
Momentum for 2018 Change Awards - Invia il tuo progetto di azione per il clima


Winners Will Be Celebrated at the UN Climate Change Conference in Poland in December

Organizations, cities, industries, governments, and other key players that are taking the lead on tackling climate change can nominate their game-changing projects for a United Nations Award starting today.
The United Nations Climate Change secretariat opened the call for applications for the 2018 Momentum for Change Awards from now until 30 April to showcase action and ambition as national governments work toward implementing the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Selected initiatives, called 'Lighthouse Activities,' shine a light on innovative, scalable and replicable examples of what people are doing to address climate change, in the hope of inspiring others to act. The winning activities will be recognized and celebrated during a series of special events in December at the UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland (COP 24).

The 2018 Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activities will recognize climate action that is already achieving real results in four categories: 
1. Women for Results recognizes the critical leadership and participation of women in addressing climate change, implemented in collaboration with Masdar's WiSER initiative.
2. Financing for Climate Friendly Investment recognizes successful financial innovations for climate adaptation and mitigation, implemented in partnership with the World Economic Forum Global Project on Climate Change.
3. Planetary Health recognizes novel solutions that balance the need for both human health and a healthy planet, implemented with support by The Rockefeller Foundation.
4. Climate Neutral Now recognizes efforts by individuals, companies and governments that are achieving real results in transitioning to climate neutrality, implemented with the secretariat's Climate Neutral Now initiative.
The Momentum for Change Advisory Panel, made up of senior experts from various fields and countries, will select the 2018 Lighthouse Activities.