helping to build a world without hunger


Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)
(88th Session)
Rome, 23–25 September 2009

List of Documents DownloadID
CCLM 88/1 Provisional Agenda K5502E
CCLM 88/2 Ethics Committee K5538E
CCLM 88/3 Preliminary Review of Statutory Bodies with a view to allowing them to Exercise Greater Financial and Administrative Authority while remaining within the Framework of FAO. K5829E
CCLM 88/4 Future Structure and Organization of the Basic Texts of FAO and Related Matters K5696E
CCLM 88/6 Permanent Court of Arbitration Case No. AA286 - Final arbitration award Granuco S.A.L. (Lebanon) v. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations K5709E
CCLM 88/7 International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture - Procedures for the Operation of the Third Party Beneficiary (''Third Party Beneficiary Procedures K5622E
CCLM 88/8 Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Ungregulated Fishing K5919E
CCLM 88/8 Add.1 Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing - Conference Resolution K6051E
CCLM 88/9 Agreement on the Central Asian and Caucasus Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission K5793E
CCLM 88/9 Add. 1 Agreement on the Central Asian and Caucasus Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission - Council Resolution K6024E
CCLM 88/INF - SeriesDownloadID
CCLM 88/Inf.1 Ethics Committee (Extract of the Report of the 128th session of the FC) K5957E
CCLM 88/Inf.2 Fifty-one Years of Activity of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters K5956E
The ReportDownloadID
CL 137/5 Report of the 88th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 23-25 September 2009) K6037E

Previous Sessions: CCLM - 81st Session; CCLM - 82nd Session; CCLM - 83rd Session; CCLM - 84th Session; CCLM - 85th Session; CCLM - 86th Session; CCLM - 87th Session.

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