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According to the European Commission, 93% of Europeans believe that fighting climate change can only be successful if all countries of the world work together. This figure was just one key finding presented by experts from around the world during a recent workshop on Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE), hosted by the UNFCCC secretariat in Bonn.

The experts shared their experiences and exchanged ideas, good practices and lessons learned in implementing the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention. ACE deals with six action areas on climate change: education; training; public awareness; public participation; access to information and international cooperation. 

The workshop helped strengthen ACE national focal points' capacities to more effectively enable their governments to efforts in support of ACE. In order to address the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change, a sharp and sustained focus on education, training and public awareness is needed in all countries. Carrying out activities in support of ACE will strengthen governments’ efforts to implement the Paris Climate Change Agreement and accelerate the global transition to a low-carbon, highly resilient future.

Please find below the links:


Vimeo: (there is a download button here should anyone want to use it as native video on their social media channels)
