
Le ministre a approuvé les objectifs de la jeunesse pour les ODD


The draft framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will be adopted at the United Nations in September this year, does not yet adequately recognise the unique needs or the potential contributions of young people in national development.

For this reason, Ministers responsible for Youth from countries in Commonwealth Africa and Caribbean have recently endorsed five (5) additional youth-specific targets for inclusion in the SDGs, which would significantly strengthen recognition of young people in the post 2015 development agenda.

The endorsed additional youth-specific targets are clearly articulated in the attached paper, to allow easy inclusion in countries' and organisations' submissions to the UN SDG negotiations and for related advocacy. The discussion paper that formed the basis of the recommendations, and a summary of dates of the remaining SDG related negotiations, are also attached for your reference.

The time is now, and it is urgent. Let’s make sure that young people do not have to wait another 15 years to be recognised as crucial drivers and champions of development.

Commonwealth Youth Ministers' Recommendations for Post 2015 Framework

Calander of Post 2015 - SDG meeting at UN

Discussion paper - Recognising Young People in the Post 2015 Framework