
Giornata internazionale delle foreste 2018 Concorso fotografico


International Day of Forests 2018 Photo Contest

Did you know that 50% of the world’s population lives in urban areas and that by 2050 this number could be as high as 70%? As more and more of us live and work in cities, urban forests and trees and the benefits they provide — from filtering the air of harmful pollutants to reducing noise pollution to providing us with food and medicine — become increasingly important.  

To celebrate the International Day of Forests on 21 March and this year’s theme, Forests and sustainable cities, we’re asking you to go outside and take a picture of the forests and trees in your town or city and the people who benefit from them. Trees aren’t only found in forests and can be found along streets, in parks, in front of houses or outside public buildings. Where are the trees in your town or city and how do they help you? 

By capturing the trees of towns and cities in photos with the people they benefit, you can help promote the importance of forests and trees to our cities and the many ways we rely on them.

Send us a picture and you could win a trip to Rome!

The winner of the contest will join us at FAO headquarters in Rome to talk about their photo at the biennial session of the FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO). COFO brings together the heads of forest services and other senior government officials to identify emerging policy and technical issues, to seek solutions and to advise FAO and others on appropriate action. Other international organizations and, increasingly, non-governmental groups also attend COFO.  

How do I enter?

To enter the contest, just follow these three steps:

  1. Take a photo of a tree or a forest in your town or city and the people who benefit from it.
  2. Fill in the online entry form and tell us why trees and forests matter in your town or city and attach the photo (minimum width 1754 pixels at 150 ppi, maximum file size 5 MB).
  3. Finally, don’t forget to post your photo if you have a Twitter, Flickr or Instagram account, using the International Forest Day hashtag: #IntlForestDay. We'll retweet some of your photos from @FAOForestry Twitter.

Deadline for entries is 9 March 2018.

A jury will choose the six best photos, and the six finalists will be posted on FAO’s Facebook page for the public to decide the winner in time for the International Day of Forests on 21 March.

What if I’m under 18?

You have to be over 18 to enter the contest, but that doesn’t stop you joining the campaign on social media! Take a photo of the forests and trees in your town or city and the people who benefit from them and post it on your Twitter, Instagram or Flickr account with the hashtag #IntlForestDay. We’ll tweet some of the photos from @FAOForestry Twitter.