VI. Constitutional and legal matters
A. Establishment of a committee on World Food
B. Reconstitution of the intergovernmental
committee of the World Food Programme as a committee or food aid
policies and programmes
C. Role, functions and composition of the FAO
D. Standing committees of the council
E. Amendment to Article VI-3 of the
F. Statutory report on status of conventions
and agreements and on amendments thereto
G. Granting of official status to
international organizations
H. Amendments to the general rules of the
organization (Summary programme of work and budget and procedure
for the convening of sessions of standing committees of the
I. Amendment to the financial regulations
J. Site of FAO regional office for Latin
A. Establishment of a committee on World Food security
Amendment to Article V-6 of the Constitution
347. The Conference considered a draft resolution on the Establishment of a Committee on World Food Security proposed by the Council at its Sixty-Seventh Session in the light of Resolution 3/73 on World Food Security adopted by the Conference at its Seventeenth Session, and World Food Conference Resolution XXII recommending the establishment of a Committee on World Food Security as a Standing Committee of the Council.
348. The Conference noted that the terms of reference of the proposed Committee contained in Rule XXXIII, as set forth in the draft resolution, were comprehensive and would facilitate the implementation of the provisions of the International Undertaking on World Food Security and the resolutions of the World Food Conference.
349. The Conference further noted that the terms of reference were in conformity with those recommended in World Food Conference Resolution XXII. In this connexion, the question was raised whether a committee which was to meet normally twice in a biennium would be In a position to keep the current position of basic foodstuffs under "continuous review". The Conference noted that this task of the Committee would be facilitated by the possibility as envisaged in Rule XXXIII, of holding additional sessions and of establishing its own subsidiary bodies and also by the activities of the CCP and its subsidiary bodies - in particular the Intergovernmental Groups on Grains and Rice - and certain organizations, such as the International Wheat Council, with which FAO maintained close contacts; finally the Global Information and Early Warning System could be instrumental in providing on a current basis up-to-date information on matters within the Committee's terms of reference. The Conference suggested that this question should be considered by the new Committee when it examined its future working arrangements at its first Session.
350. Several suggestions were made concerning the ways and means of establishing appropriate links between the Committee on World Food Security and the World Food Council and, in particular, the methods and channels of presenting the Committee's reports to the World Food Council. The Conference agreed that these questions would best be considered by the Committee at its first session. and that appropriate provisions might be included in the Committee's Rules of Procedure, it being understood that due account would be taken of any recommendations made by the World Food Council.
351. The Conference then adopted the following resolution:
Recalling its resolution No. 3/73 on World Food Security ,
Bearing in mind that the International Undertaking on World Food Security adopted by the Council at its Sixty-Fourth Session calls for continuing intergovernmental consultations so that timely action can be taken by the international community to remedy any difficulty foreseen in assuring adequate cereal supplies for minimum world food security,
Concurring with Resolution XXII of the World Food Conference, and in particular its recommendation that FAO establish a Committee on World Food Security as a Standing Committee of the Council,
Having noted Resolution 3348 (XXIX) of the United Nations General Assembly endorsing the resolutions of the World Food Conference and inviting the Organizations of the United Nations System to take the necessary steps for their effective implementation,
Endorsing the recommendations adopted by the Council at its Sixty-Sixth and Sixty-Seventh Sessions concerning amendments to be made to the Constitution and the General Rules of the Organization for this purpose,
2. Amends the General Rules of the Organization by adding, after Rule XXXII, a new Rule the text of which shall read as follows:
Committee on World Food Security
2. The notifications referred to in paragraph 1 may be made at any time, and membership acquired on the basis thereof shall be for a biennium. The Director-General shall circulate, at the beginning of each session of the Committee, a document listing the members of the Committee.
3. The Committee shall normally hold two sessions during each biennium. Sessions shall be convened by the Director-General, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, taking into account any proposals made by the Committee.
4. If required, the Committee may hold additional sessions on the call of the Director General in consultation with its Chairman, or on request submitted in writing to the Director-General by the majority of members of the Committee.
5. The Committee shall:
b) Make periodic evaluations of the adequacy of current and prospective stock levels, in aggregate, in exporting end 'importing countries, in order to assure a regular flow of basic foodstuffs to meet requirements in domestic and world markets, including food aid requirements, in time of short crops and serious crop failure;
c) Review the steps taken by governments to implement the international Undertaking on World Food Security; and
d) Recommend such short-term and longer-term policy action as may be considered necessary to remedy any difficulty foreseen in assuring adequate cereal supplies for minimum world food security.
6. The Committee shall report to the Council of the Organization and tender advice to the Director-General, as appropriate, on any mutter considered by the Committee, it being understood that copies of its reports, including any conclusions, will be transmitted without delay to interested governments and international organizations.
7. The Committee shall submit periodic and special reports to the World Food Council, through the Council of the Organization. In exceptional circumstances, reports may be submitted directly to the World Food Council, such action being notified to the following session of the Council of the Organization.
8. Any recommendation adopted by the Committee affecting the programme or finance of the Organization or concerning legal or constitutional matters shall be reported to the Council with the comments of the appropriate subsidiary committees of the Council. The reports of the Committee, or relevant extracts therefrom, shall also be placed before the Conference.
9. The Committee shall draw on the advice, as necessary, of the Committee on Commodity Problems and its subsidiary bodies, and the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes. In particular, it shall take full account of the responsibllities and activities of those two Committees, in order to avoid overlapping and unnecessary duplication of work,
10. The International Wheat Council shall be invited to participate in the proceedings of the Committee and to cooperate in servicing the Committee.
11. In order to ensure the effective discharge of its functions, the Committee may request the Members to furnish all information required for its work, it being understood that where so requested by the governments concerned, the information supplied shall be kept on a restricted basis, as foreseen in the relevant provisions of the International Undertaking on World Food Security.
12. The Director-General or 0a representative shall participate in all meetings of the Committee and may be accompanied by such officers of the staff of the Organization as he may designate.
13. The Committee shall elect, from among its members, its chairman and the other officers. It may adopt and amend its rules of procedure, which shall be consistent with the Constitution and the General Rules of the Organization.
14. The Committee may decide to establish subsidiary or ad hoc bodice where it considers that such action would expedite its own work, without duplicating the work of existing bodies. A decision to this effect may be taken only after the Committee has examined a report by the Director-General on the administrative and financial implications.
15. When establishing subsidiary or ad hoc bodies, the Committee shall define their terms of reference, composition, and, as far as possible, the duration of their mandate. Subsidiary bodies may adopt their own rules of procedure, which shall be consistent with those of the Committee."
(Adopted 26 November 1975)
352. The Conference recalled that operative paragraph 6 of World Food Conference Resolution XXII had called for the reconstitution of the Intergovernmental Committee (IGC) of the World Food Programme into a Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes, in the following terms:
"Recommends further that the Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme be reconstituted so as to enable it to help and co-ordinate short-term and longer-term food aid policies, recommended by the Conference, in addition to discharging its existing functions. The reconstituted Committee should be called, and function AR, the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes. The Committee should submit periodical and special reports to the World Food Council. The functions of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes should include the following
(a) To provide a forum for intergovernmental consultations on national and international food aid programmes and policies, with particular reference to possibilities of securing improved co-ordination between bilateral and multilateral food aid;
(b) To review periodically general trends in food aid requirements and food aid availabilities;
(c) To recommend to Governments, through the World Food Council, improvements in food aid policies and programmes on such matters as programme priorities, composition of food aid commodities and other related subjects;"
353. Operative paragraph 5 of World Food Conference Resolution XVIII had also recommended that:
"the Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme, reconstituted as recommended in Conference Resolution XXII or. arrangements for follow-up action, be entrusted with the task of formulating proposals for more effective co-ordination of multilateral, bilateral and non-governmental food aid programmes and of co-ordinating emergency food aid."
354. The Conference noted that proposals to give effect to the recommendations of the World Food Conference referred to above had been considered by the IGC at its Twenty-Seventh Session (17-25 March 1975), and that the IGC had submitted draft resolutions to ECOSOC and the FAO Council for Consideration and eventual transmission for adoption by the UN General Assembly and the FAO) Conference. these draft resolutions had been endorsed by the Fifty-Ninth ECOSOC Session (July 1975) and by the Sixty-Sixth FAO Council Session (June 1975).
355. During the discussion of the draft resolution submitted by the Council, reference wee made, in connexion with the composition of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes to the need for adequate representation of Latin American countries and of countries which had important commercial interests in international trade in foodstuffs and for balanced representation as between donor and recipient countries. Mention was also made of the need to observe rotation of membership within regions.
356. The Conference agreed that the IGO should tee reconstituted as a Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes, and adopted the following resolutions
Having considered Resolution XXII of the World Food Conference, which in paragraph 6 recommended that the Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme be reconstituted so as to enable it to help evolve and coordinate short-term and longer term food aid policies recommended by the World Food Conference,
Having noted Resolution 3348 (XXIX: of the United Nations General Assembly endorsing the resolutions of the World Food Conference,
Recalling the Resolutions setting up the World Food Programme as a Programme undertaken jointly by the United Nations and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and establishing, for the purpose of providing guidance on policy administration and operations, an Intergovernmental Committee of twenty-four members, elected half by the FAO Council and half by the Economic And Social Council of the United Nations,
Concurring with the proposals made, on the recommendation of the IGC, by the FAO Council at its Sixty-Sixth Session and the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations at its Fifty-Ninth Session to reconstitute the Intergovernmental Committee so as to Assure the effective evolution and coordination of multilateral, bilateral and non-governmental food aid programmes, in the light of the recommendations set forth in Resolutions XVIII and XXII of the World Food Conference,
Desirous, at the same time to maintain as much as possible the established rules and procedures relating to the operation of the World Food Programme,
1. Decides, subject to the concurrence of the General Assembly of the United Nations, that the Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme shell be reconstituted as the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (here in after referred to as "the Committee)in accordance with the provisions set out in the present Resolution. The Committee shall comprise 30 Member Nations of the Food and Agriculture Organization or States Members of the United Nations, 15 of these Members to be elected by the Economic and Social C Council and 15 by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization, to being understood-it outgoing Members shell be eligible for re-election:
2. Resolves that States already elected as Members of the Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme, pursuant to the provisions of previsions resolutions shall, continue as Members of the Committee for the remainder of their respective terms, and requests the Economic and Social Council and the Council of the Food And Agriculture Organization to elect three additional Members each, one Member each for a term of one year, one Member each for a term of two years, and one Member each for a term of three
3. Decides that thereafter all Members of the Committee shall be elected for a term of three years, and requests the Economic and Social Council and the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization to make such provisions as will ensure that the teems of office of five Members elected by each of the two Councils shall expire in each calendar year;
4. Further requests the Economic and Social Council and the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization, when electing Members of the Committee to take into account the need for balanced representation of economically developed and developing countries and other relevant factors, such as the representation of potential participating countries, both contributing and recipient, equitable geographical distribution, and the representation of both developed and developing countries having commercial interests in international trade in foodstuffs, especially those highly dependent on such trade;
5. Further decides that, in addition to discharging the functions hitherto exercised by the Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme, the Committee shall help evolve and coordinate short-term and longer-term food aid policies recommended by the World Food Conference. It shall in particular:
(a) provide general guidance on the policy, administration and operation of the World Food Programme;
(b) provide a forum for intergovernmental consultations on national and international food aid programmes and policies;
(c) review periodically general trends in food aid requirements and food aid availabilities;
(d) recommend to governments, through the World Food Council, improvements in food aid policies and programmes on such matters as programme priorities, commodity composition of food aid and other related subjects;
(e) formulate proposals for more effective coordination of multilateral, bilateral and non-governmental food aid programmes, including emergency food aid;
(f) review periodically the implementation of the recommendations made by the World Food Conference on food aid policies;
(Adopted 26 November 1975)
C. Role, functions and composition of the FAO council
357. The Conference decided that the Council should consider the whole problem of the constitution and rules of the Council and submit proposals to the Nineteenth Session of the Conference. which should decide on a permanent basis on the role, functions and composition of the Council.
D. Standing committees of the council
Future composition of CCP and COFI and future functions and activities of the CCP
Procedure for acquisition of membership (CCP, COFI, COFO, COAG): Amendment to Article V-6 of the constitution
Terms of reference and periodicity of sessions (COAG)
Future composition of CCP and COFI and future functions and activities of the CCP
358. The Conference recalled that, by virtue of Resolutions 14/71 and 18/71 adopted at its Sixteenth Session, the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) and the Committee on Fisheries (COFI). which had originally been established as standing committees of the Council with a limited membership, had been transformed into Committees open to all interested Member Nations, for an experimental period of four years. The Conference noted that CCP and COFI had expressed the view that, after the expiry of the experimental period, at the end of 1975 their membership should he open to all interested Member Nations on a permanent basis, and the Council concurred with this view.
359. The Conference decided to accept the Council's recommendation that the "open" membership of CCP and COFI be made permanent, and that this decision be reflected in a resolution relating to the method of acquiring membership of "open" committees of the Council.
360. The Conference noted that the CCP and the CCLM as well as the Council at its Sixty-Seventh Session (November 1975) had examined the question of the functions of the CCP and the proposed new Committees on World Food Security and on Food Aid Policies and Programmes, all of which would perform activities in related areas. The Conference noted further that, in order to minimize the possibility of duplication of functions and jurisdictional conflicts between the CCP and the new Committees, the CCP and the CCLM had recommended, and the Council had endorsed, the insertion of a new paragraph in the Rule concerning the CCP which, it was felt, would achieve the purpose of ensuring that these Committees would complement each other in their functions. In this respect, the Conference noted that a corresponding provision had been included in the resolution adopted by the Conference relating to the establishment of a Committee on World Food Security.
361. The Conference, concurring in the recommendations made by the Council, adopted the following resolution:
Noting that Resolution XXII of the World Food Conference, as endorsed by Resolution 3348 (XXIX) of the United Nations General Assembly, recommended inter alia that a Committee on World Food Security be established as a Standing Committee of the FAO Council, and that the intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme be reconstituted as a Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes,
Sharing the views expressed by the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) and by the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) and endorsed by the Council, to the effect that it would be desirable to avoid possible jurisdictional conflicts and duplication of functions of the CCP, the Committee on World Food Security and the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes,
Concurring with the recommendations of the CCP and the CCLM as endorsed by the Council, to the effect that this should be achieved, inter alia, by an adjustment in the provisions of Rule XXIX of the General Rules of the Organization,
Amends the General Rules of the Organization by adding after paragraph 6 of Rule XXIX a new paragraph 7 (the present paragraphs 7 to 10 being renumbered 8 to 11), the text of which reads as follows:
(Adopted 26 November 1975)
362. The Conference recalled that the procedure whereby a Member Nation acquired membership in, standing committees of the Council which were open to all Member Nations provided for in paragraph 6 of Article V of the Constitution and in the General Rules of the Organization relating to those committees, consisted of: (a) a communication addressed to the Director General during a regular Session of the Conference indicating the Member Nation's interest in such membership; and (b) appointment as a member by the Council at its session immediately following the Conference. This procedure had, however, given rise to certain difficulties. Thus, a Member Nation that had omitted to indicate its wish to become a member of a given standing committee of the Council, and which consequently had not been appointed as a member of that committee by the Council at its post-Conference session, could not acquire membership during the current biennium and could only attend sessions of the committee in an observer capacity.
363. This question had been considered by the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) and by the Council which at its Sixty-Sixth Session, had recommended the adoption of a more flexible procedure whereby a Member Nation could acquire membership in an "open" standing committee of the Council, for the biennium, by notifying the Director-General in writing, at any time, of its desire to become a member of the committee and of its intention to participate in the committee's work.
364. The Conference noted that, in accordance with the above procedure, the members of the Programme and Finance Committees and the CCLM would continue to be appointed by the Council, but that this would no longer be the case for members of the "open "standing committees of the Council. As a consequence an amendment to paragraph 6 of Article V of the Constitution would be required, as well as a number of amendments to the General Rules of the Organization.
365. Tire Conference endorsed the recommendations of the Council and accordingly adopted the following resolution:
Recalling its Resolutions 10/71 and 11/71, whereby it established a Committee on Forestry and a Committee on Agriculture to be appointed by the Council and to be composed of Member Nations which notified the Director-General, by a specific date prior to the relevant Council Session, of their desire to become members of such Committees,
Recalling further its Resolutions 14/71 and 18/71 whereby it decided that, for a trial period of four years, the membership of the Committee on Fisheries and the Committee on Commodity Problems should be determined according to the same procedure,
Having noted that certain Member Nations had been unable to comply with the deadline for notifications prescribed by the Rules adopted by the Conference as part of the aforementioned resolutions and had thus been precluded from acquiring membership in the Committees concerned,
Concurring with the recommendation of the Council that the rules concerning acquisition of membership in these Committees should be rendered more flexible in order to enable ail interested Member Nations to participate actively in the work of such Committees,
1. Decides to amend Article V, paragraph 6, of the Constitution to read as follows :"6. /To assist the Council in performing its functions, the Council shall appoint/ In the performance of its functions, the Council shall be assisted by 8 Programme Committee, a Finance Committee...";
2. Adopts the following amendments to the General Rules of the Organization:
(a) Rule XXIX, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, are amended to read as follows :
"1. The Committee on Commodity Problems provided for in paragraph 6 of Article V of the Constitution shall be open to all Member Nations of the Organization. It shall be composed of those Member Nations which notify the Director-General in writing of their desire to become members of the Committee and of their intention to participate in the work of the Committee.
2. The notifications referred to in paragraph 1 may be made at any time and membership acquired on the basis thereof shall be for a biennium. The Director-General shall circulate, at the beginning of each session of the Committee, a document listing the members of the Committee.
3. The Committee shall elect its own Chairman from among its members.";
"1. The Committee on Fisheries provided for in paragraph 6 of Article V of the Constitution shall be open to all Member Nations of the Organization. It shall be composed of those Member Nations which notify the Director-General in writing of their desire to become members of the Committee and of their intention to participate in the work of the Committee.
2. The notification referred to in paragraph 1 may be made at any time and membership acquired on the basis thereof shall be for a biennium. The Director-General shall circulate, at the beginning of each session of the Committee, a document listing the members of the Committee.
3. The Committee shall elect its own Chairman from among its members.";
"1. The Committee on Forestry provided for in paragraph 6 of Article V of the Constitution shall be open to all Member Nations of the Organization. It shall be composed of those Member Nations which notify the Director-General in writing of their desire to become members of the Committee and of their intention to participate in the work of the Committee.
2. The notification referred to in paragraph 1 may be made at any time and membership acquired on the basis thereof shall be for a biennium. The Director-General shall circulate, at the beginning of each session of the Committee, a document listing the members of the Committee.";
"1. The Committee on Agriculture provided for in paragraph 6 of Article V of the Constitution shall be open to all Member Nations of the Organization. It shall be composed of those Member Nations which notify the Director-General in writing of their desire to become members of the Committee and of their intention to participate in the work of the Committee.
2. The notification referred to in paragraph 1 may be race at any time and membership acquired on the basis thereof shall be for a biennium. The Director-General shall circulate, at the beginning of each session of the Committee, a document listing the members of the Committee.";
"(a) elect or appoint the members of the Committees provided for in paragraph 6 of Article V of the Constitution the Chairmen and members of the Programme Committee and the Finance Committee, and the members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters";
"(a) appoint elect the Chairman and members of a 7 the Programme Committee a 7 and the Finance Committee, and a the members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters J. a Committee on Commodity Problems, a Committee on Fisheries, a Committee on Forestry and a Committee on Agriculture.";
(Adopted 26 November 1975)
366. As a practical measure, the Conference considered that it would be desirable for forms to be distributed to delegates, as had been done in the past, in which Member Nations could indicate to the Director-General their wish to become members of given standing committees of the Council.
Terms of reference and periodicity of sessions (COAG)
367. The Conference noted that the Sixty-Fourth Council Session (November 1974) had agreed with the recommendations of the Committee on Agriculture (COAC) concerning the expansion of its terms of reference and the change in the timing of its sessions, and had requested the CCLM to draft appropriate amendments to paragraphs 3 and 5 of Rule XXXII GRO.
368. Pursuant to the amendments prepared by the Thirtieth CCLM Session (May 1975) and subsequently endorsed by the Sixty-Sixth Council Session (June 1975), COAG would be enabled to advise on the overall medium and longer term programme of work, and to review the biennial programme of the Organization, within its field of competence, and their implementation. Moreover, the Committee would normally meet in Conference years instead of non-Conference years.
369. The Conference concurred with the proposed amendments and accordingly adopted the following Resolution:
Considering that upon request of the Sixtieth Session of the Council (June 1973) the Committee on Agriculture (COAG) reviewed and assessed the experience gained during the First and Second Sessions with a view to examining its terms of reference and methods of work,
Considering further that COAG, after examining this question, recommended that its terms of reference be expanded to enable it to advice the Council on the overall medium- and long-term programmes of work of the Organization in the field of food and agriculture and also to review the programmes of work of the Agriculture and the Economic and Social Policy Departments and their implementation on matters falling within its competence,
Noting that the Council, at its Sixty-Fourth Session (November 1974), endorsed COAG's recommendation and requested the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) to draft tile necessary amendments to paragraph 5 of Rule XXXII GRO,
Noting further that the Council also requested the CCLM to draft an appropriate amendment to paragraph 3 of Rule XXXII GRO in order to reflect the change in the timing of the sessions as recommended by COAG,
Having examined the draft amendments to paragraphs 3 and 5 of Rule XXXII GRO prepared by the CCLM and endorsed by the Council,
Decides to amend Rule XXXII, paragraphs 3 and 5, of the General Rules of the Organization as follows:
"Sessions of the Committee shall normally be held once in each biennium, preferably early in Conference years. Sessions shall be convened by the Director-General in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee taking into account any proposals made by the Committee"
5. (a) ..........
(c) review. with similar emphasis. the biennial programmes of work of the Organization and their implementation in areas falling within the competence of the Committee;
(c) (d) ...
(d) (e) ..."
(Adopted 26 November 1975)
E. Amendment to Article VI-3 of the constitution
370. The Conference noted that the Sixty-Sixth Council Session (June 1975) had considered and endorsed the recommendation of the Thirtieth CCLM Session (May 1975) that Article VI-3 of the Constitution and paragraph 35 of the Principles relating to commissions and committees established under Article XIV of the Constitution be amended, 80 as to dispense with the requirement of confirmation by Conference or Council of Rules of Procedure adopted by bodies established under Article VI or Article XIV of the Constitution. The Conference also noted that, in the light of the foregoing, the Council had recommended the following amendments to the Basic Texts:
(b) in paragraph 35 of the Appendix to the Principles appearing in Section P of the Basic Texts the words: "subject to confirmation by the Council" likewise be deleted.
371. The Conference examined the amendments recommended by the Council, in the light of the desirability of simplifying the existing procedures concerning the adoption, approval and confirmation of rules of procedure (and amendments thereto) of bodies established under Article Vl or Article XIV of the Constitution.
372. The Conference approved the proposed amendments, noting at the same time that in due course amendments would be called for to the statutes of Article VI bodies, to certain conventions and agreements under which Article XIV bodies had been established, and to the rules of procedure of such bodies.
373. The Conference accordingly adopted the following resolution:
Recalling that, pursuant to Article VI, paragraph 3 of the Constitution and to paragraph 35 of the Principles it adopted at its Ninth Session, bodies established under Article VI or Article XIV of the Constitution may adopt their own rules, of procedure and amendments thereto which come into force upon approval by the Director-General, subject to confirmation by the Conference or Council, as appropriate,
Concurring with the conclusion of the Council that such bodies should draw up their rules of procedure, subject only to approval by the Director-General,
1. Adopts the following amendments:
(a) Article VI, paragraph 3 of the Constitution is amended by the deletion., in the second sentence, of the words "subject to confirmation by the Conference or Council, as appropriate."
(b) Paragraph 35 of the Principles and Procedures set forth in Appendix D to the Report of the Ninth Session of the Conference is amended by the deletion of the words "subject to confirmation by the Council."
(Adopted 26 November 1975)
F. Statutory report on status of conventions and agreements and on amendments thereto
374. The Conference noted the Statutory Report contained in documents C 75/43 and C 75/43 Sup.1, reflecting the status of conventions and agreements as of 8 November 1975, which the Director-General had submitted in accordance with the provisions of Rule XXI-5 GRO and with established practice.
G. Granting of official status to international organizations
375. The Conference noted the statutory report by the Director-General on the establishment of formal relations with international organizations (excluding the United Nations and Specialized Agencies), both inter-governmental and non-governmental. It further noted that since the issuance of the report working relations had been established with the Industrial Development Centre for Arab States.