
World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Council Welcomes 10 New Members!

31 January 2018
We are excited to introduce 10 new talented youth to the World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Council! The new Council members represent nine different countries and come from diverse backgrounds, however, they all share a common love for protecting...

2018 ECOSOC Youth Forum

30 January 2018
The event, to be held 30-31 January at UNHQ in New York, is the world’s largest youth forum and the only official intergovernmental meeting that brings youth representatives together with government ministers and officials. More than 500 youth advocates will...

Giornata internazionale della montagna

11 December 2017
Mountains under Pressure: climate, hunger, migration Almost one billion people live in mountain areas, and over half the human population depends on mountains for water, food and clean energy. Yet mountains are under threat from climate change, land degradation, over exploitation...

Giornata Mondiale del Suolo 2017 - La cura del Pianeta inizia dalla terrà

05 December 2017
The Global Soil Partnership is dedicating World Soil Day 2017 to the theme "Caring for the Planet starts from the Ground". Soil is a finite natural resource. On a human time-scale it is non-renewable. However, despite the essential role that soil plays...

Lancio della piattaforma per i Lavori decenti per la gioventù

21 November 2017
On the 29 November 2017 there will be the Launch of the Engagement Platform Decent jobs for Youth (, by the partners of the Global initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth. The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth is a unique collaboration...