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VIII. Appendices

A. Budget for the fifth financial year
B. Scale of contributions, fifth financial year (1950)
C. Amendments to the constitution, rules of procedure, and financial regulations
D. Technical assistance for economic development
E. Delegates, representatives, and observers attending the fifth session of the conference

A. Budget for the Fifth Financial Year (ending 31 December 1950)

B. FAO Scale of Contributions for 1950

C. Amendments to the Constitution, Rules of Procedure, and Financial Regulations

D. Technical Assistance for Economic Development: Analysis of Views Received and Methods Applicable

E. Delegates, Representatives, and Observers Attending the Fifth Session of the Conference

A. Budget for the fifth financial year

(Ending 31 December 1950)




Amount to be borne by member governments (as per schedule in Appendix B) 5,000,000
Miscellaneous receipts 30,000
Work covered by special grants (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, Soil Conservation Foundation, etc.) (ad memoriam)
Total 5,030,000




Ordinary expenditure 5,000,000
Work covered by special grants (ad memoriam)
Balance of the Budget 30,000
Total 5,030,000

Budget Summary by Chapters


Budget Estimates 1950 ($)

I. Sessions of the Conference 23,500
Sessions of the Council 56,500
(Regional Pre-Conference Consultation) 30,000
TOTAL 110,000
II. General missions (ad memoriam) 1,000
III. Office of the Director-General and Policy Staff 328,970
IV. Administrative management
Administrative and Financial Services 271,750
Internal Services 161,230
TOTAL 432,980
V. General operational expense
Plant and operations $ 479,490
Internal reproduction, distribution, and sales 131,995
TOTAL 611,485
VI. Technical program by divisions
Agriculture Division $ 494,300
Distribution Division 294,400
Economics, Marketing, and Statistics Division 587,685
Fisheries Division 288,700
Forestry and Forest Products Division 363,000
Information Division (includes Translation and Library) 602,595
Nutrition Division 233,695
Rural Welfare Division 94,500
TOTAL 2,958,875
VII. Regional Representatives of the Director-General
European Regional Representative $ 156,735
Near East Regional Representative 65,900
Far East Regional Representative 77,700
Latin-American Regional Representative 70,000
TOTAL 370,335
VIII. Prior financial year expenditures charged to current budget (ad memoriam) 10
IX. Staff Assessment Plan 1,000
X. Reserves and contingencies 185,345
TOTAL BUDGET 5,000,000


B. Scale of contributions, fifth financial year (1950)

Member Governments



Afghanistan 0.06 3,000
Australia 2.82 141,000
Austria 0.34 17,000
Belgium 1.79 89,500
Bolivia 0.16 8,000
Brazil 2.70 35,000
Burma 0.26 13,000
Canada 4.50 25,000
Ceylon 0.30 15,000
Chile 0.74 37,000
China 4.35 217,500
Colombia 0.54 27.000
Costa Rica 0.05 2,500
Cuba 0.47 23,500
Czechoslovakia 1.39 69,500
Denmark 0.86 43,000
Dominican Republic 0.06 3,000
Ecuador 0.00 3,000
Egypt 1.23 61,500
El Salvador 0.06 3,000
Ethiopia 0.17 8,500
Finland 0.20 10,000
France 7.23 361,500
Greece 0.33 16,500
Guatemala 0.06 3,000
Haiti 0.05 2,500
Honduras 0.05 2,500
Hungary 0.40 20,000
Iceland 0.05 2,500
India 4.42 221,000
Indonesia 0.61 30,500
Iraq 0.29 14,500
Ireland 0.89 44,500
Israel 0.15 7,500
Italy 2.67 133,500
Korea 0.15 7,500
Lebanon 0.06 3,000
Liberia 0.05 2,500
Luxembourg 0.06 3,000
Mexico 1.16 58,000
Netherlands 1.59 79,500
New Zealand 0.78 39,000
Nicaragua 0.05 2,500
Norway 0.68 34,000
Pakistan 0.95 47,500
Panama 0.06 3,000
Paraguay 0.05 2,500
Peru 0.41 20,500
Philippine Republic 0.34 17,000
Poland 1.36 68,000
Portugal 0.78 39,000
Saudi Arabia 0.12 6,000
Switzerland 1.77 88,500
Syria 0.18 9,000
Sweden 1.80 90,000
Thailand 0.38 19,000
Turkey 1.42 71,000
Union of South Africa 1.67 83,500
United Kingdom 15.32 766,000
United States of America 27.10 1,355,000
Uruguay 0.35 17,500
Venezuela 0.41 20,500
Yugoslavia 0.64 32,000
TOTAL 100.00 5,000,000


C. Amendments to the constitution, rules of procedure, and financial regulations



Original Text

6. The Conference shall meet at least once in every year

Amended Text

6. The Conference shall meet at least once in every two years. The Conference may at any session, by a simple majority of the votes east, decide to meet in the following year.

Rules of Procedure


Original Text

1. In pursuance of Article III, paragraph 6, of the Constitution, the Director-General shall convene the Conference to meet annually in regular session. The regular session of the Conference shall be held at the seat of the Organization in the months of October or November unless it is convened elsewhere or at a different time in pursuance of a decision of the Conference at a previous session, or, in exceptional circumstances, of a decision by the Council.

Amended Text

1. The regular session of the Conference shall be held at the seat of the Organization in the months of October or November unless it is convened elsewhere or at a different time in pursuance of a decision of the Conference at a previous session, or, in exceptional circumstances, of a decision by the Council.



1. The Conference shall elect a Nominations Committee consisting of 11 delegates.

2. The Nominations Committee shall propose to the Conference nominations for the offices of Chairman and three Vice-Chairmen of the Conference and for the members of the Credentials Committee and for the elected members of the General Committee provided for by Rule X.


1. The Nominations Committee, elected by the Council in pursuance of Rule XXVI, paragraph 1 (e) (vii), shall propose to the Conference nominations for the offices of Chairman and three Vice-Chairmen of the Conference and for the members of the Credentials Committee and for the elected members of the General Committee provided for by Rule X.


(vii) to propose to the Conference nominations for the delegates who are to be member of the Nominations Committee of the Conference;

(vii) to elect a Nominations Committee of the Conference consisting of eleven delegates;


1. The seat of the Organization shall be situated at the same place as the headquarters of the United Nations organization. Pending a decision regarding the headquarters of UN, the headquarters of the Organization shall be in Washington.

1. The seat of the Organization shall be at a place selected by the Conference.

Financial Regulations

(The following paragraph is an addition to Regulation XIV. The paragraphs previously numbered 4, 5, and 6 are now numbered 5 6, and 7.)

4. Any savings which accrue during the operations of a financial year may be transferred by the Director-General to the Contingency Reserve Fund at any time; however, the transfer of such savings from the Contingency Reserve Fund shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Regulation.


Original Text

1. The Conference shall, upon the recommendation of the Council, appoint or employ a qualified person, agency, authority, or firm, in no way connected with the Organization, to make, annually, and at such times as may be necessary for special purposes, an independent audit of the funds, assets, and accounts of the Organization.

Amended Text

1. The Conference shall upon the recommendation of the Council appoint or employ a qualified person, agency, authority or firm and in no way connected with the Organization, to make annually, and at such times as may be necessary for special purposes an independent audit of the funds, assets and accounts of the Organization. The Conference may alternatively with or without recommendation of the Council appoint one or more members of any audit panel set up by the United Nations and/or specialized agencies to perform such audit or may delegate to the Council the task of selecting auditors from such panel. The Council may appoint or fill vacancies as required where auditors appointed by the Conference are unable to act and may employ auditors without authority from the Conference for any special task of an urgent nature.

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