FAO in Zimbabwe


08 January 2019, Masvingo, Zimbabwe - An irrigation scheme which was rehabilitated by FAO working directly with Government of Zimbabwe and with support from the Swiss Development and Cooperation (SDC) was judged the best in the 2018 national irrigation competition. Stanmore B, located in Masvingo Province, beat 252 other irrigation schemes...
The United States Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) has unveiled USD 1 million funding for a drought mitigation project in four districts in Zimbabwe. FAO, working with the Government of Zimbabwe is implementing the project which supports smallholder farmers access drought tolerant seeds and subsidised stock feed. The one year...
Investment in food loss reduction helps increase access to food, reduces food prices for consumers and improves economic returns to farmers and other value chain actors.  Post-harvest losses, in particular, exacerbate food and nutrition insecurity as they occur throughout the postharvest chain, reducing food availability and real income for farmers. As...
The new FAO Subregional Coordinator for Southern Africa (SFS), Patrick Kormawa, presented his credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Honourable Sibusiso Moyo, officially marking his tenure in the region. Kormawa, who until end of April, was heading the East African Region (SFE) as well as being FAO...
The project, being rolled out this month, will be implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and working closely with the Government of Zimbabwe. Its objective is to strengthen the capacity of farmers and Government to rapidly respond to these two transboundary threats.