World Soil Day, 5 December

World Soil Day 2020 - Full list of official events

NENA region

United Arab Emirates – Organizers: Saudi Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture and FAO Technical Cooperation Programme. More information here 

Saudi Arabia – Organizer: Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture and FAO Technical Cooperation Programme. More information here 

Sub-Saharan region

Uganda – Organizers: FAO sub regional office for West Africa, MAAIF, Busitema University, SSSEA-Uganda Chapter

Nigeria – Organizer: African Soil Partnership. More information here 

Senegal – Organizer: FAO-SFW

Guinea – Organizer: FAO/SENASOL

Asian region

Thailand – Organizers: Land Development Department, FAO RAP, CESRA, Soil and Fertilizer Society of Thailand, Soil and Water Conservation Association of Thailand, World Soil Association of Thailand. More information here 

Laos – Organizers: Department of Agricultural Land Management, MAF, FAO. More information here 

Myanmar – Organizers: FAO Myanmar

Bangladesh – Organizers: Ministry of Agriculture, SRDI, FAO Bangladesh, SSSB & Practical Action Bangladesh. More information here 

Latin American and the Caribbean region

Costa Rica – Organizers: FAO-DG, FAO-RLC, FAO-CR. With participation of Director General

Ecuador – Organizers: FAO national office

Dominican Republic – Organizers: FAO DO, Ministerio Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Guatemala – Organizer: Asociacion Guatemalteca de la Ciencia del Suelo, FAO, CATIE, ICC, FEDECOVERA, CRS, UICN, FDN

Belize – Organizer:  Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise and FAO (Belize Liaison)

European and Eurasian region

Kazakhstan – Organizer: FAO-KZ. More information here

Russian Federation – Organizers: The FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation, the Eurasian Center for Food Security of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the World Bank and the Russian State Agrarian University Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU-MTAA). More information here

Tajikistan – Organizer: FAO-TJ and radio Asia Plus. More information here 

Ukraine­ – Organizer: UN Ukraine, FAO Ukraine, Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture, Ministry Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, GSP, UaSP 

North American region

New York – Organizers: The Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Kingdom of Lesotho to the United Nations, FAO and the UNCCD. Click here to register 

Washington DC – Organizer:  FAO North America. Click here to register