
Look Back at 2016 & What's in Store for 2017






2016 Winners of UN Climate Solutions Awards Celebrated in Marrakech 

We're taking a look back at some of the highlights from the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech where the 2016 Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activity Award winners proved that climate action is building across the globe.

The 13 initiatives were honoured at a special ceremony filled with powerful photos, inspirational videos and a lively musical performance.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke at the ceremony, telling the room that this is his favourite event at the annual climate conference.

"I am consistently impressed by the ingenuity of the winners," said Mr. Ban. "They show innovation at its best."

Bertrand Piccard, Solar Impulse CEO and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador, served as the evening's Master of Ceremonies.

M. Sanjayan, a conservation scientist, writer and Emmy-nominated television news contributor, introduced two artists who performed live readings of Conservation International's critically acclaimed Nature is Speaking series. Moroccan singer Asma Lmnawar performed a reading of the Arabic version of Home. Hollywood actor Lee Pace gave a live reading of Mountain.

Connect4Climate also participated in our showcase event to highlight the importance of citizen participation in addressing climate change. Its Film4Climate 1st Prize Short Film Winner, Three Seconds, was screened at the event, with brief remarks by its director Spencer Sharp and by Fernando Meirelles, film director, producer and screenwriter.

One by one, the winning activities were called up on the stage to be celebrated for their remarkable solutions that are accelerating the global transition to a low-carbon, highly resilient development path.



Watch our Video Series Showcasing the 2016 Winners

Watch the videos below to learn a little bit more about the 2016 Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activities in each of our three focus areas - women's leadership, climate finance and information and communications technology.

Visit our Vimeo page to watch, download and share all of our videos. 




In the News

The 2016 winners of our Momentum for Change Award have been making headlines. Here are a few of our favourite stories from the past month:

CNN International

Desert 'fog catchers' make water out of thin air

VICE - Motherboard

'Swarm Electrification' in Bangladesh Lets Neighbours Swap Solar Electricity

CNN International

How much solar energy can your roof make? Just Google it




New Focus Areas Announced for 2017

At the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech, Momentum for Change launched two new focus areas: Planetary Health and Climate Neutral Now.

Momentum for Change: Planetary Health will recognize and showcase novel climate change solutions that are generating innovative, positive impacts on human health.

Momentum for Change: Climate Neutral Now will recognize the efforts of individuals, companies, organizations and governments that are achieving real results in transitioning to climate neutrality.

Lighthouse Activities under both of these new focus areas will be recognized starting in 2017.






Coming Soon: The 2017 Call for Applications

Stay tuned. The next call for applications for Momentum for Change opens early next year. Details in our next newsletter!

Until then, we wish you all happy and healthy holiday season. Thank you for being part of the Momentum for Change community and helping us shine a light on climate action underway around the world.