Markets and trade overview

Trade plays a major role in the fishery and aquaculture sector as a creator of employment, food supplier, income generator, and contributor to economic growth, development, food nutrition and security.

This section provides access to country profiles and trade-related policy tools at national and international level.

World fish market at a glance

GLOBEFISH is a key point of reference for analysis on market supply and demand trends for fisheries and aquaculture products, and is responsible for the biannual analysis on the sector presented in FAO’s flagship Food Outlook.

Country briefs

This page provides a snapshot of production, trade and other data for fisheries and aquaculture products by country or territory.

Food safety regulations for fisheries and aquaculture products

This page provides a summary of food safety regulatory frameworks and legislation in force in a variety of countries and regions, to facilitate international trade of fisheries and aquaculture products and ease the exporting and importing processes.

Food safety regulations for bivalve molluscs

This page provides a summary of food safety regulatory frameworks and legislation in force in a variety of countries and regions, to facilitate international trade of bivalve mollusc and ease the exporting and importing processes.

Import notifications for fisheries and aquaculture products

This page contains information about import notifications in the European Union, Japan, and the United States of America from 2016.