
Conférence sur l'éducation pour le développement durable


We would like to bring to your attention that a three-day conference on Education for Sustainability will be held from 19th to 21st of October 2016 in Karlsruhe, Germany. This event will bring together global academic community and other stakeholders from all over the world to discuss the pivotal role of education in creating a sustainable future.

Some of the topics that will be tentatively addressed during the three day event include:

  • Resetting Education in a Climate of Change, Germany
  • Towards a Sustainable University, UK
  • Campus Greening Challenge, USA
  • Taking Stock of Education for Sustainable Development in Indonesia
  • Systems Thinking, Complexity Thinking & Vision Development, The Netherlands
  • Inclusive education and students’ perspectives on their life opportunities in a challenging future, Sweden
  • Reshaping Our Practices in Education, Malta
  • The Role of Educational Institutions in Building Sustainable Energy Systems, Finland
  • Designers/engineers and sustainable development. Vision, strategy and the first steps by a university engineering department, Sweden
  • Environment, Health and Education: From the Perspective of a Medical Doctor
  • Sustainable Campus Initiative of the United Arab Emirates

During this three-day International Greening Education Event, the delegates will share their unique approaches and innovative ideas for preparing students and learners to become responsible leaders and stewards of our planet. It will be an opportunity to deliberate on how education can be reshaped to address the 21st century challenges. Further to sharing knowledge and ideas on education for sustainability, the upcoming event also provides an excellent networking opportunity with peers and experts in Europe and beyond. An optional excursion/ get-together will take place on Saturday the 22nd of October 2016.

If you would like to attend the conference (, we request contacting us immediately via email ([email protected] and a copy to [email protected]) for registration and logistic details.