
Конкурс плакатов и видео к Всемирному дню продовольствия

24 June 2016
Once upon a time in the future of food and agriculture Poster and video contest asks children from around the globe to use their creativity to explore the 2016 World Food Day theme  Through a new global video and 

Всемирный день борьбы с опустыниванием и засухой

17 June 2016
Desertification and land degradation is now a major concern globally. Sand storms, low land productivity, extinction of wild animals are some typical consequences which may threaten the survival of humankind in future. Therefore we would like to mark this year's ...

Стипендии в области защиты климата

15 June 2016
offered by the Government of Malta for Postgraduate Studies at the University of Malta The Government of Malta, through the Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change, is announcing the offer of three scholarships for students wishing to engage in Postgraduate...

Всемирный день океанов - Прием заявок

08 June 2016
We are seeking ten young leaders (ages 16-21) from around the world to serve on a new Advisory Council to help expand the reach and impact of World Oceans Day. Held annually on June 8th, World Oceans Day provides a unique...

Поймай волну перемен!

08 June 2016
This World Oceans Day, incorporate the new Wave For Change at your organization. The Wave for Change is an easy-to-implement campaign that asks participants to record themselves making a commitment to the ocean, doing the wave, and sharing their wave on social media! Each...