

05 June 2016
World Environment Day (WED) is the United Nations’ most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Since it began in 1974, it has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that...

Out now! The YPARD 2015 Annual Report

24 May 2016
Out now! The YPARD 2015 Annual Report.   At YPARD, promoting agriculture moves from simply branding agriculture as ‘cool’, moving towards generating more youth involvement in thematic discussions and talking honestly about available opportunities and youth specific challenges in the sector. Have...

Sea Youth Rise Up - video competition

13 May 2016
Here's your chance to speak up and inspire a global audience to rise up for the future of our oceans! Submit a 90 sec video of yourself explaining your personal opinion about the current state of the ocean and your innovative...

Climate Change Challenge Badge in Spanish is here!

02 May 2016
We are delighted to announce that the Climate Change Challenge Badge is now available online in Spanish! This booklet is packed with activities to help you learn about the vital role the climate plays in supporting life on Earth. The...

Youth – feeding the future. Addressing the challenges faced by rural youth aged 15 to 17 in preparing for and accessing decent work

27 April 2016
FAO will hold later this year an international expert meeting on “Youth – feeding the future: Addressing the challenges faced by rural youth aged 15 to 17 in preparing for and accessing decent work”. In the run up, FAO...