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Other Business
Future Work

Other Business

Food Additives[23]

81. The Committee was informed that the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) required technological justification of the uses of food additives when considering endorsement. The Committee felt, however, that no clear instruction had been given on the submission of information on technological justification. The Committee agreed to forward the referred documents to the CCFAC and to request it to provide necessary instruction or information on this matter.

Cheese Coatings

82. The Committee noted the comments by the Delegation of France that cheese coating was widely practised and agreed that this issue would need further consideration by the Committee.

Nomenclature of Milk Protein Products

83. The Committee confirmed its previous decision to forward the nomenclature of milk protein products to the Codex Committee on Food Labelling to be included in the list of names of classes of ingredients in the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods.

Withdrawal of Some Individual Cheese Standards[24]

84. The Committee noted the request to withdraw the following individual cheese standards and agreed to refer this matter to the Commission for approval.

Danablu (C-2)

Gruyere (C-10)

Gudbrandsdalsost (C-19)

Norvegia (C-23)

Esrom (C-26)

Cream Cheese (C-31) (pending the inclusion in the Standard for Unripened Cheese Including Fresh Cheese)

Certain Blue Veined Cheeses (C-32)(deletion of Danablu, Adelost and Blue Cheese)

85. The Delegation of Germany noted its reservation and mentioned the need for certain criteria for withdrawal of remaining individual cheese standards.

Future Work

New Standards

86. The Committee agreed to seek approval of the Commission to initiate the elaboration of an individual cheese standard for Mozzarella noting the development of the Standard for Unripened Cheese including Fresh Cheese. The Committee would also seek approval for the standard for dairy spreads as it had not been formally approved by the Commission.

87. The Committee also considered a proposal of Germany to elaborate a new individual cheese standard for "Parmesan". The Committee requested Germany to identify product(s) in question and to prepare a paper on trade statistics and justification for the elaboration of the standard for consideration by the Committee at its next Session. France and IDF offered to collaborate with Germany.

88. Noting that filled milk was a product based on milk and vegetable fat, the Committee generally felt that this product was outside the Terms of Reference of this Committee.

Export Certificate

89. The Committee was informed of the work of the Codex Committees on Food Import and Export Certification and Inspection Systems (CCFICS) and on Fish and Fishery Products regarding model export certificates for general purposes and for fish and fishery products. The Committee was of the opinion that the draft generic model might not be applicable to dairy products. The Committee agreed to request the CCFICS to take up this work. The Delegation of Switzerland in collaboration with that of Germany would prepare a document for consideration by the CCFICS and CCMMP at their next sessions.

[23] CX/MMP 96/3-Add.4 (CRD 7), CX/MMP 96/3-Add.5 (CRD 8).
[24] CX/MMP 96/4 Part (d), CX/MMP 96/4-Add.2 (comments from Switzerland).

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