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I. Procedural questions

A. Appointment of Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, and general committee credentials committee
B. Arrangements for the session
C. Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of commissions
D. Agenda of the session
E. Verification of credentials
F. Admission of observers
G. Message of congratulation to the New Zealand prime minister
H. Message of sympathy to the Spanish government
I. Message of sympathy on the death of the minister of agriculture of Ireland

A. Appointment of Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, and general committee credentials committee

1. The Nominations Committee, elected by the Council in conformity with Rule XXVI-1 (e) (vii) of the Rules of Procedure, recommended and the Conference approved the following appointments:

Chairman of the Conference:

His Excellency ALBERTO MERCIER (Argentina)

Vice-Chairmen: Chairmen:


Seven elected members of the General Committee:

Philippine Republic
United Kingdom
United States of America

Members of the Credentials Committee:

El Salvador
Germany, Federal Republic of Haiti
Union of South Africa

B. Arrangements for the session

2. Resolution No. 1/57

Arrangements for the Session

The Conference

Adopts the proposals submitted by the Council for the organization of the Ninth Session of the Conference (C 57/2), and Establishes:

(a) a Commission on the World Food and Agriculture Situation (Commission I) which will carry out detailed consideration of Item 6 of the Agenda, " the World Situation and Outlook in respect of Food and Agriculture ";

(b) a Commission on the Current and Prospective Activities of the Organization (Commission II) which will take up Item 7 of the Agenda, " Activities and Program of the Organization ";

(c) a Commission on Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Matters (Commission III), which will consider Items 8 to 11 of the Agenda;

(d) a Drafting Sub-Committee comprising the Rapporteurs of the Commissions, which will be responsible for examining and co-ordinating all draft resolutions before they are circulated to the Conference.

Requests Commission II to establish six Technical Committees to deal with the activities of the Organization respectively in the fields of agriculture, economics, fisheries, forestry, information and nutrition.

C. Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of commissions

3. Resolution No. 2/57

The Conference

Having considered the nominations made by the Council in conformity with Rule VIII of the Rules of Procedure;

Appoints as Chairman of Commission I Mr. Georges Heraoui (Lebanon), as Chairman of Commission II Mr. S. Krasovec (Yugoslavia) and as Chairman of Commission III H.E. Herbert A.J. Hulugalle (Ceylon); and

Having considered the nominations made by the General Committee in conformity with Rule XIII-2 of the Rules of Procedure;

Appoints as Vice-Chairmen of Commission I Mr. S.C. Hudson (Canada) and Mr. Iso Reksohadiprodjo (Indonesia), as Vice-Chairmen of Commission II Mr. M.V. Andersen (Denmark) and Mr. Charlot (Haiti), as Vice-Chairmen of Commission Ill Mr. R. Beteta (Mexico) and Mr. S.J.J. de Swardt (Union of South Africa); and

Appoints as Rapporteur of Commission I Mr. D.W. Woodward (New Zealand), as Rapporteur of Commission II Dr. Norman Wright (United Kingdom), and as Rapporteurs of Commission III Mr. I. Akant (Turkey) and Mr. R. Cantos-Figuerola (Spain).

D. Agenda of the session

4. Resolution No. 3/57

Agenda of the Session

The Conference

Adopts the Provisional Agenda circulated by the Director-General in July 1957 (C 57/1), subject to the amendments which the Council recommended at its Twenty-Seventh Session (C 57/LIM/3).

The agenda as adopted is given in Appendix A to this Report.

E. Verification of credentials

5. On the report of the Credentials Committee the Conference found the credentials of 73 delegations from Member Nations attending the Session to be in order. One Member Nation was not represented at the Session of the Conference.

6. The credentials of the Delegation from the Holy See, permanent observer to FAO, of the representatives of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and of intergovernmental organizations having an agreement with FAO to exchange observers were found satisfactory.

7. The letters of appointment of observers sent by non-governmental organizations having consultative status with FAO and of representatives of other non-governmental organizations were found to be in order.

F. Admission of observers

8. Resolution N° 4/77

Admission of Observers

The Conference

Having noted the list of international organizations to which the Director-General extended a provisional invitation to send observers to the Ninth Session of the Conference (C 57/9);

Approves the list and accepts the organizations included therein as observers to the Session.

G. Message of congratulation to the New Zealand prime minister

9. The Conference decided to send a cable to Mr. K.J. Holyoake, Chairman of the Eighth Session of the Conference, offering to him the felicitations of the delegations of the Member Nations on his appointment to the position of Prime Minister of his country.

H. Message of sympathy to the Spanish government

10. The Conference, deeply moved by the disastrous effects of the floods that occurred in the region of Valencia, sent a message of sympathy to the Spanish Government.

I. Message of sympathy on the death of the minister of agriculture of Ireland

11. The Conference unanimously agreed to send a cable to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ireland expressing its deepest condolences at the death of His Excellency Sean Moylan, Minister of Agriculture of Ireland.

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