
Giornata mondiale contro il lavoro minorile


Monday, 12 June | 11.00 - 12.00
Sheikh Zayed Center - FAO HQs, Rome

Joint ESP-SP3-SP5 event


Opening by

Daniel Gustafson, FAO Deputy Director-General

Panel discussion on child labour in the situations of conflicts and disasters (agenda attached)

With the participation of

SP5 Leader, Dominique Burgeon, SP3 Leader, Benjamin Davis, Ariane Genthon, ESP, and Jacobus de Hoop (UNICEF Innocenti)

Natalia Winder Rossi, ESP Deputy Director a.i., moderator

Launch of

FAO Guidance Note: Child Labour in Protracted Crisis, Fragile and Humanitarian Contexts (pilot version for field testing)

The event (in English) will also be live streamed on Internet


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