
Академия по вопросам занятости молодежи



Over the past decades, growing youth employment challenges in all countries have made the creation of decent jobs for youth a global priority.

The ILO is confronted with an increasing demand from member countries for assistance on designing context specific, integrated youth employment policies and programmes. The high demand for assistance reflects the renewed priority of ILO constituents to improve decent work prospects for youth.

As part of a larger ILO response to the growing requests from governments and social partners, the ILO’s Youth Employment Programme and the ITCILO, with the involvement of several ILO technical units, offer the Academy on Youth Employment. The Academy is organised in the framework of the ILO/Sida Partnership Programme and draws on ILO’s extensive experience accumulated through decades of research, capacity-building and policy advisory on youth employment.

The Academy will go along the Resolution “The youth employment crisis: A Call for Action” adopted by the International Labour Conference in June 2012. This Resolution contains principles and a set of policy measures guiding constituents in shaping national strategies and actions through a multi-pronged and balanced approach that fosters pro-employment growth and decent job creation.



The main objective of the Academy is to enhance the capacity of decision-makers(notably Ministries of Labour and other relevant Government institutions and workers and employers organisations) to develop comprehensive strategies for tackling the multi-faceted dimensions of the youth employment challenge, with gender mainstreamed.

Desirous to expand the social dialogue and to provide a space for the views of the targeted group (the youth), the Academy also promotes the participation of representatives of youth-organisations.

More specifically, the Academy aims to:

  • Foster better understanding of labour market concepts for rigorous diagnosis of youth employment challenges with due attention to the gender dimension;
  • Promote best-practices for mainstreaming youth employment into national employment policies and development frameworks;
  • Promote multi-pronged and integrated approach in designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating decent job creation for youth;
  • Enhance knowledge and tools that support action on youth employment through the development of national action plans and national programmes on youth employment;
  • Promote gender-mainstreaming and social dialogue as central elements for tackling the global youth employment challenges;
  • Enhance knowledge and experience sharing on youth employment policies including active labour market policies, youth entrepreneurship, skills development and youth transition to formality;
  • Review the mix of policy instruments that can be used to achieve youth employment policy objectives;
  • Enhance knowledge for monitoring and evaluation of youth employment initiatives;
  • Foster youth rights and green jobs for youth as an integral component of youth employment strategies; and
  • Share experience and best practices on inter-institutional coordination mechanisms on youth employment policy and programme development.

How to apply
Interested candidates should complete and submit the online
application form available at this link:



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