Here is a selection of scientific articles and media mentions of the HLPE-FSN and its members.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of CFS nor its HLPE-FSN.

Deutsche Welle

William G. Moseley quoted by DW. The Black Sea Grain Initiative, a deal between Ukraine and Russia that allows for the continued export of grain and other food products has been extended for 60 days. But doubts persist over the long term.

Sustainable cities and society

Scientific article by Nitya Rao, Sheetal Patil, Chandni Singh, Parama Roy

Deutsche Welle

Bernard Lehmann and William G. Moseley quoted by DW. The grain export deal struck last July between Russia and Ukraine is due to expire on March 18. Food security experts and organizations say it is essential that the deal is renewed.

Pari_rural India

Article by Nitya Rao. Entrepreneur Visalatchi learned the trade of fish drying at Cuddalore Old Town Harbour where she has worked for over two decades. A 2020 ban on ring seine fishing shrunk her business and put her in debt

Envirnomental Sustainability

Scientific article by Jennifer Clapp and S Ryan Isakson

Nature Food

Op-ed by Jennifer Clapp, Bernard Lehmann, William Moseley, Hilal Elver and Patrick Webb


Nitya Rao's quote. From Kenya to India and the Philippines, more frequent and intense extreme weather events have led to escalating threats against women and girls.


Op-ed by Patrick Caron, Gabriel Ferrero de Loma-Osorio, Marco Ferroni, Bernard Lehmann, Thomas C. Mettenleiter and Youba Sokona

Nature Food

Op-ed by Brajesh K. Singh, Evan D. G. Fraser, Tom Arnold, Patricia Biermayr-Jenzano, Jacqueline E. W. Broerse, Gianluca Brunori, Patrick Caron, Olivier De Schutter, Karen Fabbri, Shenggen Fan, Jessica Fanzo, Magdalena Gajdzinska, Mirjana Gurinovic, Marta Hugas, Jacqueline McGlade, Christine Nellemann, Jemimah Njuki, Hanna L. Tuomisto, Seta Tutundjian, Justus Wesseler, Roberta Sonnino and Patrick Webb