FlagCosta Rica



    Country data collection of Costa Rica

    Fao projects in Costa Rica

    SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
    TCP/COS/4001 Movilización de recursos para fortalecer el programa de cooperación técnica de FAO en Costa Rica mediante la formulación de dos propuestas de proyectos UTF financiados por el Gobierno de la República. 2024 2025387,000$
    TCP/COS/3901/C1 Modernización e innovación del sistema agroalimentario costarricense: cambios necesarios 2023 2025100,000$
    SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
    GCP /COS/11089P/GFF Accelerating the transition to a net-zero, nature-positive economy in Costa Rica (PPG) 2023 2025137,500$
    UNJP/COS/021/UNJ Empowering Communities: Empowering families and communities through local food system transformation in Costa Rican municipalities 2024 2025150,000$


    Do you have a grievance or suggestion about an FAO project? Use the project-specific Grievance Redress Mechanism, or contact . If a grievance cannot be resolved through project management/technical level, please contact the Office of the Inspector General (Investigations).

    Thank you, Costa Rica!

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