
Gifti Bunga Adianti

FAO awards a medal to 8 year old WFD poster winner Gifti Bunga Adianti from Indonesia
Gifti Bunga Adianti, of Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, claimed first prize ahead of 2 500, 5 to 8 year olds in the World Food Day (WFD) poster competition
The competition called on youths around the world to become actively and creatively involved in thinking about fighting poverty and hunger in their countries. This year’s WFD theme – Social Protection and agriculture: breaking the cycle of rural poverty – highlighted the importance of reducing rural poverty and granting access to food.
With three age group categories, 5 to 8, 9 to 12 and 13 to 17, the competition received entries from all over the world with winners hailing from Hungary, Indonesia and Thailand. Bunga’s achievement saw her poster showcased alongside fellow winners at Expo Milan 2015. She was also awarded an FAO 70th Anniversary medal at the UN Day celebrations held at the Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta, on 10 November, where the FAO Representative in Indonesia, Mark Smulders, handed her the medal alongside the Foreign Minister of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, who commended Bunga on her win. 
Bunga’s painting illustrates the “before and after” story of a farmer in the context of the WFD theme of social protection. Speaking with the Minister she said of her work, “You see the fat cow, now, the farmer is happy”. Her story depicts the key agents of social protection as a bank, the government and a hospital, with the “fat cow” representative of prosperity, standing beside smiling farmers.
The World Food Day poster competition is one of the oldest FAO outreach projects involving students across the globe. Rallying young people to put their talents towards fighting poverty and hunger, the WFD poster competition supports FAO in engaging the “Zero Hunger generation”.
To see the winning WFD posters visit FAO’s WFD Website.