Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial Resistance Multi-Partner Trust Fund

  • Contribution from resource partners: USD 26.2 million
  • Resource partners: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Netherlands, Germany and Sweden
  • Intervention areas:
    • Ten countries (Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Peru, Tajikistan, Senegal and Zimbabwe)
    • One global programme with four technical components
  • Leading implementing organizations: FAO, OIE and WHO 
  • Participating organizations: The Quadripartite
  • Period: 2019–2030

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global threat to humans, animals, plants, food systems, and the environment accelerated by the widespread misuse and overuse of antimicrobials.

Given AMR's transnational and multi-sectoral nature and the support requested from countries and other stakeholders, the Tripartite is scaling up efforts to support governments to urgently address this threat through a One Health approach by launching the AMR Multi-Partner Trust Fund (AMR MPTF) in 2019.

The AMR MPTF focuses on supporting joint and coordinated Quadripartite actions on AMR at global, regional and country levels. The fund finances catalytical, coordinated policy advice, technical assistance, and capacity-strengthening programmes that the Members have requested from FAO, OIE and WHO.

Because AMR has implications and impact across development sectors, tackling it through this coordinated One Health approach can deliver gains across multiple Sustainable Development Goals.  

One Health response to AMR

The goal of the AMR MPTF is a world where infectious diseases can continue to be treated with effective and safe antimicrobials and one in which resistance is monitored and controlled at a slower pace. The objectives include:

  • To reduce levels and slower development of AMR.
  • To maintain the ability to treat infectious diseases with effective and safe antimicrobials.
  • To reduce the impact of AMR on human and animal health, the environment, and economic development for populations worldwide.

The pathway to that success entails activities ranging from awareness-raising and drafting National Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plans (NAPs) to surveillance of AMR trends and ensuring responsible antimicrobial sales and use patterns.

Additionally, the fund supports joint action at global and regional level that fosters cooperation among headquarters-based teams to advance the One Health approach to AMR in key areas, such as the environmental impact of AMR and antimicrobial use (AMU), integrated surveillance for AMR/AMU, monitoring and evaluation of NAPs, legal and regulatory frameworks on AMR/AMU, and link these efforts to country-level interventions.

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