World Soil Day, 5 December

Children's book contest on Soil Biodiversity: RESULTS

The Magical World of Soil Biodiversity

The soil biodiversity book competition highlights the importance of soil organisms and raises awareness of the urgent need to protect soil biodiversity among a young audience (children aged 6-11 years). This collection of 10 stories includes the best entries received from a total of 80 books spanning over 60 countries.

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In the framework of World Soil Day 2020, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), and the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) have the pleasure to announce the winners of the scientific children's book contest on Soil Biodiversity with the motto "Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity".

IUSS and GSP received over 80 books from 60 countries for the contest, which was  very successful in giving visibility to the importance of soil organisms and raising awareness on the urgency of protecting soil biodiversity. 

The winners are:

The first prize "The science & spectacle of Soil Life by Roly Poly". by JiaJia Hamner (freelance, United States) and Sharada Keats (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, United Kingdom);

The second prize is "Soil biodiversity. What's most important?" by Katelyn Lutes and Benjamin Ellert (Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada), and the third prize goes to "The home of life. I am a living soil" by Claudio Lucas Capeche, Julia Franco Stuchi, Milena Pessoa Pagliacci, Fabrício de Martino, Alexandre Abrantes Cotta de Mello, Antonio Augusto Bianchi, Maya Stuchi Tedjini, Kelita Carlos Andrade (Embrapa Solos, Brazil) 

Well-wishings to the winners and finalists and a heartfelt thank you to all participants!

First ten classified

The science & spectacle of Soil Life by Roly Poly

JiaJia Hamner, United States and Sharada Keats, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, United Kingdom.

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Soil biodiversity. What's most important?

Katelyn Lutes and Benjamin Ellert, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada.

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The home of life. I am a living soil

Claudio Lucas Capeche, Julia Franco Stuchi, Milena Pessoa Pagliacci, Fabrício de Martino, Alexandre Abrantes Cotta de Mello, Antonio Augusto Bianchi, Maya Stuchi Tedjini, and Kelita Carlos Andrade, Embrapa Solos, Brazil.

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Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity

Aldo Alfredo Hernández Huerta, Mexico.

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Tommy and his earthy adventure. Save our planet

Surabhi Deodhar and Nivedita Deshmukh, India.

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We are the soil. Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity

Isabelle Barois, José Miguel Flores, Gabriela Mayorquín and Eduardo Aranda-Delgado, Red de Ecología Funcional, Instituto de Ecología, A.C./INECOL, Mexico.

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The soil is alive

Argeu Vanz, Elisângela Benedet Da Silva, Leandro Do Prado Wildner, Josiane De Souza Passos, Liagreice Pereira De Medeiros Cardoso, Célio Haverroth, Leonir Claudino Lanznaster, Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - EPAGRI, Brazil.

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The soil king. How can kids protect soil biodiversity!

Cristina Lull Noguera, Sociedad Española De La Ciencia Del Suelo, Spain.

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The amazing untold history of soil biodiversity and our welfare

Fabiano de Carvalho Balieiro, Embrapa Soils, Brazil.

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It's time for action. Join us! Become a member of the soil league to keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity

Magaly Ruiz, Rómulo Gallegos University, Venezuela and Alejandra Ramírez, Spain.

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Mention of honor

The world under our feet. Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity

Agnes Mitsuyo Shimosaka, Cheila da Silva Chagas, Jessana Priscila Moccelini de Araújo Gonçalves, Brazil.

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Solinho in the Amazon. The importance of biodiversity to the soil.


Antonio Carlos De Azevedo, Luiz De Queiroz College of Agriculture/ University of Sao Paulo (Esalq/Usp), Brazil.

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What is that little yellow dot under your feet?

Caroline Krug Vieira, Morgana Montibeler, Tamiris Marandola, Daniela Tomio, Sidney Luiz Stürmer, Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), Brazil.

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Mayhem at the soil-arium

Alisa Bryce, Alluvio Pty Ltd, Australia.

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Soil biodiversity. The adventure of Lupi & Kura

Pedro Mondaca, Maite Berasaluce, Catalina Bórquez, María Fernanda Silva, Karen Carrera, AgroConCiencia, Chile.

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Ane, the ant. Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity

Gabriel Nuto Nóbrega, Marcela Lopes Lázaro, Fluminense Federal University, Glaucia Guimarães, Rodolfo Ferreira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, and Luciana Corrêa Santos, UCA – Université Clermont Auvergne, France.

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The three little fields and the big bad plough

Oliver Knox, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia.

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The carbon crystal heist

Lewis Fausak, Jacquie Kwok, Teresa Porter, Franco López Campomanes, Paula Porto, Chantel Chizen, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

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Muddy John, where have you gone? Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity

Leandro Alenfel, United Kingdom.

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Learning about soil biodiversity with the worm Paspim

Adriana de Fátima Meira Vital, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, UFCG, Brazil.

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Underground adventure

Silvia Margarita Carrillo-Saucedo, Julieta Alvarez-Manjarrez, Rafael Márquez-Caballé, María del Pilar Ortega-Larrocea, Sarahí Alfaro Guzmán, Tzady Itzel Soria Escalante, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico.

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Get to know the soil with Dasy

María Alejandra Alvarado Zink, Ana Cecilia Lopera, Gasca, Ilce Tlanezi Lara Montiel, Eirin Alejandra Hernández, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (DGDC), Instituto Geología, Asociación Mexicana de Grabadores de Investigación Plástica (A.C.), Mexico.

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Soil is living, breathing skin of Earth

Divjot Kaur, India.

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The realm of Edaphos

Magdalena Colombo, Raúl Cáceres Díaz, Patricia Colombo, María Verónica Ramírez, Bill Traugott, Macarena Ohse Pérez, Margarita López Sierra, Abresoles Editions, Argentina.

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Soil, black gold under our feet

Loïse Triollet, Agricomics, France.

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Rolly and the soil

Moyano Laura, Silvani Vanesa, Donofrio Sol Belen, Godeas Alicia, Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental Aplicada, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina. 

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A journey through the soil

Franziska Hanko, Germany, Carina Scheibreithner, Austria.

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The life under your feet

Stephanie D. Jurburg and Roel van Klink, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, Germany.

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Coco loves soil

Frederick Asankom Dadzie, UNSW Sydney, Australia.

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The worm book

Madlen Zasheva, “Root” Foundation, Bulgaria.

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The muckers. Life beneath our feet

Ed Reynolds, Northern Ireland.

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Soil detectives. The mystery of biodiversity

Noelia Garcia-Franco, Soil Department of Technical University of Munich, Germany, Juan Martínez García, Technical University of Cartagena, Spain, Luis Carlos Colocho Hurtarte, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France, Martin Wiesmeier, Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Germany.

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Keeping the soil alive, protecting its safety

Laura Castro Arza, María Fernanda Correa, Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia.

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A journey below the ground. A story on soil biodiversity

Vincent Michel, Switzerland.

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Friends living beneath our feet

Oğuz Can Turgay, Board member of the Soil Science Society of Turkey.

The booklet has been prepared in the name of of Soil Science Society of Turkey and the copyright belongs to aforementioned association.  

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More on the contest

Click here to discover more on the Book Contest