
Educación en COP21


Conference theme: Good practices in education for sustainable development: how to drive change to educate the challenges of climate change?


10:45-11:15: Opening remarks from by Najat VALLAUD-BELKACEM, French Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research, and Ségolène ROYAL, French Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.

11:15-11:20: Video illustrating the schools actions on education for sustainable development

11:20-11:55: Political declarations of Ministers of Education invited by France

Morocco (COP22), Peru (COP20), UNESCO DG

11:55-12:00: Photo of the Ministers of Education meeting, before the NGOs and the press.

12:00-12:30: Round Table 1: Conditions and good practice guidance of educational change to sustainable development in the education system: Quebec, France, Japan, Finland

12:30-12:50: Round Table 2: Educational systems partners, players in changing management to boost sustainable development

- MGEN, ensuring mutual understanding almost all teachers in France

- The Eco-Schools network in 60 countries to support states in their efforts

- The Regional Council of “Pays de la Loire”, a local authority engaged in education for sustainable development

12:50- 13:00: Closing of the conference - Reading a text on climate change "we, young people from different countries, dream of a world where ..." by 5 young - (association monde pluriel), from different European countries

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You can follow this event live, in streaming, in English/French, this Friday 4th December from 10h45 to 13h Paris time,  and