
Education au COP21

03 December 2015
Conference theme: Good practices in education for sustainable development: how to drive change to educate the challenges of climate change? Agenda: 10:45-11:15: Opening remarks from by Najat VALLAUD-BELKACEM, French Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research, and Ségolène ROYAL, French Minister of...

Lesotho FAO promotion d’agriculture intelligente face au climat

27 November 2015
In partnering with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security of Lesotho (MAFS) and National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC), FAO is helping educate and raise awareness on climate change and its effects on sustainable food security among the country’s schoolchildren,...

Les responsables de l’ONU adoptent une initiative mondiale en faveur d’emplois décents pour les jeunes

24 November 2015
The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth (DJ4Y) has just been endorsed by the United Nations Chief Executives Board. The initiative aims to scale up action in support of youth employment. Read more:

Journée mondiale de l’enfance

20 November 2015
"The one thing all children have in common is their rights. Every child has the right to survive and thrive, to be educated, to be free from violence and abuse, to participate and to be heard. " Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Manuel sur l’énergie solaire

13 November 2015
The Solar Energy Handbook for Youth Leaders is designed to help create awareness, increase knowledge and develop the skills of children and young people with regard to solar energy. It aims to help group leaders or teachers to identify, plan,...