
Nuevo curso sobre "La promoción del empleo de los jóvenes en entornos frágiles"

10 July 2017
The International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin-Italy is pleased to present the new course on ‘The promotion of Youth employment in fragile settings’ providing participants with a range of integrated approaches, tools and methodologies used in real-life cases...

Encuesta de jóvenes para la Estrategia de las Naciones Unidas sobre la juventud

19 June 2017
In the context of the development of the UN Youth Strategy, the Network decided to launch a Youth Survey that will inform the drafting process. We are pleased to inform you that the Youth Survey for the development of the...

Concurso Mundial de Videos: Jóvenes y Cambio Climático

16 June 2017
Young people are invited to share their stories on action they are taking to make the world more sustainable and climate friendly. They can submit stories of what they are doing as part of the third annual Global Youth Video Competition...

2017 Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Desertificación

13 June 2017
The World Day to Combat Desertification has been observed since 1995 to promote public awareness relating to international cooperation to combat desertification and the effects of drought. In 1994, the United Nations General Assembly declared (General Assembly Resolution A/RES/49/115) June 17...

Semana Forestal Europea 2017 Concurso de arte

12 June 2017
9–13 October 2017 If you are aged 5-19, use your imagination and artistic talent to enter the European Forest Week 2017 Art Contest. All you have to do is create a drawing or painting illustrating the theme: Forests, our common...