mexico | 04-Dec-2021

Lanzan Red Mexicana de Laboratorios de Suelo para avanzar en su recuperación

2000Agro | Mexico | 07-Dec-2021

México revierte procesos de degradación de suelos agrícolas

2000Agro | Mexico | 07-Dec-2021

Lanzan la Red Mexicana de Laboratorios del Suelo

Indice Político | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo. 5 de diciembre

Códices Oaxaca | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

Los plásticos no solo inundan los mares, también recubren los suelos agrícolas

Valor-Compartido | Mexico | 09-Dec-2021

Lanzan red de laboratorios para la recuperación de los suelos en México

Portal Ambiental | Mexico | 03-Dec-2021

Presentan la Estrategia Nacional de Suelo para la Agricultura Sostenible

Portal Ambiental | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

Portal Ambiental | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

Frenar la salinización del suelo, necesario para los ecosistemas

Portal Ambiental | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

Lanzan Red Mexicana de Laboratorios de Suelo para avanzar en su recuperación

2000Agro | Mexico | 07-Dec-2021

México revierte procesos de degradación de suelos agrícolas

2000Agro | Mexico | 07-Dec-2021

Presenta México Estrategia Nacional de Suelo para la Agricultura Sostenible

2000Agro | Mexico | 09-Dec-2021

Lo malo, lo bueno, lo feo de los plásticos en agroalimentos

2000Agro | Mexico | 13-Dec-2021

Los plásticos no solo inundan los mares, también recubren los suelos agrícolas

Mipuntodevista | Mexico | 08-Dec-2021


Portal Veracruzana | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo: ¿por qué es tan importante su preservación?

wokii | Mexico | 05-Dec-2021

Los plásticos no solo inundan los mares, también recubren los suelos agrícolas

Monitor Económico | Mexico | 08-Dec-2021

Impulsa FAO dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

El Punto Critico | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

Impulsa FAO dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

El Punto Critico | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo: un recurso sano para nutrir la vida Yahoo! Deportes | Mexico | 05-Dec-2021

Presenta México Estrategia Nacional de Suelo para la Agricultura Sostenible

Hiptix | Mexico | 04-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos | Mexico | 03-Dec-2021

Señalan que el campo agrícola de México y la región ´está hecho pedazos': Sader

Periódico Viva Voz | Mexico | 05-Dec-2021

Lanzan Red Mexicana de Laboratorios de Suelo para recuperación y cuidado de suelos agrícolas

Sitquije | Mexico | 03-Dec-2021

Presenta México Estrategia Nacional de Suelo para la Agricultura Sostenible

Sitquije | Mexico | 04-Dec-2021

La hambruna que viene: La mitad de tierras en América Latina erosionadas | Mexico | 06-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo

La Aldea De La Informacion | Mexico | 05-Dec-2021

Célébration de la Journée Mondiale des Sols 2021 | Morocco | 06-Dec-2021

Soils under Threat

My Republica - Nagarik Network | Nepal | 04-Dec-2021

Microplastics found in agricultural soil and food systems, FAO study finds

The World of Food Ingredients | Netherlands | 08-Dec-2021

\n Microplastics found in agricultural soil and food systems, FAO study finds\n

Packaging Insights | Netherlands | 08-Dec-2021


NL Magazine | Netherlands | 03-Dec-2021

Regenerative agriculture receives Government boost

SunLive | New Zealand | 05-Dec-2021

Regenerative agriculture research receives Government boost | New Zealand | 04-Dec-2021

MIL-OSI Asia-Pac: Guest Article: Fields of Plastics | New Zealand | 09-Dec-2021

MIL-OSI United Nations: Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk: FAO | New Zealand | 03-Dec-2021

MIL-OSI New Zealand: Regenerative agriculture research receives Government boost | New Zealand | 05-Dec-2021

MIL-OSI Security: Combatting Soil Salinisation Using Nuclear Techniques: The IAEA Commemorates 2021 World Soil Day | New Zealand | 03-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Magazines Today | New Zealand | 08-Dec-2021

Regenerative agriculture research receives Government boost | New Zealand | 05-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Mirror Inspires | New Zealand | 09-Dec-2021

Nigeria wins 2020 World Soil Day prize

The Punch | Nigeria | 08-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

The Guardian | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

Soil salinisation threat to global food security, FAO, experts warn

The Nation Newspaper Nigeria | Nigeria | 05-Dec-2021

NISS Northwest Zonal Office Holds Sensitisation Workshop in Sokoto

This Day Live | Nigeria | 08-Dec-2021

Nigeria Soil Institute wins Global Award in Thailand

Nigerian Tribune | Nigeria | 08-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

NISS reiterates commitment to effective soil management for food, nutrition security

The Sun News | Nigeria | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Channels Television | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Business Insider Africa | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

FAO, Experts warn against unsustainable agric practices

Blueprint | Nigeria | 05-Dec-2021

Soil Salinisation Threatening Global Food Security – FAO

Voice of Nigeria | Nigeria | 07-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

worldtopnewsng | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

worldtopnewsng | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Ventures Africa | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

NNN - Nigerian online news | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Newssummedup | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Big Pen Online | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Innovation Village | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Global Sentinel | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

ALIMOSHO GUIDE | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

The Gazelle News | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Nextmoney – Nigeria's Financial Magazine | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Onuoha Precious | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

globalupfront | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Nigerian News Headlines Today | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Global Patriot News | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

The Brief | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

Men and Women

African Ripples Magazine | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Nigeria Health Online | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

APO Press Releases

Baobab Africa Online | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Nigerians Report - PRNewswire | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

eletiofe | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

ONTV Nigeria | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Africa Climate Reports | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

ANG | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

FAO highlights the threat of soil salinization to global food security

Newstage | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

I blog With Grace - PRNewswire | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

Ezems Tit Bits

Vcezems Blogspot | Nigeria | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Africa Engineering News | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Bash Exclusive | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Newsheadline247 | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Aiden Promotions | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

Welcome to Fola's Blog

Adefolahanprof - PRNewswire | Nigeria | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Newstage | Nigeria | 09-Dec-2021

PARC organized a short walk to celebrate World Soil Day at NARC

LEAD Pakistan | Pakistan | 07-Dec-2021

FAO: la erosión del suelo disminuirá 10% la producción de alimentos en 2050

La Estrella Online | Panama | 03-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo

Panama On | Panama | 05-Dec-2021

Insta FAO a acciones urgentes en gestión sostenible de los suelos

Panama On | Panama | 05-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

ABC Color | Paraguay | 03-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo: ¿por qué y desde cuándo se celebra cada 5 de diciembre?

El Comercio | Peru | 04-Dec-2021

FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

Gestió | Peru | 03-Dec-2021

Soil management and food security

BusinessMirror | Philippines | 07-Dec-2021

Food security at risk due to soil salinization

The Daily Tribune | Philippines | 11-Dec-2021

Powstrzymać zasolenie gleb, zwiększyć produkcyjność gleb - Dziś Światowy Dzień Gleby | Poland | 05-Dec-2021

Alunos do conservatório Calouste Gulbenkian no Programa 5 ao Dia

Correio do Minho | Portugal | 08-Dec-2021

Alunos do conservatório Calouste Gulbenkian no Programa 5 ao Dia

Correio do Minho | Portugal | 08-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

EMSF-LISBOA | Portugal | 09-Dec-2021

5 decembrie - Ziua mondială a solului (ONU)

Agerpres (RO) | Romania | 05-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Picante Today - Prnewswire | Romania | 09-Dec-2021

В ФосАгро предложили новые инициативы в области защиты здоровья почв

Аргументы и факты | Russia | 10-Dec-2021

В штаб-квартире ФАО ООН будет оборудован «Российский зал»

иа Regnum | Russia | 09-Dec-2021

ФосАгро и ФАО ООН укрепляют сотрудничество для защиты почв

Эксперт Online | Russia | 10-Dec-2021

Российский бизнес помогает защитить плодородие почв

Парламентская газета | Russia | 10-Dec-2021

ФосАгро и ФАО ООН расширят сотрудничество в области защиты почв на планете

Радио Sputnik | Russia | 10-Dec-2021

5 декабря: какие праздники и памятные даты отмечают в мире, в России и на Кубани

Краснодар | Russia | 05-Dec-2021

ФосАгро и ООН расширяют сотрудничество | Russia | 13-Dec-2021

ФосАгро и ФАО ООН объявили о расширении сотрудничества в области защиты почв на планете. | Russia | 09-Dec-2021

ФосАгро и ФАО ООН расширят сотрудничество в области защиты почв на планете | Russia | 10-Dec-2021

В ФосАгро предложили новые инициативы в области защиты здоровья почв | Russia | 10-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Hooza | Rwanda | 04-Dec-2021

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations promotes healthy soil as a top priority in the Caribbean

SKN Vibes | Saint Kitts And Nevis | 10-Dec-2021

في اليوم العالمي للتربة، دعوة عالمية لوقف تملح التربة، ومسابقة أسترالية لخَبز حلوى تمثل التربة

Sayidaty - مجلة سيدتي | Saudi Arabia | 05-Dec-2021

Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk: FAO

Saudi Gazette | Saudi Arabia | 04-Dec-2021

Crea, 33% of soils are affected by food production limitations – Icon News

Ruetir | Singapore | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Horn Observer | Somalia | 04-Dec-2021

Africa Newsroom Press Release

Saxafi | Somalia | 04-Dec-2021


Saxafi | Somalia | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

daljir | Somalia | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Somalilandpost | Somalia | 04-Dec-2021

Africa: Excess Salt in Soils Puts Food Security At Risk - FAO

AllAfrica | South Africa | 06-Dec-2021

Tanzania: Use 'World Soil Day' to Preserve the Resource

AllAfrica | South Africa | 06-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Biz Community | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

APO Contributed Publications | Africa Wire

Reportafrique - PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Zed Gossip | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Africa Ports | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

AFRICA BULLETIN | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Quicknews Africa | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Meanderchronicle | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021


The Sun Africa | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Immt-ibbt - PRNews | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Worldism10 - PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Daily2report - PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Peoplereporters - PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Byb2Africa Travels - PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Themailnews PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

MNews Africa - Prnewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Peafrinsights - Prnewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Sports Rendezvous - PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Faitholaniran - PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Lephalale Express | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Grandslam Fashion - PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Jesus is coming Ministry - PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Talk Alone With God - PRNewswire | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

Mauritius frustrated at French travel embargo

Fin News Africa | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Naijatowncrier | South Africa | 04-Dec-2021

La erosión del suelo provocará una reducción del 10% de la producción de alimentos en 2050

El Confidencial | Spain | 09-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

La sal coloniza un 10% de las tierras de cultivo y amenaza la 'despensa' mundial, según la ONU | Spain | 05-Dec-2021

La sal coloniza un 10% de las tierras de cultivo y amenaza la 'despensa' mundial, según la ONU | Spain | 05-Dec-2021

La FAO alerta de que la erosión del suelo provocará una reducción del 10% de la producción de alimentos en 2050

Europa Press | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

Edición América - EFE | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

La FAO alerta de que la erosión del suelo provocará una reducción del 10% de la producción de alimentos en 2050

Notimérica | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

La salinización de suelos amenaza la despensa del mundo

El Ágora | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo 2021 | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

Según la FAO, la erosión del suelo provocará una reducción de la producción de alimentos del 10% en 2050

Agronewscastillayleon | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Yahoo! Noticias España | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

EFEverde | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

La sal coloniza un 10% de las tierras de cultivo y amenaza la ‘despensa’ mundial, según la ONU

SIGLO XXI | Spain | 05-Dec-2021

La FAO alerta de que la erosión del suelo provocará una reducción del 10% de la producción de alimentos en 2050

SIGLO XXI | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

La FAO reconoce a Ideagro como laboratorio de referencia de suelo y control de calidad de fertilizantes

Murciadiario | Spain | 06-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo | Spain | 04-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

elobrero | Spain | 04-Dec-2021

5 de diciembre, Día Mundial del Suelo

TECNOLOGIA HORTICOLA | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

La Red Mundial de la FAO reconoce a Ideagro como laboratorio de referencia

Revista Mercados | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

El Día Mundial del Suelo hace un guiño a la agricultura por conservación | Spain | 05-Dec-2021

Según la FAO, la erosión del suelo provocará una reducción de la producción de alimentos del 10% en 2050

Fhalmeria | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

La FAO señala que la erosión del suelo reducirá la producción de alimentos

Profesional Agro | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Viajes 24 horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Alcázar de San Juan | Spain | 10-Dec-2021

La erosión del suelo provocará una reducción de la producción de alimentos del 10% en 2050

FyH | Spain | 04-Dec-2021

FAO reconoce a Ideagro como laboratorio de referencia nacional

FyH | Spain | 05-Dec-2021

FAO reconoce a Ideagro como laboratorio nacional de referencia

Fruittoday Euromagazine | Spain | 05-Dec-2021

La conservación del suelo agrícola, elemento clave para nuestro futuro y bienestar

Fruittoday Euromagazine | Spain | 05-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

El Portaluco | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

La erosión del suelo provocará una reducción de la producción de alimentos del 10% en 2050

Interempresas | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

Los plásticos no solo inundan los mares, también recubren los suelos agrícolas

Diario Dia | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Madrid 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Extremadura Digital 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Zaragoza 24 horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Burgos Digital 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Granada 24 horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Galicia 24 horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Sevilla 24 horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Barcelona 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Castilla La Mancha 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Islas Baleares 24 horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Murcia Digital 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Asturias 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Palencia Digital 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

ONU alerta que la erosión del suelo reducirá el 10% de la producción de alimentos en 2050

Noticias de Catamarca | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

La Red Mundial de la FAO reconoce a Ideagro como laboratorio nacional de referencia de suelo y control de calidad de fertilizantes

Euroganadería | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

SantanderDigital 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Bilbao Digital | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Córdoba 24 horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

San Sebastian 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Valencia 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Europa 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Vitoria 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Diario Dia | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Noticias de Málaga | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo

Línea Verde Ayuntamiento de San Lorenzo | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Valladolid Digital 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo

Línea Verde | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

Ideagro reconocido como laboratorio nacional de referencia de suelo y control de calidad de fertilizantes

Agronoticias | Spain | 03-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

La Rioja 24 Horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Por qué necesitamos leyes que protejan el suelo

Cádiz 24 horas | Spain | 07-Dec-2021

Soil of the Earth: The very cradle of Life

Daily News | Sri Lanka | 06-Dec-2021

Salinity Affecting Prosperity

CEYLON TODAY | Sri Lanka | 03-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Africa Newsroom | Switzerland | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Africalink | Switzerland | 04-Dec-2021

Салом алейкум, Таджикистан! Анонсы событий, день в истории, прогноз погоды на 5 декабря 2021 года

Asia-Plus Media Group | Tajikistan | 04-Dec-2021

Салом алейкум, Таджикистан! Анонсы событий, день в истории, прогноз погоды на 5 декабря 2021 года | Tajikistan | 05-Dec-2021


The Citizen (Tanzania) | Tanzania | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

East Africa Herald | Tanzania | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Hakipensheni - Prnewswire | Tanzania | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Dismas Lyassa Official Blog | Tanzania | 04-Dec-2021

วันดินโลก ยูเนสโกก่อตั้งจากพระอัจฉริยภาพ รัชกาลที่ 9 ทรงจัดการทรัพยากรดิน

กรุงเทพธุรกิจ | Thailand | 04-Dec-2021

Princess Sirindhorn donates 1,000 soil test kits

Bangkok Post | Thailand | 05-Dec-2021

“วันดินโลก” โดยยูเนสโก้ จากพระอัจฉริยภาพ ร.9 กับการแก้ปัญหาดินเสื่อมโทรม

คมชัดลึก | Thailand | 05-Dec-2021

อลงกรณ์ น้อมรำลึก 5 ธันวาฯ วันประวัติศาสตร์ไทย-ประวัติศาสตร์โลก

สยามรัฐออนไลน์ | Thailand | 05-Dec-2021

Prinzessin Sirindhorn spendet 1.000 Bodentest Kits

ThailandTIP | Thailand | 05-Dec-2021

จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี จัดงานวันดินโลก ประจำปี 2564 Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity : พิชิตดินเค็มเติมเต็มผลผลิต สร้างชีวิตเกษตรกร

National News Bureau of Thailand | Thailand | 11-Dec-2021

จังหวัดแพร่จัดกิจกรรม จัดกิจกรรม เนื่องใน “วันดินโลก” ประจำปี 2564

National News Bureau of Thailand | Thailand | 04-Dec-2021

จังหวัดแพร่ จัดกิจกรรมเนื่องในวันดินโลก (World Soil Day) ปี 2564

National News Bureau of Thailand | Thailand | 04-Dec-2021

สมเด็จพระกนิษฐาธิราชเจ้า กรมสมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดาฯ สยามบรมราชกุมารี ทรงเปิดงานวันดินโลก ปี 2564

National News Bureau of Thailand | Thailand | 03-Dec-2021

5 ธันวาฯ.วันประวัติศาสตร์ไทย-ประวัติศาสตร์โลก

Siamevent | Thailand | 05-Dec-2021

Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk: FAO

Phuket Hotel Deals | Thailand | 03-Dec-2021

I Biz News

I Biz News Media | Thailand | 06-Dec-2021

5 ธันวาฯ.วันประวัติศาสตร์ไทย-ประวัติศาสตร์โลก

Krungthep News | Thailand | 06-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

PMLDaily | Uganda | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Eagle Online | Uganda | 04-Dec-2021


East African Business Week | Uganda | 04-Dec-2021

APO Wire

Tndnewsug | Uganda | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Guru8 | Uganda | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Travel News East Africa | Uganda | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

African Pearl News | Uganda | 04-Dec-2021

Засоление почв - угроза для глобальной продовольственной безопасности

Агро Перспектива | Ukraine | 06-Dec-2021

Жизнь, посвященная земле

E-News | Ukraine | 03-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Zawya | United Arab Emirates | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Zawya | United Arab Emirates | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Zawya | United Arab Emirates | 04-Dec-2021

Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk: FAO

Global Issues | United Kingdom | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: An Interview with the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)

AZoLifeSciences | United Kingdom | 03-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Exeter Daily | United Kingdom | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

European Business Magazine | United Kingdom | 09-Dec-2021

Plastics in agrifood systems: The good, the bad and the ugly

European Business Magazine | United Kingdom | 08-Dec-2021

Article provided by PR Newswire

The Devon Daily | United Kingdom | 09-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

africadata | United Kingdom | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil | United Kingdom | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

We Are Xpert | United Kingdom | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Technology News Wire - TechFruit | United Kingdom | 09-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Corporate Africa News | United Kingdom | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

CC-Investments - PRNewswire | United Kingdom | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Property Aspects Magazine | United Kingdom | 09-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

InAfrica24 | United Kingdom | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

darelasisi | United Kingdom | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Yahoo news | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Yahoo! News | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

MarketWatch | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Benzinga | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Report: Plastic pollution is also pervasive in our agricultural soils | United States | 08-Dec-2021

Pesquisa revela que 55% dos países não conseguem analisar qualidade do solo

ONU News | United States | 05-Dec-2021

PhosAgro And UN FAO Expand Cooperation On Protecting The Planet's Soil

TheStreet | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Public Joint Stock PhosAgro : PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Market Screener | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Regenerative agriculture research receives Government boost

Market Screener | United States | 06-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

WFMZ | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Los plásticos no solo inundan los mares, también recubren los suelos agrícolas

Naciones Unidas | United States | 07-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

WBOC-TV | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

StreetInsider | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk: FAO

Naciones Unidas | United States | 03-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

Yahoo! Noticias en Español | United States | 03-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo: un recurso sano para nutrir la vida

Yahoo! Finanzas | United States | 05-Dec-2021

5 razones para reflexionar sobre la importancia del suelo

Yahoo! Finanzas | United States | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Social News.XYZ | United States | 04-Dec-2021

5 razones para reflexionar sobre la importancia del suelo

Yahoo Deportes | United States | 05-Dec-2021

Día Mundial del Suelo: un recurso sano para nutrir la vida

Yahoo Deportes | United States | 05-Dec-2021

Fields of Plastics

SDG Knowledge Hub | United States | 09-Dec-2021

FIFA Bringing Performance Analytics to a Whole New Level

AiTHORITY | United States | 06-Dec-2021

Oilfield Services Companies Represent Important Opportunities for Africa’s Energy Sector in 2022

AiTHORITY | United States | 06-Dec-2021

Excess salt in soils puts food security at risk

Modern Diplomacy | United States | 06-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

RFD-TV | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Plastic pollution is also widespread in our agricultural soils

Florida News Times Today | United States | 08-Dec-2021

Jerry Raynor: World Soil Day focus is salt of the earth

The Republic | United States | 07-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

WICZ-TV | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Salisbury Post | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Spoke | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Vicksburg Post | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

LaGrange Daily News | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Report: Plastic pollution is also pervasive in our agricultural soils

Biz News Post | United States | 08-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Alexander City Outlook | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Winchester Sun | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Ouzbékistan : aux tréfonds des terres arides du plus grand pays enclavé du monde (FAO)

ONU Info | United States | 05-Dec-2021

FAO highlights the threat of soil salinization to global food security

PR Newswire - One News Page | United States | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Selma Times‑Journal | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

CRWE World | United States | 09-Dec-2021

International Compost Alliance Launched

Waste Advantage Magazine | United States | 07-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Clanton Advertiser | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Boost your soils productivity

Washington Times-Herald | United States | 03-Dec-2021

Boost your soil productivity

Washington Times-Herald | United States | 03-Dec-2021

International Compost Alliance launched

Waste Management World | United States | 13-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

Hola Noticias | United States | 03-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Washington Daily News | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Ironton Tribune | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Post Searchlight | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

IQ Stock Market | United States | 09-Dec-2021

MDARD marks World Soil Day with New ‘Fresh from the Field’ podcast

Fruit Growers News | United States | 03-Dec-2021

MDARD’s new ‘Fresh from the Field’ podcast marks World Soil Day

The Vegetable Growers News | United States | 03-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

L'Observateur | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil - NEWS BRIG

newsbrig | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Bogalusa Daily News | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Ouzbékistan : aux tréfonds des terres arides du plus grand pays enclavé du monde (FAO) - PR Newswire | United States | 06-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Middlesboro Daily News | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Claiborne Progress | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Valley Times-News | United States | 09-Dec-2021

Digging deeper into the arid terrain of the world’s largest landlocked country - How Uzbekistan’s farmers are overcoming soil salinity and water shortages

SeedQuest | United States | 03-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Parkchester Times | United States | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

The Interior Journal | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Tidewater News | United States | 09-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

AfricaFocus | United States | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Alabama Now | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

One News Page | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Run The Money | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Latin Trade Magazine | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

KJUN-CA | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Bluegrass Live | United States | 09-Dec-2021

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U.N. Food & Agricultural Organization: Plastics in Agrifood Systems - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Targeted News Service (Print Edition) | United States | 08-Dec-2021

Natural Resources Conservation Service Issues Op-Ed Entitled 'Boost Your Soil's Productivity'

Targeted News Service (Print Edition) | United States | 07-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil | United States | 09-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

startupterminal | United States | 04-Dec-2021


Contentengine | United States | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

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PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

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PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

JOT / UP | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

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PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

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PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

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PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

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PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

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PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

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PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

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PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Tech Inside Out | United States | 09-Dec-2021

FAO highlights the threat of soil salinization to global food security

PR Newswire - | United States | 04-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

APO Widgets -TodayNG | United States | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Greenkontractor | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

eGreenNews PrNewsWire | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Resilience mart | United States | 09-Dec-2021

FAO highlights the threat of soil salinization to global food security

PR Newswire - | United States | 04-Dec-2021

Excess salt in soils threatens food security: FAO – Global issues

Itsriz | United States | 04-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

PR Newswire - | United States | 09-Dec-2021

PhosAgro and UN FAO Expand Cooperation on Protecting the Planet's Soil

Harlan Enterprise | United States | 09-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

South Sudan News Now | Unknown | 04-Dec-2021

MGAP implementa y desarrolla diferentes planes

La Prensa | Uruguay | 07-Dec-2021

Lea las Efemérides del día 5 de diciembre (versión año 2021) | Venezuela | 05-Dec-2021

Lea las Efemérides del día 5 de diciembre (versión año 2021) | Venezuela | 05-Dec-2021

Lea las Efemérides del día 5 de diciembre (versión año 2021) | Venezuela | 05-Dec-2021

Los plásticos no solo inundan los mares, también recubren la tierra | Venezuela | 08-Dec-2021

La FAO impulsa dos soluciones para la gestión sostenible de los suelos

MSN Venezuela - | Venezuela | 03-Dec-2021

Soil is currently facing many risks

BÁO NÔNG NGHIỆP VIỆT NAM | Viet Nam | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO highlights the threat of soil salinization to global food security

BÁO NÔNG NGHIỆP VIỆT NAM | Viet Nam | 05-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

The Herald | Zimbabwe | 04-Dec-2021

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The Herald | Zimbabwe | 04-Dec-2021

FAO urges Zim to adopt proper soil management systems

NewsDay | Zimbabwe | 06-Dec-2021

World Soil Day: FAO Highlights the Threat of Soil Salinization to Global Food Security

Bulawayo24 News | Zimbabwe | 04-Dec-2021