
Register for the High Level Side Event - Shaping the future of food systems for the Youth, with the Youth


Join theHigh Level Side Event - Shaping the future of food systems for the Youth, with the Youth ahead of the Special Session of the 48th Plenary of the CFS, which is co-organized by the Youth Alliance for Zero Hunger.


It will occur Thursday June 3rd, 16:00 - 17:00 CEST/UTC+2.

To register cclick here  


  1. Young people can discuss with CFS members and stakeholders issues related to its ongoing program of work:
    • An opportunity for youth to identify actions needed to be taken to help support the uptake of CFS products
    • The CFS is able to take stock of concerns from young people related to food systems and cross-cutting issues (climate change and biodiversity) for ongoing/future work.
  2. Young people are recognised as important stakeholders at all levels in decision making and action on food systems, to produce healthy, nutritious food in a sustainable way for both people and the planet.