
Key facts on Bivalves
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The season for bouchot mussels in France (so-called because they are grown on wooden stakes called “bouchots”, which are driven into the sand) varies from year to year, but it usually runs from July to February. After that, it is the breeding period. This year in January, there were still plenty of mussels on the market as sales were delayed in 2024 and consumption was not completely up to expectations.


In the summer months, demand for bivalves is strong in Europe and consumers looking for a sustainable seafood source often find them to be ideal candidates. This year was no exception.Prices generally increased, despite the fact that it was also the main production period for bivalves in the northern hemisphere.


The start of the year is generally a slow consumption period for bivalves. After the strong sales close to the year-end festivities, the whole market slows down, especially with regard to oyster trade. Consequently, demand was reportedly slow in the first quarter of 2024, and prices did not go up as much as expected.


Demand for bivalves was strong in the closing months of 2023, especially just before the Christmas period. Although prices rose in tandem with the demand, consumers still appeared to regard them as good value for money.


Supply of bivalves improved slightly in 2023 over 2022, but stayed far below the 2021 level. Further shortage of supplies may occur in 2024 due to sanitary problems in France and Peru, together with increased domestic demand in China. Prices may rise, depending on the season.

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