
Key facts on Lobster
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Supplies in North America could be affected by possible US tariffs on Canadian product. Meanwhile, Australia welcomes resumption of exports to China.


Supplies are likely to tighten a bit in the near future, which would bring prices back up from the very low levels in July. The long-term outlook for the lobster market is very optimistic, but again, supplies may become a big problem if demand is to be satisfied.


New minimum weight requirements for lobster in the United States of America may put a squeeze on supplies, especially if Canada adopts the same regulation. This would undoubtedly push prices upwards. On the other hand, as China is considering lifting its ban on Australian rock lobster, North American lobster may face some competition in that market.


Poor landings during the winter have led to tight supplies of North American lobsters this spring. Consequently, prices have risen very high, and are expected to stay at that level until the fishing gets underway again in mid-May. Market demand is strong both in Asia and the United States of America.


Poor landings during the winter have led to tight supplies of North American lobsters this spring. Consequently, prices have risen very high, and are expected to stay at that level until the fishing gets underway again in mid-May.

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