
Key facts on Groundfish
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Quota reductions contributed to price growth for important wild-caught groundfish species. The only exception was Alaska pollock, the main groundfish species caught worldwide, which experienced huge increases in production while prices declined.


Reportedly, the Alaska pollock stocks in the Bering Sea are in good shape; landings are expected to rise and consequently, prices will slip. In contrast, cod and haddock are facing lower landings and increasing prices. Global surimi production is expected to drop, but prices are likely to stay at present levels.


The Total Allowance Catch (TAC) for cod in the Barents Sea may be reduced by as much as 31 percent in 2025. This is likely to lead to a massive reduction in cod supplies, which in turn will drive prices up. Conversely, Alaska pollock production is increasing, and prices have declined.


The outlook for 2024 indicates a considerable reduction in the availability of cod; and conversely, that more Alaska pollock will be landed. Thus, price developments for these species will take opposite directions: cod prices will rise while Alaska pollock prices will decline. Surimi production may increase, and prices are expected to slide.


The outlook for 2024 indicates a considerable reduction in the availability of cod; and conversely, that more Alaska pollock will be landed. Thus, price developments for these species will take opposite directions: cod prices will rise while Alaska pollock prices will decline. Surimi production may increase, and prices are expected to slide.


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